其间;同时meanwhile 查看更多



1. 记者;新闻工作者____  
3. photograph____          
5. 快乐的;欣喜的____    
7. unusual____            
9. submit____              
11. colleague____          
13. 集中;全神贯注于____  
15. update____            
17. 告知;通知____        
19. 依靠;依赖____        
21. 指责;谴责;控告____  
23. 为了(做)____        
25. sceptical______        
27. demand____            
2 . 编辑_____            
4. assignment _____            
6. admirable ____        
8. 帮助;协助_____      
10. profession_____      
12. 渴望的;热切的_____  
14. amateur_____          
16. 评估;评定______      
18 . 其间;同时_____      
20. case___              
22. deliberately______    
24. guilty______          
26. dilemma______        
28. 出版;发行______    



1.He has made the _________(许诺)to help me fully.

2.Your statement is in _________(冲突)with the rest of the evidence.

3.She said she was not _________(值得的)to accept the honour they had offered her.

4.Dictionaries should be put where they will be easily _________(易到手的).

5.She’s due to arrive on Thursday._________(其间,同时), what do we do?

6.She _________(提出)the reasons for her resignation in a long letter.

7.Our holiday was _________(限制)to only two weeks.

8._________(代表)my colleagues and myself,I spoke at the meeting.

9.At the time when my boss was on business, I was ready to _________(承担)heavy responsibilities.

10.In drawing up the teaching plan, they _________(参阅)many books.

11.I feel highly _________(荣幸)by your trust.

12.Jim searched _________(从一个商店到另一个商店)in search of Della’s birthday present.

13.I like drinks _________(像)coca and orange juice.

14.Edison _________(建立起)a lab of his own when he was only ten.

15.If you have got a sweet tooth, you will _________(发胖)sooner or later.

16.Once he has made up his mind, nothing can _________(阻止他).

17.Her husband _________(死于)drinking too much wine but she died of sorrow.

18._________(不幸的是), his son fell off the wall and broke both his legs.

19.Whenever she goes out on business, her parents _________(为……担忧)her safety.

20.We Chinese people often drink tea _________(而不是)coffee.

21.The publishing house will in the coming year bring out several very useful dictionaries, _________(例如), an up-to-date Chinese-English dictionary.

22.Police operated _________(在……的保护下)the security forces.

23.Whenever I take out the photos, they will _________(使我想起)the wonderful days I spent together with her.

24.The girl is so lazy that her bedroom is _________(乱七八糟).

25._________(确保)to turn off all the lights when you leave.



Memories of highly charged events, like the London bombings of the 7th July 2005, can be inaccurate and should not be relied on in court, according to a study in Britain. People can create false memories, bringing problems for police investigations.

The simultaneous (同时) bombings of three underground trains and a double-decker bus in London some years ago are imprinted on the minds of many people in Britain.

But our memories of the attacks are unreliable, according to a study from Portsmouth University. Forty percent of British students questioned about the events remembered seeing a film recorded by a CCTV(闭路监控) camera that shows a particular event of the bus bomb——footage(片段) which never existed. A further 28% claimed to have seen a non-existent computerized reconstruction.

Some even recalled specific details of the attack, which none of them witnessed. "The bus had just stopped to let people off when two women and a man got on," said one. "He placed a hag by his side, the woman sat down and as the bus left, there was an explosion. There was a leg on the floor." Another described how the bus had stepped at a traffic light when there was a bright light, an explosion and the roof of the bus was blown off by the power of the explosion.

"Memories are not like videotape you can return to the beginning and replay for perfect recall," said lead researcher James Ost. "Because of this, they are not reliable enough to form the basis of legal decisions." He believes people who are more creative might be more inclined to make these kinds of errors.

60.According to the passage, when people are strongly affected by an event______.

A.all they say about the event is not true

B.they couldn't remember anything

C.they couldn't go on the court to be witnesses

D.they couldn't make any errors on what they see about the event

61.The third paragraph______.

A.tells us what some people saw about the attack

B.shows that some people did create some false memories

C.shows that the London bombing was indeed a terrorist attack

D.shows that some people could remember details of an event

62.The underlined word "inclined" in the last paragraph is closest to the meaning of______.

A.careful                          B.likely                              C.serious                          D.curious

63.What is mainly discussed in the passage?

A.How our memories work.                                      B.False memories.

C.How to avoid false memories.                              D.What can be done to memories.



书面表达 (满分30分)
1. 根据你的体会,结合具体事例,谈谈自己的看法和建议。
2. 词数120左右,短文的开头已给出,不计入词数。
With the fast development of technology, we enjoy its convenience as well as suffer the troubles___________________________________________________________





运动。为了保持平衡饮食,我们应当避免吃太多高热量的食物,比如炸薯条或甜点, 同时






提示词: (1)营养食物:nourishing food  (2) 平衡饮食:balanced diet 

(3) 炸薯条:French fries  (4)甜点:sweets  (5)高热量:high calory


