课程curriculum 查看更多



China was to reform school curriculum(课程) to ease the burden put on children by pushy teachers and parents eager to see them succeed in an increasingly competitive society.

Chinese pupils were suffering from poor eyesight in increasing numbers and at a younger age. Tiring homework and increasing exam pressure were to blame. The primary reason is the traditional East Asian culture in which all parents want their kids to become dragons or and phoenixes. Too much emphasis is placed on "diplomas" (文凭)and exam scores.

That was exacerbated by the fact that China is a developing nation with 1.3 billion people and its one-child policy. Yuan, a government staff, said, "The competition in employment is fierce and that pressure has been cascaded back to schools. Every parent expects his child to outperform peers. "

The Education Ministry would cut the difficulty of the textbooks, reduce homework, make classes more interesting and limit the number of tests. Another problem the government had to deal with was the education of 13 million rural children who swarmed(涌入)into the cities with their parents working as migrant workers. More than 100 million peasants across the country migrate to the booming cities every year for manual labor and small-time businesses.

But policy hurdles for them to settle in the cities abound, including those that prevent their children from receiving a good education. An estimated 23 million "left-behind children" of migrant workers stay in the countryside

"The government has ordered urban public schools to open up to the 7. 88 million  migrant children of school age," Yuan said, adding private schools are also allowed to accommodate(接纳) some of them.


73. What makes Chinese pupils become nearsighted at a younger age?

A. Exam scores are not regarded to be valuable

B. Parents expect their children to become dragons and phoenixes

C. Dragons and phoenixes are part of traditional Chinese culture.

D. Pupils are asked to do homework more and more.

74. The underlined word "exacerbated" in Paragraph 3 may mean     

A. improved.                     B. proved.

C. worsened.                     D. lightened.

75. How can Chinese government solve the education problem of migrant children?

A. By allowing them to take fewer exams.

B. By making textbooks easier for them.

C. By setting up more private schools for them.

D. By asking urban public schools to admit them

76. What's the main idea of this passage?

A. China will reduce burden on school children.

B. Left-behind children in the countryside receive no education.

C. Children of migrant workers will have a better education.

D. The education of the migrant children receives attention.


--- What do you think of the standard of the new curriculum(课程)?

--- It is certain to have a great _______ upon the future of both teachers and students.







 --- What do you think of the standard of the new curriculum(课程)?

   --- It is certain to have a great _______ upon the future of both teachers and students.

   A. result     B. effect    C. effort      D. affect


 — What do you think of the standard of the new curriculum (课程)?

— It is certain to have a great ________ upon the future of both teachers and students.

A. result        B. effect      C. effort       D. affect


--- What do you think of the standard of the new curriculum(课程)?
--- It is certain to have a great _______ upon the future of both teachers and students.


