criterion标准;尺度 查看更多



Women, as all research suggests, are far more critical of their appearance than men. Most of them are likely to feel dissatisfied with their reflection in the mirror.
It is quite possible that men looking in the mirror are either pleased with what they see or indifferent. Research shows that men generally have a much more positive body-image than women---if anything, they may tend to over-estimate their attractiveness. Some men looking in the mirror may literally not see the flaws in their appearance.
Why are women so much more self-critical than men? Because women are judged more on their appearance than men, and standards of female beauty are considerably higher and more inflexible. Women are continually bombarded (轰炸) with images of the “ideal” face. And constant exposure to idealized images of female beauty on TV, magazines and billboards makes exceptional good looks seem normal and anything short of perfection seem abnormal and ugly.  It has been estimated that young women now see more images of outstandingly beautiful women in one day than our mothers saw throughout their entire adolescence.
Also, most women trying to achieve the impossible standards of female beauty have in fact become progressively more unrealistic during the last century. In 1917, the physically perfect woman was about 5 feet 4 inches tall and weighed nearly 10 stone. Even 25 years ago, top models and beauty queens weighed only 8% less than the average women, now they weigh 23% less. The current media ideal for women is achievable by less than 5% of the female population---and that’s just in terms of weight and size. If you want the ideal shape, face etc., it’s probably more like 1%.
【小题1】The passage is mainly to _____________. different views on beauty between women and men
B.tell us that standards of female beauty are very high
C.explain why women are more critical of their appearance than men us that women pay more attention to their appearance than men
【小题2】Which of the following is NOT the reason why women are more critical of their appearance?
A.People pay more attention to their appearance than men’s.
B.The criterion (标准;准则) used to judge women’s beauty is more critical and less changeable.
C.Idealized images of female beauty are constantly shown in different media.
D.Women tend to pursue perfection by nature.
【小题3】Which statement is true about men?
A.Few men will feel pleased when they are looking themselves in the mirror.
B.Men looking in the mirror usually ignore the flaws in their appearance.
C.It is likely that men will consider themselves more attractive than they really are.
D.Men don’t care about their body image.
【小题4】Nowadays, if an average woman weighs 110 pounds, then a physically perfect woman should weigh about _________.
A.85 poundsB.101 poundsC.90 poundsD.135 pounds
【小题5】What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
A.Most women try to achieve the standards of beauty.
B.The standards of female beauty. in the past were more easily achieved than today.
C.Women are more unrealistic in their pursuit of beauty than men.
D.Less than 5% of the female population can achieve the current media ideal for women.


Women, as all research suggests, are far more critical of their appearance than men. Most of them are likely to feel dissatisfied with their reflection in the mirror.

It is quite possible that men looking in the mirror are either pleased with what they see or indifferent. Research shows that men generally have a much more positive body-image than women---if anything, they may tend to over-estimate their attractiveness. Some men looking in the mirror may literally not see the flaws in their appearance.

Why are women so much more self-critical than men? Because women are judged more on their appearance than men, and standards of female beauty are considerably higher and more inflexible. Women are continually bombarded (轰炸) with images of the “ideal” face. And constant exposure to idealized images of female beauty on TV, magazines and billboards makes exceptional good looks seem normal and anything short of perfection seem abnormal and ugly.  It has been estimated that young women now see more images of outstandingly beautiful women in one day than our mothers saw throughout their entire adolescence.

Also, most women trying to achieve the impossible standards of female beauty have in fact become progressively more unrealistic during the last century. In 1917, the physically perfect woman was about 5 feet 4 inches tall and weighed nearly 10 stone. Even 25 years ago, top models and beauty queens weighed only 8% less than the average women, now they weigh 23% less. The current media ideal for women is achievable by less than 5% of the female population---and that’s just in terms of weight and size. If you want the ideal shape, face etc., it’s probably more like 1%.

1.The passage is mainly to _____________. different views on beauty between women and men

B.tell us that standards of female beauty are very high

C.explain why women are more critical of their appearance than men us that women pay more attention to their appearance than men

2.Which of the following is NOT the reason why women are more critical of their appearance?

A.People pay more attention to their appearance than men’s.

B.The criterion (标准;准则) used to judge women’s beauty is more critical and less changeable.

C.Idealized images of female beauty are constantly shown in different media.

D.Women tend to pursue perfection by nature.

3.Which statement is true about men?

A.Few men will feel pleased when they are looking themselves in the mirror.

B.Men looking in the mirror usually ignore the flaws in their appearance.

C.It is likely that men will consider themselves more attractive than they really are.

D.Men don’t care about their body image.

4.Nowadays, if an average woman weighs 110 pounds, then a physically perfect woman should weigh about _________.

A.85 pounds         B.101 pounds        C.90 pounds         D.135 pounds

5.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

A.Most women try to achieve the standards of beauty.

B.The standards of female beauty. in the past were more easily achieved than today.

C.Women are more unrealistic in their pursuit of beauty than men.

D.Less than 5% of the female population can achieve the current media ideal for women.



     You are not given false information first that sounds as if it could be the answer to the question. An
instance(例证) of this may be that the information given matches one of the answers, but does not meet
the criterion(标准) given in the question-the person could be talking about last week when the question
asks about next week. The correct information usually, if not always, comes afterwards.
      Nearly right is not the same thing as right; examinations often give information that sounds more or
less correct, but is in some way unsatisfactory. Adverbs and modals(情态动词) are often used to send
you the wrong way; the listening text might use “ She may well be late” - and the question “ She will be
late” this is not an exact match and consequently(结果) could easily be the wrong answer. It has to be
     In longer listening passages, they often try to lend you to lose concentration by having quite long
sections where no information relevant(有关的) to the exercise is given. But then out of the blue
(unexpectedly) they hit you with a couple of answers in quick turns.
     Although most longer listening passages begin with an introduction that lets you get into the flow
before they start testing you, you can not depend on this; the first word could in theory(理论) be the
answer to the first question.
     Examiners will often place a word directly from the passage in a wrong answer and use a synonym
(同义词) in the correct answer. Check the meaning and do not rely on word recognition to get the right
1. In what situation will the passage be useful? (please answer within 10 words)
2. Please fill in the blank with proper words and phrases. (please answer within 10 words)
3. Translate the underlined sentence in the passage into Chinese.
4. Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?
  It is what the word means not which word it is that should be the criterion of the correct answer.


You are not given false information first that sounds as if it could be the answer to the question. An instance(例证) of this may be that the information given matches one of the answers, but does not meet the criterion(标准) given in the question—the person could be talking about last week when the question asks about next week. The correct information usually, if not always, comes afterwards.

Nearly right is not the same thing as right; examinations often give information that sounds more or less correct, but is in some way unsatisfactory. Adverbs and modals(情态动词) are often used to send you the wrong way; the listening text might use “ She may well be late” – and the question “ She will be late” this is not an exact match and consequently(结果) could easily be the wrong answer. It has to be ________.

In longer listening passages, they often try to lend you to lose concentration by having quite long sections where no information relevant(有关的) to the exercise is given. But then out of the blue (unexpectedly) they hit you with a couple of answers in quick turns.

Although most longer listening passages begin with an introduction that lets you get into the flow before they start testing you, you can not depend on this; the first word could in theory(理论) be the answer to the first question.

Examiners will often place a word directly from the passage in a wrong answer and use a synonym(同义词) in the correct answer. Check the meaning and do not rely on word recognition to get the right answer.

1. In what situation will the passage be useful? (please answer within 10 words)



2. Please fill in the blank with proper words and phrases. (please answer within 10 words)



3. Translate the underlined sentence in the passage into Chinese.



4. Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?

It is what the word means not which word it is that should be the criterion of the correct answer.



5. Which of the above suggestions in the passage do you think is the most useful to you? Why? (please answer within 30 words)








  There are various ways in which individual economic units can interact with one another.Three basic ways may be described as the market system, the administered system, and the traditional system.

  In a market system individual economic units are free to interact among each other in the marketplace.It is possible to buy commodities from other economic units or sell commodities to them.In a market, transactions may take place via barter or money exchange.In a barter economy, real goods such as automobiles, shoes, and pizzas are traded against each other.Obviously, finding somebody who wants to trade my old car in exchange for a sailboat may not always be an easy task.Hence, the introduction of money as a medium of exchange eases transactions considerably.In the modern market economy, goods and services are bought or sold for money.

  An alternative to the market system is administrative control by some agency over all transactions.This agency will issue commands as to how much of each good and service should be produced, exchanged, and consumed by each economic unit.Central planning may be one way of administering such an economy.The central plan, drawn up by the government, shows the amounts of each commodity produced by the various firms and allocated to different households for consumption.This is an example of complete planning of production, consumption, and exchange for the whole economy.

  In a traditional society, production and consumption patterns are governed by tradition; every person's place within the economic system is fixed by parentage, religion, and custom.Transactions take place on the basis of tradition, too.People belonging to a certain group or caste(阶级)may have an obligation to care for other persons, provide them with food and shelter, care for their health, and provide for their education.Clearly, in a system where every decision is made on the basis of tradition alone, progress may be difficult to achieve.An inactive society may result.


What is the main purpose of the passage?

[  ]


To outline contrasting types of economic systems.


To explain the science of economics.


To argue for the superiority of one economic system.


To compare barter and money-exchange markets.


In the second paragraph, the underlined word “real” could best be replaced by ________.

[  ]










According to the passage, a barter economy can generate ________.

[  ]


rapid speed of transactions






difficulties for the traders


According to the passage, who has the greatest degree of control in the administered system?

[  ]


Individual households.


Small businesses.


Major corporations.


The government.


Which of the following is not mentioned by the author as a criterion(标准)for determining a person's position in a traditional society?

[  ]


Family background




Religious beliefs.



