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Directions:Read the following three passages.Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage.

  A rccent study of anclent and modern clcphants has come up with the uncxpeclcd conclusion that the african elcphant is dividcd into two disinct(不同的)species

  The discovery was made by researchers at yod and haycard yniwersities when they were examining the genetid relinship between the ancient woolly manmmth and mastodon to modern ckephants ins asoan alepnant a feoan forest elephant and afcican sannna clephant

  Once they obfantcd DNA sequences{序列}from two fossils{化石},mammothd and mastodons the team comparcd them with dna form ,modcrn eleohants they found to their amazement that modern forest and sabanna elephants are as distinct from cach other as asian elephants and manmoths he scientists used detailed genetic anatysis to proce that the african savanna clelhants hace been distinct species for several million years the divcrgonce of the ttwo species took place around the time of the of the dicergcncc of asian clephants and woolly mammoths this result amazed all the scienitsts

  There has long been debate in the scientific community that the two might be separespecies but this is the most convincing scientinfic evidence so far that they are anded difforent species

  Preci many naluralists believed that afrjcan savanna elephants and airican forest were two plpulations of the same apecies despite the clcphants signigice\ant sizw differences the sac\vanna elelphant has an average shouldcr height of 3.5metres while the forest slsphant has an average shouldcr height of 2.5metres the sacanna laphant welghs belween six anp secedn tons roughly double the weight of the forest elephant but the fact that they look so different does not neccssarily mean they are different species howecer the prooflay in the analysis of th DNA

  Alfred roca allisant professor in the dcoamment of animal scienccs at the unicerstiu of said “wu now nave to reat the forest and savanna elephants at two diffcrcnt units for consrrbation pucpooses since 1950 all african ele[hants are two cery distinctice animals the forest ele[hant shoule become a bigger prioity(优先)for conscrvation puruose”


one of the fossols studied by the reaearchers if that of ________

[  ]


the asian elephant


the forest elephant


the savnna clcphant


the maslodon elephant


the underlined word “divergence” in p[aragraph 4means “________”

[  ]










68.the resarchcrs conclusion was based on a study of the a frican elephant's ________

[  ]










What are Alfred Roca's words mainly about?

[  ]


The conservation of African elephants.


The urose of studing African elephants.


The way to divide African elephants into two units


The reason for the distinction of African elephants.


Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

[  ]


Naturalists' Beliefs about Elephants


Amazing Experiments baout Elephants


An Unexpected Finding about Elephants


A Long Scientific Debate baout Elephants


Complete the sentence with the right word. The first letter of the word is given. (10 points)

1.There is n_______________ like a holiday to make us feel bored on the beaches.

2.He was deeply m______________ by the moving novel.

3.I will a____________________ it if you help me out of the difficulty.

4.Our a_________________ towards English learning should be improved usually.

5.The opening c__________________of the Olympic Games was so wonderful that it improved us with its fireworks.

6.The p__________________of our school is so strict that we dare not come to school late, or  we will be punished by our headteachers.

7.We often do much r______________ before exams to pass the exams.

8.He was a____________ to Beijing University this year,and he is the only one to study there.

9.In the lab , we do experiments following the i_________________ of our teacher.

10.My first day at senior high school was u______________________, and it will live in my heart.



第四部分:单词和短语拼写  (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


56. Doing morning exercises surely has some b_____________ effects on our health.

57. You’d better a_____________ yourself to the life here as soon as possible.

58. A baby is too young to be a_______________ of the dangers around it.

59. Only members of the club have the p______________ of using the sports facilities.

60. People of that remote village are mainly o______________ with agriculture.

61. Everybody in our class is required to p______________ in the spring outing.

62. No one knows _______  ________ what happened to him. (肯定没人知道他发生了何事。)

63. I ______  _____ an old friend I hadn’t seen for years.(我碰巧遇见了多年未见的老朋友。)

64. He lived _____________  ______________. (他过得很舒服。)

65. Later, man began to _____________  ______________ the places where the food and water were plentiful.(后来,人们开始在有充足的食物和水的地方定居下来。)





Without more coal _____ (增添) to the fire, it would soon go out.

The doctor _____ (建议) my father not to smoke but failed.

It is not easy to educate _____ (青少年).

I saw little or nothing of him after ______ (毕业).

We were _____ (震惊) at the way our neighbor treats his son.

Boys enjoy _____ (骑自行车) to school.

Two thirds of the people died or were i_____ during the earthquake.

He went to the town with the p_____  of buying a new television.

She looked calm, but a_____ she was very nervous.

The sun r_____ in the east and sets in the west every day.


Complete the sentences with the right word, whose first letter has already been  given. ( 10 points )

1.We must realize that using too many d________ paper cups will cause a lot of waste and serious pollution.

2.In those earthquake-stricken areas, food, tents as well as medicine were u_________ needed as thousands of people became homeless or seriously injured.

3. The p_________ of the Harry Potter Series made the author J. K. Rowling world-famous overnight.

4.A thousand words will not leave so deep an i___________as one deed(行动), so please take some action to catch the opportunity to practise your English if you really want to make progress.

5.According to the report, this kind of e____________ products causes no harm to the atmosphere, but it remains to be seen whether it is effective.

6.It’s reported that the p___________of imported music to exported music is about 50:1 in China now.

7.As this painting is a perfect c________ of eastern and western styles, it will surely be sold at a very high price.

8.When faced with trouble, you should keep calm and try to come up with a solution instead of just c_________.

9.Since your purpose of going to school is to o_________ knowledge, why do you waste so much time playing?

10.This TV programme is to test how easily a common person can be c________ to change his mind and make a purchase.


