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  Friends are very important in people’s lives.No one can live alone in the world without friends.I think it’s easy to make friends with other people and build a friendship between each other.However, I think it is not easy to get a true friendship.

  So what is true friendship? In my opinion, a true friendship includes four aspects(方面).

  First of all, a true friendship requires people to treat their friends truthfully and believe each other.In other word, you must not take advantage of your friends.For example, some people make friends in order to cheat money and emotion, or obtain(获取)a certain secret and so on.I think these are all not true friendship.

  Second, true friends must try their best to help each other.For instance, a true friend will use personal connections to help a friend get something hard to obtain such as a job, an appointment with a good doctor, an easier path through an official procedure(步骤)or an introduction to another person who might also be able to give help.If a friend is indeed in need of money to escape from some trouble or buy some necessary things, true friends might give each other money and help each other financially over a long period of time.

  Third, friends must share their happiness and sadness as well.One of the greatest men once said:“If you tell your happiness to your friend, you will get double happiness.If you tell your sadness to your friend, you will get half sadness.” It is true.A true friend will give you comfort and emotional support when you are sad.

  Forth, a true friendship is a relationship that endures(经得起)through changes in the lives of the friends.People expect their friendship to stay the same over a long period of time even for a lifetime, no matter where and when they are.

  In a word, a true friendship must depend on people to believe each other, help each other, and share their happiness and sadness to each other.


According to the writer, ________.

[  ]


it is not easy to make friends


when one is friendly to you, he will be your friend


true friend is hard to find


a friend can help you in everything


From this passage, we know that ________.

[  ]


money plays the key role in making friends


a true friend must last for a lifetime


friends can not depend on each other on money matters


friends should help each other out of trouble


The title of this passage is ________

[  ]


Be careful with making friends!


Cheat! Cheat! Another cheat!


Money or friend?


True friendship.


The underlined word “financially” most probably means ________.

[  ]








on money



What is True Friendship?

  Friends are very important in people’s lives.No one can live alone in the world without friends.I think it’s easy to make friends with other people and build a friendship between each other.However, I think it is not easy to get a true friendship.

  So what is true friendship? In my opinion, a true friendship includes four aspects(方面).

  First of all, a true friendship requires people to treat their friends truthfully and believe each other.In other words, you must not take advantage of your friends, trust but not cheat them.For example, some people make friends in order to cheat money and emotion, or obtain(获取)a certain secret.I think these are all not true friendship.

  Second, true friends must try their best to help each other.For instance, a true friend will use personal connections to help a friend get something hard to obtain such as a job, an appointment with a good doctor, an easier path through an official procedure(步骤)or an introduction to another person who might also be able to give help.If a friend is indeed in need of money to escape from some trouble or buy some necessary things, true friend might give each other money and help each other out financially over a long period of time.

  Third, friends must share their happiness and sadness as well.One of the greatest men once said:“If you tell your happiness to your friend, you will get double happiness.If you tell your sadness to your friend, you will get half sadness.” It is true.A true friend will give you comfort and emotional support when you are sad.

  Fourth, a true friendship is a relationship that endures(经得起)through changes in the lives of the friends.People expect their friendship to stay the same over a long period of time, maybe for a lifetime, no matter where and when they are.

  In a word, a true friendship must depend on people to believe each other, help each other, and share their happiness and sadness to each other.


According to the writer, ________.

[  ]


it is not easy to make friends


when one is friendly to you, he will be your friends


true friends are hard to find


a friend can help you in everything


From this passage, we know that ________.

[  ]


money plays the key role in making friends


a true friends must last for a lifetime


friends can not depend on each other on money matters


friends should help each other out of trouble


The main idea of this passage is “________”.

[  ]


Be Careful with Making Friends!


Cheat! Cheat! Another Cheat!


Money or Friend?


True Friendship


The underlined word “financially”most probably means ________.

[  ]








on money

