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1.What is the man?

[  ]

A.He is a policeman.

B.He is a taxi driver.

C.He is a postman.

2.What will the woman probably do?

[  ]

A.Lock the computer lab later.

B.Leave with the man.

C.Show the man where the lab is.

3.What's the probable relationship between the man and the woman?

[  ]

A.Doctor and patient.

B.Husband and wife.

C.Manager and customer.

4.How will the man and the woman travel?

[  ]

A.By bus.  B.By airplane.  C.By car.

5.When are Francie and Mike getting married?

[  ]

A.In August.  B.In June.  C.In July.



6.What had gone wrong in their house?

[  ]

A.Their washing machine.

B.The electricity.

C.The lights.

7.Which of the following is true?

[  ]

A.Mr Smith did nothing for them at all.

B.Mr Smith asked too much money from them for the work.

C.Mr Smith did help them but couldn't solve the problem completely that day.

8.Why did the man think repairing the wires was too much?

[  ]

A.Because he wanted to buy a car.

B.Because he doesn't have a car.

C.Because their car needed repairing.


9.How long have Gary and his family lived here?

[  ]

A.They have lived here for about a year.

B.They are new here.

C.They have lived here since he started school.

10.How is the life for a new child in a school?

[  ]

A.Easy.  B.Interesting.  C.Hard.

11.Who felt nervous that day?

[  ]


B.The new student.

C.Gary's mother.


12.What does Dr Wilson teach?

[  ]

A.English.  B.Maths.  C.Chemistry.

13.Which subject will Fred probably get an “A” in?

[  ]

A.History.  B.Maths.  C.Chemistry.

14.What will Dr Wilson do in order to help Fred have a good chance to get an “A”?

[  ]

A.She will give her students two more tests.

B.She will give her students two less tests.

C.She will ask her students to write a composition in English.


15.Why does the women repeat the man's question. “What's wrong with it?”

[  ]

A.She is angry.  B.She is puzzled.  C.She is pleased.

16.Where are the man's cigarettes?

[  ]

A.On the carpet.  B.On the tree.  C.In the dustbin.

17.What does the woman think of housework?

[  ]

A.Not very important.

B.Not very easy.

C.Nothing at all.


18.Why didn't Jane go to see the film?

[  ]

A.She had to teach.

B.She took an exam.

C.She had to prepare for an exam.

19.What did Jim find especially moving in the film?

[  ]

A.The farmers reaction(反应)to the loss of the crop.

B.The farmer's moving speech.

C.The way the farmers cried.

20.How did Jim tell Jane about the film?

[  ]

A.Telephoned her.

B.By writing a note.

C.Talked to her face to face.

