definite确切的;肯定的 查看更多



Read and choose(阅读理解):

In recent years, advances in medical technology have made it possible for people to live longer than in the pastNew medicines and machines are being developed every day to extend lifeHowever, some people, including some doctors, are not in favor of these life-extending measures, and they argue(争辩)that people should have the right to die when they wantThey say that the quality of life is as important as life itself, and that people should not be forced to go on living when conditions of life have become unbearable(不可忍受的).They say that people should be allowed to die with dignity(尊严)and to decide when they want to dieOthers argue that life under any conditions is better than death and that the duty of doctors is always to extend life as long as possibleAnd so the battle goes on and on without a definite(确切的)answer

1The best title of this passage is“______”

[  ]

AThe Right to Live   BThe Right to Die

CDoctor's duty      DDeath or Life

2People can now live longer than in the pastIt is because of ______

[  ]

Athe development of medical technology

Bbig hospitals

Cgood medical workers

Dboth B and C

3According to the writer's opinion, ______

[  ]

Adeath is better than life

Blife is better than death

Cneither death nor life is good

Dnone of the above

4The expression “life-extending measures” in this passage means ______

[  ]

Aexaminations of people's health

Bmachines doing exercise

Cways to make people live longer

Dthe right of dying with dignity

5Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

[  ]

AMost of the medical workers join in the argument

BThe argument has ended in favor of the doctors

CThe argument hasn't ended yet

DThe quality of life is as important as life itself, so people should be allowed to die under any conditions



1.Just at that time, I began to s_______________ (怀疑) whether to tell her that matter.

2.There was a c_______________ (冲突) between the accounts of the witnesses.

3.And today’s difficulty will not be t_______________ (暂时的).

4.The final between Spain and Italy made a deep i_______________ (印象) on the football fans.

5.High fever is only a s_______________ (症状) of this kind of disease, not a cause.

6.You must have a s _______________ (确切的;特定的) aim if you want to go to college.

7.The crowd a_______________ (前进)towards the gates of the palace.

8.The girl was so happy to find a v_______________(多样性) of flowers in the garden.

9.His explanations were too c_______________ (复杂的).

10.My parents do not a_______________ (批准,赞成) of my staying up late.



Air is an odorless (无气味的), invisible (看不见的) gas that surrounds the earth. It is everywhere on the planet. An “empty” drinking glass and an “empty” room, to give two examples, are not really empty. Each is filled with air. When the glass is filled with water, the water pushes the air out of the glass.

Air, as a gas, has no definite (明确的) shape, but, because it is matter, it takes up space. It is easy to prove that air is something that takes up space. Stuff a dry handkerchief into the bottom(底部) of a glass so that it will not fall out when the glass is turned upside-down. Push the upside-down glass; hold it straight into a jar of water till the glass is completely covered. When the glass is taken out of water, the handkerchief will be dry. The air inside the glass takes up space and keeps the water from coming in.

1.What does the underlined word “Stuff” (in Paragraph 2) mean?

A.Press tightly.                           B.Take out.

C.Put down.                             D.Turn fully.

2.The writer tells us that _______.

A.the experiment is done in the laboratory

B.the experiment is done outside the room

C.the experiment is easily done

D.the experiment is carried out indoors

3.Which of the following pictures gives us the correct result?

( W—water;  A—air;  H—handkerchief )



Air is an odorless (无气味的), invisible (看不见的) gas that surrounds the earth. It is everywhere on the planet. An “empty” drinking glass and an “empty” room, to give two examples, are not really empty. Each is filled with air. When the glass is filled with water, the water pushes the air out of the glass.
Air, as a gas, has no definite (明确的) shape, but, because it is matter, it takes up space. It is easy to prove that air is something that takes up space. Stuff a dry handkerchief into the bottom(底部) of a glass so that it will not fall out when the glass is turned upside-down. Push the upside-down glass; hold it straight into a jar of water till the glass is completely covered. When the glass is taken out of water, the handkerchief will be dry. The air inside the glass takes up space and keeps the water from coming in.
【小题1】What does the underlined word “Stuff” (in Paragraph 2) mean?

A.Press tightly. B.Take out.
C.Put down.D.Turn fully.
【小题2】The writer tells us that _______.
A.the experiment is done in the laboratory
B.the experiment is done outside the room
C.the experiment is easily done
D.the experiment is carried out indoors
【小题3】Which of the following pictures gives us the correct result?
( W—water;  A—air;  H—handkerchief )



Ⅳ 写作(共四节,满分45分)


86 He was expected to give the police a s_______ (确切的) and detailed account of the accident. 

87. He likes this job for its f___________ (弹性的)working hours.

88. To deal with this, our government should take a__________ (合适的)measures.

89. The new government has b_____ (禁止) strikes (罢工行动) during the festivals.

90. There is a lot of a_______ (焦虑) among the staff about possible job losses.

91. Our new factory is turning out large q_________ of goods.

92. Under no c_______________ (情况) can their marriage be approved by their parents.

93. We had a____________(绝对地) no intention of stopping our business

94. You should be a_________(羞愧) of yourself for telling such lies.

95. You’ve done well; is there any efficient way a________(采用) to improve the work?

96. To defend against diseases, we should lead a healthy life, s_________(加强) our immune


97. In autumn, the temperature in this city v_______(变化) from 10℃to 30℃ in a day.

98. No employer was willing to g__________(保证)the workers regular employment at that time.

99. The rise in carbon dioxide is causing a s________(持续) increase in global warming.

100.The sound legal system effectively prevents those officials from a_______(滥用) their power.


