Give me a s of your report-I have no time to read right through it. 查看更多



66. The poor man was s________ by lightning and he was almost killed.

67. Lucy had many f________ before finding the right method.

68. Give me a s________ of your report―I have no time to read right through it.

69. Can you tell me the g________ idea of this passage?

70. The service of v________ in the 2008 Beijing Olympics was thought highly of.

71. Don’t keep scolding Jim. He has r________ doing that and promised never to do that again.

72. G________, with repeated experiences, children begin to form mental images of the object or person.

73. Our teachers won’t t________ any cheating on exams.

74. The P________ in Egypt were among the seven wonders of the world.

75. Nowadays, it’s too much of an e________ to own a car―the prices of fuels are too high.





W:I expected you’d come to my birthday party yesterday.

M:I’m terribly sorry,Susan.I had to see off a friend of mine at the airport last night.

1.Why does the man apologize to the woman?

A.He had to say goodbye to his friend at the airport.

B.He didn’t go to the woman’s party last night.

C.He had to go to another city with his friend.

M:I must apologize for not meeting you at the airport this afternoon.You must have been unhappy.

W:Well,you should have let me know that you weren’t coming.

2.How does the woman feel?

A.Very glad.

B.Very painful.

C.A little angry.

W:I’m sorry to have kept both of you waiting.The car was held up in the traffic.

M:That’s all right.We just got here ourselves.

3.How many people are there in the dialogue?




W:You are going to New York today,aren’t you?

M:Yes.I had thought I would fly,but then I decided that taking a bus would be cheaper than driving or flying.

4.How will the man get to New York?

A.By air.

B.By bus.

C.By car.

W:Daddy,have you decided what to do tomorrow?

M:We’ll go boating if it is fine.

W:Wonderful! I’m sure it will be fine.I’ve listened to the weather report.

5.What are they going to do tomorrow?

A.They are going to listen to the weather report.

B.They will go swimming.

C.They will go boating.




M:Excuse me,I’m trying to do some work.I’m afraid your children are making a lot of noise.Don’t they ever go to sleep?

W:I’m sorry.They are noisy.But you know it’s difficult to keep boys quiet.

M:I couldn’t work and I couldn’t sleep last night.And I was wakened by the noise they made early this morning.

W:I’m terribly sorry.You know they never listen to me.They are only afraid of their father.He’s away on business,but he’ll be back tomorrow.

M:I hope he can do something about it.

6.What is the relationship between the two speakers?

A.They are parent and teacher.

B.They are close friends.

C.They are neighbors.

7.What can you learn from the dialogue?

A.The man is making complaint to the woman.

B.The man is making some suggestion to the woman.

C.The man is satisfied after talking to the woman.

8.What’s not the result of the children’s noise?

A.The man couldn’t work.

B.The man couldn’t sleep.

C.The man couldn’t eat.


M:Oh,come in.

W:I just dropped in to return these books.Are you getting dinner ready? Something smells good.

M:Oh,I’m just preparing some noodles.

W:I thought your wife did the cooking.

M:She did,but she said she would come home late today.

W:So you’re the cook.What are you having with the noodles?

M:Some cabbages and tomatoes.Why don’t you stay and have dinner with us?

W:Thanks,but not today.I have to hurry off.Maybe some other time.

9.Where does this dialogue take place?

A.At the man’s home.

B.In a restaurant.

C.In a company.

10.Why does the woman come to the man’s home?

A.She wants to have dinner with him.

B.She comes to return some books.

C.She wants to learn how to cook.

11.Who does the cooking now?

A.The man.

B.The woman.

C.The man’s wife.


M:Don’t you just love this store? Every time I go through all the things here,I always find something interesting.

W:I know what you mean.Look at this box of clothes over here.Each piece costs only one dollar.

M:Look at what I got here!

W:What? So now you’re interested in wool coats all of a sudden.The weather is too warm for it,I think.

M:No,not that.I’m talking about this jacket from the 1950s.Isn’t it nice?

W:Yes,it is.It only costs five dollars,too.

M:I think if I clean it up a little and get the button fixed,it’ll look like it’s worth a million dollars!

W:I think I’m going to buy this little skirt and then I’ll be ready to go.How about you?

M:I’m ready anytime you are.

12.What are the speakers doing?

A.Trying on clothes.

B.Buying new clothes.

C.Buying old clothes.

13.What is the man interested in?

A.A coat.

B.A shirt.

C.A jacket.

14.What can we learn about the piece of clothes the man is interested in?

A.Some buttons are missing.

B.It’s worth millions of dollars.

C.It was made in 1950.


M:Hi,Jane.It’s nice to see you again.I heard you went to the US during your vacation.

W:Yes.I went to New York to attend a summer course in English.

M:Wow.You were lucky.How long did you stay there?

W:About 50 days.I went there on July 5th and came back on August 25th.

M:How about the course?

W:The course was very good.The teachers were nice.They taught us to listen,speak,read and write in English,but it was mostly speaking.One interesting thing I found was that the American classes are different from our classes here because they are very free.You can sit anywhere you like in the classroom.You can ask the teacher questions at any time during the class,and you are welcome to share your ideas with the class.I really liked this kind of class.

M:How interesting! Maybe our teacher should try that.

15.What was the woman’s main purpose in going to New York during the vacation?

A.To learn English.

B.To visit an American family.

C.To do business.

16.When did the woman come back from America?

A.On July 5th.

B.On July 6th.

C.On August 25th.

17.What in particular did the woman like about the American classes?

A.The teachers were kind.

B.The students were quite free.

C.There were too many activities in class.


  Mr.Grey was the manager of a small office in London.He lived in the country,and came to work by train.He liked walking from the train station to his office unless it was raining,because it gave him some exercise.

  One morning he was walking along the street when a stranger stopped him and said to him,“You may not remember me,sir,but seven years ago I came to London without a penny in my pockets.I stopped you in the street and asked you to lend me some money,and you lent me five pounds,because you said that you were willing to take a chance so as to give a man a start on the road to success.”

  Mr.Grey thought for a few minutes and then said,“Yes,I remember you.Go on with your story.”

  “Well,” answered the stranger,“are you still willing to take a chance?”

18.Why did he walk from the station to his office?

A.To save money.

B.To buy something necessary.

C.To have more exercise.

19.Which of the following statements may be true?

A.The stranger once asked Mr.Grey for money.

B.The stranger and Mr.Grey knew each other very well.

C.The stranger was going to give Mr.Grey his money back.

20.What did the last sentence mean?

A.He wanted to give Mr.Grey a chance to help others.

B.He wanted to ask Mr.Grey for some more money.

C.He hoped Mr.Grey could help him to be successful in his work.


I opened my new patient's chart and headed for her room. My son, Eric, had just brought home a disappointing report card, and my daughter, Shannon, and I had argued again about her getting a driver's license. For the next eight hours I wanted to throw myself into helping people who I knew had much more to worry about than I did. Rebekah, mother of three lovely little girls, was only 32, admitted for chemotherapy after breast-cancer surgery, When I gave her an injection, Rebekah shut her eyes tightly and murmured a prayer until it was over. Then she smiled and squeezed my hand. “Before you go, could you get my Bible from the table?" I handed her the worn book. "Do you have a favorite Bible verse?" she asked. "Jesus wept. John 11: 35." "Such a sad one," she said. "Why?""It makes me feel closer to Jesus, knowing he also experienced human sorrow." Rebekah nodded thoughtfully and started flipping through her Bible as I shut the door quietly behind me.

During the following months, her hospital stays became frequent and she worried about her children. One day when I entered her room, I found her talking into a tape recorder. She picked up a notebook and held it out to me. "I'm making a tape for my daughters, " she said. I read the list on her pad: starting school, confirmation, turning 16, first date, graduation. While I worried how to help her deal with death, she was planning for her children's future. She usually waited until the early hours of the morning to record the tapes so she could be free from interruptions. She filled them with family stories and advice,trying to cram a lifetime of love into a few precious hours. Finally, every item in her notes had been checked off and she entrusted the tapes to her husband.

I often wondered what I would say in her place. My kids joked that I was like an FBI agent, with my constant questions about where they’d been and who they’d been with. Where, I thought, are my words of encouragement and love?

It was three o'clock one afternoon when I got an urgent call from the hospital. Rebekah wanted me to come immediately with a blank tape. She was breathing hard when I entered her room. I slipped the tape into the recorder and held the microphone to her lips. "Ruthie, Hannah, Molly, this is the most important tape." She held my hand and closed her eyes. "Someday your daddy will bring home a new mommy. Please make her feel special. Show her how to take care of you. Ruthie, honey, help her get your Brownie uniform ready each Tuesday. Hannah, tell her you don't want meat sauce on your spaghetti. Molly, don't get mad if there's no apple juice. Drink something else. It's okay to be sad, sweeties. Jesus cried too. He knows about sadness and will help you to be happy again. Remember, I'll always love you. I shut off the recorder and Rebekah sighed deeply. "Thank you, Nan, "You'll give this one to them, won't you?" she murmured as she slid into sleep.

A time would come when the tape would be played for Rebekah's children, but right then, after I smoothed Rebekah's blanket, I got in my car and hurried home. I thought of how my Shannon also liked her sauce on the side and suddenly that quirk, which had annoyed me so many times, seemed to make her so much more precious. That night the kids didn't go out; they sat with me long after the spaghetti sauce had dried onto the dishes. And we talked, without interrogations, without complaints,late into the night.

1.From the first paragraph we can learn that ____________ .

A. Nan was in a bad state and wept a lot in her daily life.

B. Nan was not on good terms with her children.

C. Nan was worried about how to help Rebeka deal with her death.

D. Nan laid more stress on attending on her patients than her children.

2.Which of the following scenes was most likely to be seen at Nan’s home before she met Rebekah?

A. The family sat down in a circle and shared an interesting story.

B. After dinner, the children either went out or shut themselves up in their rooms.

C. The son was the headache of the parents while the daughter their comfort.

D. When Eric did poorly at school, the parents comforted him and cheered him up.

3.Which was the most vital message Rebekah left to her children?

A. Bringing home satisfying school report cards 

B. Landing a job after graduation

C. Growing up healthily and happily          

D. Accepting their step-mother into their lives.

4.The writer learnt from Rebekah that a parent’s real concern should be_______.           .

A. protecting the children from the dangers they may be trapped in.

B. having encouraging and loving talks with children.

C. making tape records to guide the children in their future lives.

D. tolerating the children’s annoying quirks.



I opened my new patient's chart and headed for her room. My son, Eric, had just brought home a disappointing report card, and my daughter, Shannon, and I had argued again about her getting a driver's license. For the next eight hours I wanted to throw myself into helping people who I knew had much more to worry about than I did. Rebekah, mother of three lovely little girls, was only 32, admitted for chemotherapy after breast-cancer surgery, When I gave her an injection, Rebekah shut her eyes tightly and murmured a prayer until it was over. Then she smiled and squeezed my hand. “Before you go, could you get my Bible from the table?" I handed her the worn book. "Do you have a favorite Bible verse?" she asked. "Jesus wept. John 11: 35." "Such a sad one," she said. "Why?""It makes me feel closer to Jesus, knowing he also experienced human sorrow." Rebekah nodded thoughtfully and started flipping through her Bible as I shut the door quietly behind me.
During the following months, her hospital stays became frequent and she worried about her children. One day when I entered her room, I found her talking into a tape recorder. She picked up a notebook and held it out to me. "I'm making a tape for my daughters, " she said. I read the list on her pad: starting school, confirmation, turning 16, first date, graduation. While I worried how to help her deal with death, she was planning for her children's future. She usually waited until the early hours of the morning to record the tapes so she could be free from interruptions. She filled them with family stories and advice,trying to cram a lifetime of love into a few precious hours. Finally, every item in her notes had been checked off and she entrusted the tapes to her husband.
I often wondered what I would say in her place. My kids joked that I was like an FBI agent, with my constant questions about where they’d been and who they’d been with. Where, I thought, are my words of encouragement and love?
It was three o'clock one afternoon when I got an urgent call from the hospital. Rebekah wanted me to come immediately with a blank tape. She was breathing hard when I entered her room. I slipped the tape into the recorder and held the microphone to her lips. "Ruthie, Hannah, Molly, this is the most important tape." She held my hand and closed her eyes. "Someday your daddy will bring home a new mommy. Please make her feel special. Show her how to take care of you. Ruthie, honey, help her get your Brownie uniform ready each Tuesday. Hannah, tell her you don't want meat sauce on your spaghetti. Molly, don't get mad if there's no apple juice. Drink something else. It's okay to be sad, sweeties. Jesus cried too. He knows about sadness and will help you to be happy again. Remember, I'll always love you. I shut off the recorder and Rebekah sighed deeply. "Thank you, Nan, "You'll give this one to them, won't you?" she murmured as she slid into sleep.
A time would come when the tape would be played for Rebekah's children, but right then, after I smoothed Rebekah's blanket, I got in my car and hurried home. I thought of how my Shannon also liked her sauce on the side and suddenly that quirk, which had annoyed me so many times, seemed to make her so much more precious. That night the kids didn't go out; they sat with me long after the spaghetti sauce had dried onto the dishes. And we talked, without interrogations, without complaints,late into the night

  1. 1.

    From the first paragraph we can learn that______

    1. A.
      Nan was in a bad state and wept a lot in her daily life
    2. B.
      Nan was not on good terms with her children
    3. C.
      Nan was worried about how to help Rebeka deal with her death
    4. D.
      Nan laid more stress on attending on her patients than her children
  2. 2.

    Which of the following scenes was most likely to be seen at Nan’s home before she met Rebekah?

    1. A.
      The family sat down in a circle and shared an interesting story
    2. B.
      After dinner, the children either went out or shut themselves up in their rooms
    3. C.
      The son was the headache of the parents while the daughter their comfort
    4. D.
      When Eric did poorly at school, the parents comforted him and cheered him up
  3. 3.

    Which was the most vital message Rebekah left to her children?

    1. A.
      Bringing home satisfying school report cards
    2. B.
      Landing a job after graduation
    3. C.
      Growing up healthily and happily
    4. D.
      Accepting their step-mother into their lives
  4. 4.

    The writer learnt from Rebekah that a parent’s real concern should be______

    1. A.
      protecting the children from the dangers they may be trapped in
    2. B.
      having encouraging and loving talks with children
    3. C.
      making tape records to guide the children in their future lives
    4. D.
      tolerating the children’s annoying quirks



  I opened my new patient's chart and headed for her room.My son, Eric, had just brought home a disappointing report card, and my daughter, Shannon, and I had argued again about her getting a driver's license.For the next eight hours I wanted to throw myself into helping people who I knew had much more to worry about than I did.Rebekah mother of three lovely little girls, was only 32, admitted for chemotherapy after breast-cancer surgery, When I gave her an in injection, Rebekah shut her eys tightely and murmured a prayer until it was over.Then she smiled and squeezed my hand.“Before you go, could you get my Bible from the table? " I handed her the worn book."Do you have a favorite Bible verse? " she asked."Jesus wept.John 11∶35." "Such a sad one, " she said."Why? ""It makes me feel closer to Jesus, knowing he also experienced human sorrow." Rebekah nodded thoughtfully and started flipping through her Bible as I shut the door quietly behind me.

  During the following months, her hospital stays became frequent and she worried about her children.One day when I entered her room, I found her talking into a tape recorder.She picked up a notebook and held it out to me."I'm making a tape for my daughters, " she said.I read the list on her pad:starting school, confirmation, turning 16, first date, graduation.While I worried how to help her deal with death, she was planning for her children's future.She usually waited until the early hours of the morning to record the tapes so she could be free from interruptions.She filled them with family stories and advice, trying to cram a lifetime of love into a few precious hours.Finally, every item in her notes had been checked off and she entrusted the tapes to her husband.

  I often wondered what I would say in her place.My kids joked that I was like an FBI agent, with my constant questions about where they'd been and who they'd been with.Where, I thought, are my words of encouragement and love?

  It was three o'clock one afternoon when I got an urgent call from the hospital.Rebekah wanted me to come immediately with a blank tape.She was breathing hard when I entered her room.I slipped the tape into the recorder and held the microphone to her lips."Ruthie, Hannah, Molly, this is the most important tape." She held my hand and closed her eyes."Someday your daddy will bring home a new mommy.Please make her feel special.Show her how to take care of you.Ruthie, honey, help her get your Brownie uniform ready each Tuesday.Hannah, tell her you don't want meat sauce on your spaghetti.Molly, don't get mad if there's no apple juice.Drink something else.It's okay to be sad, sweeties.Jesus cried too.He knows about sadness and will help you to be happy again.Remember, I'll always love you.I shut off the recorder and Rebekah sighed deeply."Thank you, Nan, "You'll give this one to them, won't you? " she murmured as she slid into sleep.

  A time would come when the tape would be played for Rebekah's children, but right then, after I smoothed Rebekah's blanket, I got in my car and hurried home.I thought of how my Shannon also liked her sauce on the side and suddenly that quirk, which had annoyed me so many times, seemed to make her so much more precious.That night the kids didn't go out; they sat with me long after the spaghetti sauce had dried onto the dishes.And we talked, without interrogations, without complaints, late into the night.


From the first paragraph we can learn that ________.

[  ]


Nan was in a bad state and wept a lot in her daily life.


Nan was not on good terms with her children.


Nan was worried about how to help Rebeka deal with her death.


Nan laid more stress on attending on her patients than her children.


Which of the following scenes was most likely to be seen at Nan's home before she met Rebekah?

[  ]


The family sat down in a circle and shared an interesting story.


After dinner, the children either went out or shut themselves up in their rooms.


The son was the headache of the parents while the daughter their comfort.


When Eric did poorly at school, the parents comforted him and cheered him up.


Which was the most vital message Rebekah left to her children?

[  ]


Bringing home satisfying school report cards


Landing a job after graduation


Growing up healthily and happily


Accepting their step-mother into their lives.


It can be conclude4d from the passage that Rebekah was ________.

[  ]


generous and loving


religious and considerate


selfish and pessimistic


optimistic and innocent


The writer learnt from Rebekah that a parent's real concern should be ________.

[  ]


protecting the children from the dangers they may be trapped in.


having encouraging and loving talks with children.


making tape records to guide the children in their future lives.


tolerating the children's annoying quirks.

