导弹;飞弹missile 查看更多



Good news for game lovers― a tank game has come out recently. In this game you are in a tank and the screen shows your view of the landscape outside. You gain points by shooting enemy tanks, supertanks, missiles (导弹) and flying saucers(飞碟).
Expert players can gain scores of around 150,000 points at this game. To get a high score you have to destroy twenty tanks as quickly as possible. After this, the supertanks, missiles and flying saucers appear. These are worth far more points than the ordinary tanks. However, the number of tanks you have to destroy before the supertanks appear varies on different machines.
Try to get close to an enemy tank from the side or the back, so it cannot shoot at you. Then, when you get close, turn to face it, line it up in your sights and fire before it turns to shoot at you. If you miss or are too slow, quickly escape by moving out of the enemy's line of fire. You can then move around the enemy and come in from another side.
When a supertank appears, try to destroy it as quickly as possible. Then wait safely behind an obstacle(障碍物)for a missile or flying saucer. The cubes are useful objects to hide behind as you can fire over them without exposing yourself to danger. The missiles will fly straight at you, but they are difficult to hit, so do not shoot at them until they are quite close. The saucers are much easier to hit, but do not follow them as you will be open to attack from enemy tanks. 
60. This passage is an / a ______ about a game.
A. instruction    B. liberation        C. tradition     D. construction
61. If you hide behind the cubes during an attack, which of the following may not happen?
A. Avoiding being exposed to danger     B. Destroying a missile
C. Firing over missiles or flying saucers   D. Being hit by a missile
62. If you can destroy a supertank, missile or flying saucer, you will get_____.
A. many more points        B. a machine to play with
C. an ordinary tank         D. nothing
63. From the last sentence we can see that you are likely to be attacked by tanks if you_____.
A. hit a flying saucer            B. run after a flying saucer
C. fire straight at a missile        D. shoot at enemy tanks


Good news for game lovers― a tank game has come out recently. In this game you are in a tank and the screen shows your view of the landscape outside. You gain points by shooting enemy tanks, supertanks, missiles (导弹) and flying saucers(飞碟).

Expert players can gain scores of around 150,000 points at this game. To get a high score you have to destroy twenty tanks as quickly as possible. After this, the supertanks, missiles and flying saucers appear. These are worth far more points than the ordinary tanks. However, the number of tanks you have to destroy before the supertanks appear varies on different machines.

Try to get close to an enemy tank from the side or the back, so it cannot shoot at you. Then, when you get close, turn to face it, line it up in your sights and fire before it turns to shoot at you. If you miss or are too slow, quickly escape by moving out of the enemy's line of fire. You can then move around the enemy and come in from another side.

When a supertank appears, try to destroy it as quickly as possible. Then wait safely behind an obstacle(障碍物)for a missile or flying saucer. The cubes are useful objects to hide behind as you can fire over them without exposing yourself to danger. The missiles will fly straight at you, but they are difficult to hit, so do not shoot at them until they are quite close. The saucers are much easier to hit, but do not follow them as you will be open to attack from enemy tanks. 

60. This passage is an / a ______ about a game.

A. instruction    B. liberation        C. tradition     D. construction

61. If you hide behind the cubes during an attack, which of the following may not happen?

A. Avoiding being exposed to danger     B. Destroying a missile

C. Firing over missiles or flying saucers   D. Being hit by a missile

62. If you can destroy a supertank, missile or flying saucer, you will get_____.

A. many more points        B. a machine to play with

C. an ordinary tank         D. nothing

63. From the last sentence we can see that you are likely to be attacked by tanks if you_____.

A. hit a flying saucer            B. run after a flying saucer

C. fire straight at a missile        D. shoot at enemy tanks



Good news for game lovers― a tank game has come out recently. In this game you are in a tank and the screen shows your view of the landscape outside. You gain points by shooting enemy tanks, supertanks, missiles (导弹) and flying saucers(飞碟).

Expert players can gain scores of around 150,000 points at this game. To get a high score you have to destroy twenty tanks as quickly as possible. After this, the supertanks, missiles and flying saucers appear. These are worth far more points than the ordinary tanks. However, the number of tanks you have to destroy before the supertanks appear varies on different machines.

Try to get close to an enemy tank from the side or the back, so it cannot shoot at you. Then, when you get close, turn to face it, line it up in your sights and fire before it turns to shoot at you. If you miss or are too slow, quickly escape by moving out of the enemy's line of fire. You can then move around the enemy and come in from another side.

When a supertank appears, try to destroy it as quickly as possible. Then wait safely behind an obstacle(障碍物)for a missile or flying saucer. The cubes are useful objects to hide behind as you can fire over them without exposing yourself to danger. The missiles will fly straight at you, but they are difficult to hit, so do not shoot at them until they are quite close. The saucers are much easier to hit, but do not follow them as you will be open to attack from enemy tanks. 

60. This passage is an / a ______ about a game.

A. instruction    B. liberation        C. tradition     D. construction

61. If you hide behind the cubes during an attack, which of the following may not happen?

A. Avoiding being exposed to danger     B. Destroying a missile

C. Firing over missiles or flying saucers   D. Being hit by a missile

62. If you can destroy a supertank, missile or flying saucer, you will get_____.

A. many more points        B. a machine to play with

C. an ordinary tank         D. nothing

63. From the last sentence we can see that you are likely to be attacked by tanks if you_____.

A. hit a flying saucer            B. run after a flying saucer

C. fire straight at a missile        D. shoot at enemy tanks




We _________ __________ __________ __________ his bravery in the face of danger.


He stayed under the water and ______ ________ ­­­_________ for some time.


It is hard to keep my eyes ________ __________ the strong sunlight.


Across the painting, ________ Racing Horse, we can see a horse _________ _________ high speed like a missile across the sky.


Our school ___________ ___________ __________ 1913.


In one of Chen Yifei’s paintings, he draws a beautiful young lady sitting there, _________ __________ _________, with a lot of detail ________ ________ the fan in her hand and the cloth of her dress.



BEIJING, CHINA ( Reuters)—China and Russia will make a joint effort to explore Mars and one of its moons in 2009, Chinese media reported on Wednesday following an agreement to strengthen cooperation between the two ambitious(雄心勃勃的) space powers.

A Russian rocket will lift a Chinese satellite and Russian exploration spaceship to survey Mars and Phobos, the biggest of the red planet’s moons, China Daily reported, declared by China’s National Space Administration.

The announcement followed an agreement signed on Monday in Moscow, which Chinese President Hu Jintao has been visiting. A Chinese space official said the agreement would strengthen cooperation between China and Russia, both eager to expand their presence in space as the United States seeks to keep its lead.

“It shows the two sides have taken a key step forward to working on a large space program,’ said the official, according to China Daily.The small Chinese satellite will explore Mars while the Russian spaceship will land on Phobos to explore the environment and dig soil samples(样品).

In 2003, China put a man in space, becoming only the third county to achieve the feat (功绩) after the United States and the Soviet Union(前苏联). It launched a second manned space flight last year and plans to land a person on the moon.

The United States has announced its own plans to expand exploration of Mars and send a manned spaceship there. Washington scolded Beijing in January for testing an anti-satellite missile (导弹、飞弹)that destroyed an old Chinese satellite, scattering(散落) debris(碎片) that could damage other satellites.

1. The underlined word “Phobos” in the passage refers to _____.

  A. a Chinese satellite

  B. a Russian spaceship

  C. a moon of Mars

  D. the biggest planet in space

2. When was the news reported according to the passage?

  A. Two days after the agreement was signed.

  B. On Monday when President Hu was visiting Russia

  C. On the date of agreement being signed in Moscow

  D. In 2003 when a Chinese spaceman was put in space.

3. The cooperation program in space tells us that ____ in 2009.

  A. China and Russia will jointly send up a spaceship to explore Mars

  B. a Chinese satellite will be sent up by a Russian rocket to explore Mars

  C. a Chinese satellite and a Russian spaceship will be sent up to land on Mars 

  D. a Russian spaceship will be sent up to land on Phobos and explore its moon

4. The last paragraph implies that the United States _____.

  A. opposed the cooperation n space between China and Russia

  B. fears that China will be a threat to it in space exploration

  C. feels that it has fallen behind China in space exploration

  D. expands exploration of Mars to prevent China developing missiles


