tournament联赛;比赛;锦标赛 查看更多




    Harold had worked in an electrical company for over 40 years. He was ready to  36  soon. His wife Martha,  37  , was less enthusiastic. As she explained to a friend, “Harold has never done anything that  38  physical effort. He never played golf, mowed the lawn (修整草坪) or even washed the windows.  39  he retires, he will sit in his easy chair and  40  me to bring him his food.”

   But to Martha’s  41 , soon after he retired Harold joined a health club. And one night, when he arrived home from exercise class, he announced, “I  42  for the wrestling tournament (联赛). I am going to  43  on Friday night.”

   Martha was shocked. “Please don’t do it. Harold,” she begged. “ You’re not in  44 . You will be so beaten up that they will have to  45  you home!” However, he couldn’t be  46  and she told him that if he went through with his “lame idea”, she was not going to  47 .

   She stayed away that Friday evening as Harold wrestled. Then about 10:00 p.m., just as she predicted, two men  48  carried Harold home. He lay down on the couch, aches and pains. Before she could speak, he  49 , “Don’t say a word, Martha! This is not the worst of it. I  50  tonight. I have to wrestle again tomorrow night!”

   Harold worked hard for his  51 , but he may not have been ready to succeed! He proved, however, that when you combine  52  with the belief that you can do a certain thing, very great results will often follow.

   In fact, I believe Harold may have even  53  himself. As Dr. Norman Vincent Peale said, “People become really quite  54  when they start thinking that they can do things. When they believe in themselves they have the first  55  of success.”

36.    A. travel                B. rest                           C. work                      D. retire

37.    A. moreover           B. besides                      C. however                 D. still

38.    A. required             B. deserved                   C. wasted                    D. reduced

39.    A. Since                 B. Until                         C. When                     D. Before

40.    A. demand              B. expect                       C. need                       D. allow

41.    A. joy                    B. surprise                     C. sorrow                   D. regret

42.    A. pick out             B. took on                     C. signed up               D. put off

43.    A. wrestle              B. box                           C. swim                      D. shoot

44.    A. large                  B. shape                        C. line                         D. sight

45.    A. drive                  B. force                        C. pick                        D. carry

46.    A. allowed              B. bothered                    C. persuaded               D. advised

47.    A. watch                B. help                          C. cheer                      D. treat

48.    A. angrily               B. kindly                       C. heavily                    D. readily

49.    A. ordered              B. shouted                     C. screamed                D. said

50.    A. paid                   B. failed                        C. won                       D. tried

51.    A. fame                  B. wealth                       C. position                   D. success

52.    A. sweat                B. tear                           C. energy                    D. patience

53.    A. conducted          B. surprised                   C. scared                    D. enjoyed

54.    A. selfless              B. generous                   C. unusual                   D. smart

55.    A. enjoyment          B. way                          C. secret                     D. story



  Long after the 1998 World Cup was won, disappointed fans were still scolding the disputed(争论)refereeing decisions that took victory to their team.A researcher was sent to study the performance of some top referees.

  The researcher organized an experimental tournament(联赛;锦标赛)including four youth teams.Each match lasted an hour, divided into three periods of 20 minutes during which different referees were in charge.

  Observers noted down the referees' errors, of which there were 61 over the tournament.Converted(转变)to a standard match of 90 minutes, each referee made almost 23 mistakes, a remarkable high number.

  The researcher then studied the videotapes to analyze the matches in detail.Surprisingly, he found that errors were more likely when the referees were close to the incident.When the officials got it right, they were, on average,17 meters away from the action.The average distance in the case of errors was 12 meters.The research shows the optimum(合适的)distance is about 20 meters.

  There also seemed to be an optimum speed.Correct decisions came when the referees were moving at a speed of about 2 meters per second.The average speed for errors was 4 meters per second.If FIFA, football's international ruling body, wants to improve the standard of refereeing at the next World Cup, it should encourage referees to keep their eyes on the action from a distance, rather than rushing to keep up with the ball, the researcher argues.He also says that FIFA's insistence that referees should retire at age 45 may be misguided.If keeping up with the action is not so important, their physical condition is less critical(关键).


The findings of the experiment show that ________.

[  ]


errors are more likely when a referee keeps close to the ball


the farther the referee is from the incident, the fewer the errors


the more slowly the referee runs, the more likely will errors occur


errors are less likely when a referee staying in one spot


The underlined word“officials”most probably refers to ________.

[  ]


the researchers involved in the experiment


the inspectors of the football tournament


the referees of the football tournament


the observers at the site of the experiment


What is one of the possible conclusions of the experiment?

[  ]


The ideal retirement age for an experienced football referee is 45.


Age should not be the chief consideration in choosing a football referee.


A football referee should be as young and energetic as possible.


An experienced football referee can do well even when in poor physical condition.


Long after the 1998 World Cup was won, disappointed fans were still scolding the disputed(争论)refereeingdecisions that took victory to their team. A researcher was sent to study the performance of some top referees.

The researcher organized an experimental tournament(联赛;锦标赛)including four youth teams. Each match lasted an hour, divided into three periods of 20 minutes during which different referees were in charge.

Observers noted down the referees' errors, of which there were 61 over the tournament. Converted(转变)to a standard match of 90 minutes, each referee made almost 23 mistakes, a remarkable high number.

The researcher then studied the videotapes to analyze the matches in detail.   Surprisingly, he found that errors were more likely when the referees were close to the incident. When the officials got it right, they were, on average,17 meters away from the action. The average distance in the case of errors was 12 meters. The research shows the optimum(合适的)distance is about 20 meters.

There also seemed to be an optimum speed. Correct decisions came when the referees were moving at a speed of about 2 meters per second. The average speed for errors was 4 meters per second. If FIFA, football's international ruling body, wants to improve the standard of refereeing at the next World Cup, it should encourage referees to keep their eyes on the action from a distance, rather than rushing to keep up with the ball, the researcher argues. He also says that FIFA's insistence that referees should retire at age 45 may be misguided. If keeping up with the action is not so important, their physical condition is less critical(关键).

1.The findings of the experiment show that ________.

A. errors are more likely when a referee keeps close to the ball

B. the farther the referee is from the incident, the fewer the errors

C. the more slowly the referee runs, the more likely will ?errors occur

D. errors are less likely when a referee staying in one spot

2.The underlined word “officials” most probably refers to ________.

A. the researchers involved in the experiment

B. the inspectors of the football tournament

C. the referees of the football tournament

D. the observers at the site of the experiment

3.What is one of the possible conclusions of the experiment?

A. The ideal retirement age for an experienced football referee is 45.

B. Age should not be the chief consideration in choosing a football referee.

C. A football referee should be as young and energetic as possible.

D. An experienced football referee can do well even when in poor physical condition.



  For the rest of March, a disease will sweep across the US.It will keep kids home from school.  1   Employees will suddenly lose their ability to concentrate.

  The disease, known as “March Madness”, refers to the yearly 65-team US men's college basketball tournament(联赛).  2   Teams compete against each other in a single-elimination(单局淘汰)tournament that eventually crowns a national champion.

  Nearly 20 million Americans will find themselves prisoners of basketball festival madness.The fun comes partly from guessing the winners for every game.Friends compete against friends.  3   Colleagues against bosses.

  Big-name schools are usually favored to advance into the tournament.But each year there are dark horses from little-known universities.

  This adds to the madness.Watching a team from a school with 3,000 students beat a team from a school with 30,000, for many Americans, is an exciting experience.Two years ago, the little-known George Mason University was one of the final four teams.  4  

  College basketball players are not paid, so the game is more about making a name for their university and themselves.  5   About $ 4 billion will be spent gambling on the event.According to Media Life magazine, the event will bring in $ 500 million in advertising income this year, topping the post -season income of every US professional league, including that of the NBA.

A.Husbands against wives.

B.The players will go all out for the games.

C.But that doesn't mean money isn't involved.

D.College students will ignore(忽视)piles of homework.

E.People are willing to spend more money on watching it.

F.It begins on March 15 and lasts through the beginning of April.

G.Many people had never even heard of the university before the tournament.


Sometimes your biggest weakness can become your biggest strength. Take, for example, the story of one boy who decided to study judo(柔道)____ 1____the fact that he had lost his____ 2____in a car accident.

The boy began lessons with an old Japanese judo master. The boy was doing__ 3__, but he couldn’t understand____ 4__ , after three months of training, the master had taught him only one move(招数). “Sensei” the boy finally said, “____5____I be learning more moves(招数)?” Not quite understanding, but believing in his teacher, the boy____ 6____training.

Several months later, the sensei took the boy to his____ 7____ tournament(联赛).____8____himself, the boy easily won his first two matches. The third match proved to be more difficult, but after some time, his opponent became____ 9____and charged; the boy skillfully used his one move to____10____the match. Still amazed by his success, the boy was now in the finals.

This time, his opponent was____11____and more experienced. Soon the____12____appeared to be overmatched.____ 13____ the boy might get__14__ , the referee would call a time-out. He was about to stop the match____15____the sensei stopped it. “No,” the sensei insisted, “Let him__16 __.”

Soon after the match renewed, his opponent made a deadly mistake: he____17____his guard. Instantly, the boy used his move to beat him. On the way home, the boy and sensei 18____every move in every match. Then the boy gathered the____19____to ask his master, “Sensei, how did I win the tournament with only one move?”

“Two reasons,” the sensei answered. “First, you’ve____20____mastered one of the most difficult throws. Second, your opponent always failed to grab your left arm.”

A. considering         B. for            C. despite            D. though

A. right arm           B. left arm        C. right leg         D. left leg

A. poorly              B. badly        C. hardly         D. well

A. why                 B. how         C. that         D. what

A. Mustn’t            B. Shouldn’t        C. Haven’t         D. Wouldn’t

A. stopped        B. resisted         C. kept         D. hated

A. first        B. second         C. third         D. final

A. Finding        B. Moving        C. Wondering         D. Surprising

A. uncomfortable        B. injured        C. impatient        D. excited

A. win        B. lose        C. defeat         D. beat

A. much fatter         B. more excited         C. stronger   D. more skillful

A. opponent         B. boy         C. sensei         D. referee

A. Concerning        B. Believing in        C. Supposing     D. Cared

A. angry        B. lost         C. hurt        D. tired

A. when         B. while        C. which        D. how

A. stop         B. lose        C. train        D. continue

A. fell        B. dropped         C. wore        D. put on

A. reviewed        B. remembered        C. reminded        D. restored

A. information         B. strength        C. courage        D. energy

A. never        B. almost        C. seldom         D. hardly

