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 The Sanlu Milk Powder event is a clear indication that food safety is a big problem; nobody can __    _ all foods are secure to us, but we are sure that the situation is turning for the better.

A. acknowledge       B. guarantee           C. identity                   D. clarify




An old sea captain was often seen opening a small locked box, and looking inside. The crew’s curiosity grew and, on the day he retired, they rushed to cut the lock. There they found a sheet of paper that read, “Left—port(左舷). Right--- starboard(右舷).”

Are you afraid to make a mistake? If you made mistakes recently, maybe you need to hear about Roy Riegels.

The story is told about Roy and the 1929 Rose Bowl championship football game between Georgia Tech and the university of California. Shortly before halftime, Roy Riegels made a huge mistake. He got the ball for California and somehow became confused and started running in the wrong direction! One of his teammates tackled(抢断) him after he had run 656 yards, just before he would have scored for the opposing team. Of course, Georgia Tech gained a distinct(明显的) advantage through the error.

After the first half was over, Riegels sat in a corner, put his face in his hands and wept.

Coach Nibbs Price struggled with what to do with Roy. He finally looked at the team and said simply, “Men, the same team that played the first half will start the second.”

All the players except Roy went to the field. Though the coach looked back and called to him again, he remained seated in the corner. Coach Price went to him and said, “Roy, didn’t you hear me?”

“Coach,” he said, “I can’t do it. I’ve ruined you; I’ve ruined the school; I’ve ruined myself.”

But the coach Price put his hand on Riegels’ shoulder and said,” Roy, get up and go on back; the game is only half over.”

Roy Riegels went back and those Tech men will tell you that they have never seen a man play football as well as Roy Riegels played that second half.

The next time you make a mistake, it might be good to remember the ABC method.

A—Acknowledge(admit) your error and accept responsibility for it. Don’t try to fix the blame on other people or circumstances(客观环境). When you fix the blame, you never fix the problem.

B—Be gentle with yourself. The game is only half over. This is not the first mistake you ever made, nor will it be the last. You are still a good and caring person. Besides, later you may laugh at the mistake, so try to lighten up a bit now.

C—Correct it and move on. Correcting mistakes may also mean to amends(弥补过错),if necessary.

Now, go make your mistakes. And if you practice the ABC method, you’ll live to laugh about many of them.

67. The old captain kept a sheet of paper to_____.

A. give his men a lesson

B. arouse his crew’s curiosity

C. prove he was a good captain

D. tell “port” and “starboard” apart

68. From the passage we learn Coach Price______.

A. insisted on replacing Roy

B. decided to punish Roy after the match

C. criticized Roy for his serious mistake

D. encouraged Roy to finish the match

69. How was Riegels’ performance in the second half?

A. Very disappointing  B. Rather excellent  C. Fairly ordinary  D. Quite bad

70. The ABC method_____.

A. advised you to try to forget mistakes

B. helps you deal with mistakes 

C. helps find out the causes of mistakes

D. advised you to be strict with yourself.



Dear Students,

Thank you for your interest in helping with the investigation into mumps(腮腺炎) at University of East Anglia(UEA).

Part 1: What will the oral fluid/saliva sample be tested for?

The oral fluid sample you provide will be tested for mumps antibodies and mumps virus. We will not be reporting results back to individual students. The information gathered will be used to guide public health control of mumps. We will update you via emailing the final outcome to acknowledge your contribution. If you think you have mumps, you will still need to see your GP as per routine.

Part 2: What is involved in the investigation?

(1) We will be contacting you by post to request two oral fluid/saliva samples a few weeks apart and possibly a third sample.

(2) We will contact your GP to collect information on your vaccination records.

What if you change your mind and what safeguards are in place?

Participation is voluntary.

You can withdraw anytime without having to give a reason. Withdrawal will not affect your routine care.

As a public health body, the HPA data collection role is strictly governed. All data will be collected and handled in accordance with strict medical confidences.

Part 3: What to do next if you would like to enroll?

All you have to do now is:

(1)Follow the instructions on the box with regards to taking an oral fluid/saliva swab(棉签).

(2)Complete the request form. If you are unable to complete the vaccination history section, you can leave it blank.

(3)Confirm your consent by signing below.

(4)Send everything (sample form, signed consent and swab sample) back in the prepaid envelope —a stamp is not required.

If you have any queries, please contact Dr. Chee Yung on 0208 327 7603.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

I consent to take part in the oral fluid/saliva investigation of mumps at UEA by the HPA.


Full name:           


(   ) 1..  This passage is written mainly to         .

    A. find the virus that leads to mumps           B. raise funds for HPA

    C. guide public health control of mumps     D. encourage students to help investigate mumps

(   ) 2..  It can be inferred from the passage that GP refers to         .

    A. parent               B. doctor               C. colleague            D. classmate

(   ) 3..  According to the passage, the following statements are true EXCEPT that         .

    A. all the students at University of East Anglia have to take part in the investigation

    B. you don’t need to explain why you want to withdraw from the investigation

    C. individual students will not be informed of the test results

    D. your routine care will not be affected if you withdraw from the investigation

(   ) 4... The data of the investigation will be         .

    A. sent to the GP by the HPA                        B. collected by individual students

    C. managed according to strict medical confidences      D. strictly secret to the HPA

(   ) 5..  To enroll the investigation, you have to         .

    A. complete the vaccination history section of the request form

    B. send the sample form, the signed consent and the swab sample back at your own expense

    C. do as the instructions on the box about how to take an oral fluid/saliva swab

    D. contact Dr. Chee Yung on 0208 327 7603



1During the First World War, some Americans indirectly benefited because of the war. With two million white men fighting in Europe and no new immigrants entering the country, many jobs in the United States became available to blacks and women for the first time.

2Both groups proved their ability to do any kind of job. Women became railway conductors, brick layers, and factory workers. Their presence in traditionally male workplace produced many problems. Men were annoyed by women’s higher productivity and willingness to work for lower pay. Working mothers were often criticized for leaving their families. But many women welcomed the responsibilities. “It was not until our men were called overseas,” said one woman bank executive, “that we make any real onslaught on the realm of finance, and became tellers, managers of departments, and junior and senior officers.”

3Women who did not take jobs helped in the war effort in other ways. They made uniforms, rolled bandages, and campaigned for the sale of Liberty Bonds to help finance the war.

4American manufacturers offered jobs to large numbers of black Americans for the first time as a result of the war. Most factories were located in the North. To take advantage of these new job opportunities, many black families moved from their homes in the South to the Northern cities such as Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Buffalo, Chicago, and Detroit.

5White Americans were of two minds about the role of black Americans in the war effort. On the one hand, black workers’ ability to learn new jobs quickly and do them well strengthened the home front, and the black men’s fighting ability helped the Allies win the war. However, many whites did not want to acknowledge that blacks were capable, effective workers. White soldiers returning from the war had no desire to compete for jobs with blacks on equal terms. At the same time, many blacks were not willing to a lesser role once the war had ended.

1.Why could American women and backs find jobs during World War I?

A. They were taken to serve the war.                B. They had their equal right at that time.

C. Workforce was in great need.               D. They had better productivities.

2.Which of the following is Untrue according to the above passage?

A. Blacks women were not allowed to fight in World War I.

B. All American women went to work during World War I.

C. Northern cities applied more blacks during World War I.

D. Women and blacks earned a lot during World War I.

3.Which of the following is the main idea of the whole passage?

A. Americans benefited a lot from World Ward I.

B. World War I had strong effect on America.

C. Some Americans benefited from World War I indirectly.

D. U.S.A. women and blacks contributed much in World War I.

4.Which of the following shows the right structures of the above passage?

A. 1→23→45             B. 1→2→3→4→5

C. 1→23→4→5                     D. 123→4→5



Most parents take strong views against computer games which children are addicted to and _______ the closing of all net bars for such games.?

A. appeal B. acknowledge      C. advocate     D. admit?

