顽固的;倔强的stubborn 查看更多



New York’s streets were covered by people dressed in elephant costumes (服装) and others waving antiwar posters with pictures of US President George W. Bush on them last week. But this was no carnival (狂欢节) – it was the Republican Party’s National Convention (共和党全国大会), which attracted thousands of protestors (抗议者). It was the largest protest ever at a US political convention, with at least 120,000 people marching through Manhattan on August 29. They demanded that the US leave Iraq and a new president be chosen.

The Republicans say the opposition – Democrat Party (民主党) encouraged the people on to the streets. They believe it is a democratic move to help win presidential election, to be held on November 2. The election is described as “the decisive battle between donkey and elephant”. The two animals are the symbols of the two major political parties in the US. The elephant represents (象征) the Republicans, whose candidate (侯选人), President George W. Bush, is trying to defeat the donkey to win his second them. The donkey represents the democrats, whose candidate, John Kerry, is trying to kick the elephant out of the White House.

Republicans think the elephant is powerful and clever, but the Democrats argue it is stupid and conservative (守旧的). In return, the Republicans regard the donkey as stubborn (倔强的) and silly but the Democrats say it is humble, plain, smart and courageous.

The Republicans have been sending emails to Bush supporters and journalists with the heading, “An Elephant Never Forgets”, said party spokeswoman Heather Layman. Elephants are known for their long memories. The emails suggest that Bush will keep his promises, while Kerry will not stick to his words.

It is interesting that both symbols were created by a single person, Thomas Nast, a famous political cartoonist of the late 19th century. During the election in 1874, Nast drew a cartoon, in which a donkey in a lion’s skin frightened an elephant marked “Republican”.

What does “kick the elephant out of the White House” mean?

A. Drive the animal out of the White House.        B. Drive President Bush out of power.

C. Keep the elephant out of the White House.       D. Insist on Bush’s being elected.

In the eyes of the Republicans, the donkey is considered as      .

A. clever              B. foolish              C. polite              D. brave

Which of the following is NOT true?

A. The same artist created the two symbols.

B. The emails suggest Kerry will not carry out his promises.

C. “An Elephant Never Forgets” means that an elephant has a good memory.

D. John Kerry is a Democrat.


1. Though I haven't met him for many years, I could ____________(认出)him immediately when I saw
him in the crowd.
2. By internet, we can ______________(交流)with people all over the world.
3. He is a _________(倔强的) person. No one can persuade him.
4. They come from Canada, so they are __________ (加拿大人).
5. I don't like the __________(设计)of the tall building.
6. There is no __________ (怀疑) that we will be successful.
7. There are a lot of c__________(文化的) relics in our country.
8.This year their children will __________ (装饰)the house for Christmas.
9. Many Chinese students in the mainland are applying for the ___________(准许) into Hong Kong
University and Macao University.
10. "The Financial Storm"  blew ___________ (猛烈地,暴力地) all over the world, but we Chinese
are brave enough to manage our things.    


1. I have many ________ (亲戚) living in Shanghai.
2. She ________ (弯腰) to pick up her wallet just now.
3. My mother is an ________ (受过教育的) and sensitive woman.
4. The People's ________ (共和国) of China is a developing country.
5. He is as________ (顽固的, 固执的) as a mule.
6. Mary is very ________ (活跃的, 积极的) and she likes all kinds of activities.
7. _______ (陷入困境) in the coal mine, they had no choice but to wait for rescue.
8. Five plus five ________ (等于) ten.
9. Courage is one of the ________ (品质, 质量, 性质) of a good solider.
10. They were ________ (极端地) tired and soon fell asleep.
11. His ________ (坚决的) look showed that he had made up his mind.
12. Of the two the ________ (后者) is better than the former.
13. I have got a very full ________ (时间表, 日程表) today.
14. I think it's warm enough to eat ________ (在户外) this evening.
15. A ________ (连续, 系列) of events happened recently in our city.



  When your pet is sick, you know it needs medication. But pets, like babies, don’t know the pill you want them to take will help them. 71 Here are some tips to help get your pet to take liquid medicine.

72 If the answer is yes, then your easiest path is to mix it with canned food. First give your hungry pet a small amount of canned food without the medication. It’s important that the pet nibbles (一点一点地吃) at the food and sees that there’s nothing wrong.

Next, while the pet is still hungry, mix the medication in a small amount food and present it. Repeat as necessary to get the entire dose (剂量) down. 73  If the pet decides not to finish the meal, the dose will be wasted.

If the chemist says the medication cannot be taken with food, you need a syringe (注射器) or a dropper (滴管) to get the liquid down your pet’s throat.

74 Keep a cheerful tone in your voice so the pet doesn’t sense your stress or hesitation(犹豫). Position your pet where it cannot run away, perhaps having a dog sit with his back against a wall or chair ---- or a cat on your lap.

75 Use your other hand to insert the syringe or dropper between the cheek and back teeth. Slowly squeeze the medication so the pet won’t choke. Try to keep your pet’s mouth closed for approximately 30 seconds until you see it has swallowed. If your pet is being obstinate (倔强的) , stroke (抚摸) its throat gently or blow on the face.

Be sure you end the session with praise and perhaps a treat so your pet will not associate medication with a bad experience.

A. Before you call your pet in, be sure to have the medication and any other materials you’ll need ready.

B. Once the pet is in position, use one hand to gently open the pet’s mouth from above, tilting back(向后倾斜) the head slightly.

C. Ask the vet(兽医) if the liquid medication can be given with food.

D. You should know the reason why the pet refuses to take medicine.

E. Never mix the medication with the full meal.

F. They just know it smells funny and they don’t want it.

G. Don’t force your pet to swallow all the medicine.





  When your pet is sick, you know it needs medication.But pets, like babies, don't know the pill you want them to take will help them.  1   Here are some tips to help get your pet to take liquid medicine.

    2   If the answer is yes, then your easiest path is to mix it with canned food.First give your hungry pet a small amount of canned food without the medication.It's important that the pet nibbles(一点一点地吃)at the food and sees that there's nothing wrong.

  Next, while the pet is still hungry, mix the medication in a small amount food and present it.Repeat as necessary to get the entire dose(剂量)down.  3   If the pet decides not to finish the meal, the dose will be wasted.

  If the chemist says the medication cannot be taken with food, you need a syringe(注射器)or a dropper(滴管)to get the liquid down your pet's throat.

    4   Keep a cheerful tone in your voice so the pet doesn't sense your stress or hesitation.Position your pet where it cannot run away, perhaps having a dog sit with his back against a wall or chair-or a cat on your lap.

    5   Use your other hand to insert the syringe or dropper between the cheek and back teeth.Slowly squeeze the medication so the pet won't choke.Try to keep your pet's mouth closed for approximately 30 seconds until you see it has swallowed.If your pet is being obstinate(倔强的), stroke(抚摸)its throat gently or blow on the face.

  Be sure you end the session with praise and perhaps a treat so your pet will not associate medication with a bad experience.

A.Before you call your pet in, be sure to have the medication and any other materials you’ll need ready.

B.Once the pet is in position, use one hand to gently open the pet's mouth from above, tilting back the head slightly.

C.Ask the vet if the liquid medication can be given with food.

D.You should know the reason why the pet refuses to take medicine.

E.Never mix the medication with the full meal.

F.They just know it smells funny and they don't want it.

G.Don't force your pet to swallow all the medicine.

