adolescent青春期的 查看更多




  The early adolescent (青春期少年) seems to be in a state that is difficult for most adults (grown - ups) to understand. Parents, in particular, are often at lass to be able to deal with someone they thought they knew but who seems changed. Change ability and contradiction arc true to young people at this time. They want to depend on themselves and refuse to accept their parents’ control, appearing at times rebellious (叛逆的). At the same time they almost foolishly follow other young people’ s standards of dress, music and manners. They seem to be completely self - centred materialistic one moment, then suddenly change themselves to an unselfish giving of themselves in the service of some social and political cause. They can be extremely thoughtless or inexperienced one day, terribly sensitive the next. Their spirits can change within minutes from being on top of the world to feeling that everything is hopeless. Consistency is totally missing, and these rapid changes and contradictions seem hard to understand.

1.From the information given in the article, we know parents find adolescents hard to understand because ________.

[  ]

A.they are always self - centred and thoughtless

B.they want to depend on themselves

C.the parents fed lost

D.they lack consistency

2.The topic sentence says, “The early adolescent seems to be in a state that is difficult for most adults to understand. “What do you think the state is like?




D.Easy to be angry.

3.Adolescents are at times extremely rebellious towards their parents, yet foolishly accept other young people’s standards. This is an example of ________.

[  ]

A.not knowing right from wrong

B.political service

C.lack of consistency


4.The writer probably thinks ________.

[  ]

A.adolescents are sensitive

B.adolescents are treated too - softly in today’s society

C.adolescence is a difficult period

D.parents should be more strict with their adolescent children



School failure appears to trouble teenage girls more deeply than boys, US researchers said on Tuesday.

  They said adolescent(青春期的)girls who are dismissed or drop out of high school before they graduate are more likely to have a serious depression by age 21 than boys with similar experiences.

  “For girls it is more serious to be school failure,” said Carolyn McCarty, a University of Washington researcher whose study appears in the Journal of Adolescent Health.

  “We already know that it leads to more poverty, higher rates of being on public assistance and lower rates of job stability. And now this study shows it is having mental health implications for girls,” McCarty said in a statement.

  The study was drawn from data on more than 800 people in Seattle, Washington, and included people from 18 schools in high-crime neighborhoods.

  The group was separated evenly by gender(性别)and nearly half were white, 24 percent were black, 21 percent were Asian-American and the rest were from other groups.

  Overall, 45 percent of the girls and 68 percent of the boys in the study experienced a major school failure, but 22 percent of the girls later became depressed compared with 17percent for the boys.

  “This gender shows that while school failure is more typical for girls, it appears to have more severe consequences when it does occur,” McCarty said.

  60. What is the purpose of writing this article?

      A Taking good care of the school boys.

      B Asking the US researchers to search more evidences.

      C Giving help to the graduated students.

      D Paying more attention to the girls experiencing school failure.

 61. Carolyn McCarty is ______________

      A a scientist     B a researcher     C a professor     D a student

 62. The underlined word”it” in para.4 means__________

     A school failure    B a adolescent girl    C a school boy    D a university

  63.Which of the following could be the best title of this passage?

     A School failure appears to trouble teen-age girls more deeply than boys

     B Girls are more possible to experience school failure

     C Gender has decided how much success you will win

     D Adolescent girls are more easily depressed than boys


School failure appears to trouble teenage girls more deeply than boys, US researchers said on Tuesday.

    They said adolescent (青春期的) girls who are dismissed or drop out of high school before they graduate are more likely to have a serious depression by age 21 than boys with similar experiences.

    “For girls it is more serious to be school failure,”said Carolyn McCarty.a university of Washington researcher whose study appears in the Journal of Adolescent Health.

    “We already know that it leads to more poverty,higher rates of being on public assistance and lower rates of job stability.And now this study shows it is having mental health implications for girls,”McCarty said in a statement.

    The study was drawn from data on more than 800 people in Seattle,Washington,and included people from 1 8 schools in high-crime neighborhoods.

    The group was separated evenly (平等的) by gender (性别) and nearly half were white. 24 percent were black,21 percent were Asian-American and the rest were from other groups.

    Overall,45 percent of the girls and 68 percent of the boys in the study experienced a major school failure,but 22 percent of the girls later became depressed compared with 17 percent for the boys.   

    “This gender shows hat while school failure is more typical for girls,it appears to have more severe consequences when it does occur,”McCarty said.

60.What is the purpose of writing this article?

    A.Taking good care of the school boys.

    B.Asking the US researchel"8 to search more evidences

      C.Giving help to the graduated students.

      D.Calling on us to pay more attention to the school failure girls.

61.Carolyn McCarty is          .   

    A. a scientist    B. a researcher   C. a professor    D. a student

62.The underlined word“it”in Para.4 means              

    A. school failure                   B. an adolescent girl

    C. A school boy                     D. a university

63.Which of the following could be the main topic of this passage?

    A.School failure appears to trouble teenage girls more deeply than boys.

    B.Girls are unlikely to be affected by school failure.

    C.Gender has decided how much success you will win.

    D.Adolescent girls are more easily depressed than boys.


     School failure appears to trouble teenage girls more deeply than boys, US researchers said on Tuesday.
     They said adolescent (青春期的) girls who are dismissed or drop out of high school before they graduate
are more likely to have a serious depression by age 21 than boy with similar experiences.
     "For girls it is more serious to be school failure," said Carolyn McCarty, a University of Washington
researcher whose study appears in the Journal of Adolescent Health.
     "We already know that it leads to more poverty, higher rates of being on public assistance and lower rates
of job stability. And now this study shows it is having mental health implications for girls," McCarty said in a
     The study was drawn from data on more than 800 people in Seattle, Washington,and included people from
18 school in high-crime neighborhoods.
     The group was separated evenly by gender (性别) and nearly half were white, 24 percent were black, 21
percent were Asian-American and the rest were from other groups.
     Overall, 45 percent of the girls and 68 percent of the boys in the study experienced a major school failure,
but 22 percent of the girls later became depressed compared with 17 percent for the boys.
     "This gender shows that while school failure is more typical for girls, it appears to have more severe
consequences when it does occur," McCarty said.
1. What is the purpose of writing this article?
[     ]
A. Taking good care of the school boys.
B. Asking the US researchers to search more evidences.
C. Giving help to the graduated students.
D. Paying more attention to the girls experiencing school failure.
2. Carolyn McCarty is _____.
[     ]
A. a scientist
B. a researcher
C. a professor
D. a student
3. The underlined word "it" in Para. 4 means _____.
[     ]
A. school failure
B. a adolescent girl
C. a school boy
D. a university


     It doesn't have to be war. But sometimes, it is. As the caretakers of the family, mothers mainly control the
family's course through the trouble of their daughters' adolescent (青春期的) years. As such, they often feel it
their duty to make sure that each member survives and grows stronger. As a result, mothers often feel a greatly
increased burden (负担 ) during their daughters' adolescence.
     It's far from easy to live with someone who is experiencing rapid changes in how she looks,thinks and feels. Mostly, girls' changing bodies usually make their mothers uncomfortable. Just when girls are turning into
shapely young women, mothers are often in or near midlife. It may be difficult to live with adolescent daughters who remind them of their ever diminishing (减少的 ) youth.
     Mothers mainly describe feeling scrutinized (细察) by their teens. As one mother put it," Living with my
daughter is like having my own personal X-ray machine." This is because your daughter's effort to develop her
own individuality (个性) drives her to examine your every action. This is totally different from her early
childhood, when you often could do no wrong or were the"best mother in the world".
     Some women have a hard time dealing with trouble, so their teenage daughters' challenging behavior is
particularly unwelcome. Thinking back to when your daughter was a little girl, you probably expected her to
get into quarrels with others. Since your daughter has reached adolescence, you may believe that your daughter
should be beyond all that. She should know how to get along with people-especially with you.
     Remember that this period passes, and mothers and daughters often end up close friends. But for now,
you're the adult, so enjoy the sufferings.
1. According to the first paragraph, the "war" should happen between _____.

A. mothers and fathers
B. parents and children
C. mothers and daughters
D. fathers and sons

2. What does the second paragraph mainly tell us?
A. Dealing with trouble may hurt mothers.
B. Mothers become older and older.
C. Daughters' growth affects mothers.
D. Mothers often fall behind society's development.
3. Why do mothers often feel scrutinized by their daughters?
A. Daughters have X-ray machines.
B. Daughters are building their own personalities.
C. Daughters are strict with mothers' appearance.
D. Daughters are making jokes on mothers.
4. What is mothers' expectation of their adolescent daughters?
A. They are friendly to people.
B. They can face life's challenges.
C. They make quarrels with others.
D. They should do no wrong.

