The s of games is not yet completely made out. Unit 13 查看更多




1.  We all_______(钦佩)her for the way she saved the child from the fire.

2.  Just to satisfy my_______(好奇心),how much did you pay for your house?

3.  The ______(氛围)over dinner was warm and friendly.

4.  You are only ______(稍稍)underweight for your height.

5.  Several _______(十年)have passed since I graduated from the college.

6.  Let’s get something to eat ; I’m s________.

7.  Medals were a_______ to the best speakers on the debating team.

8.  It’s said Yoga is of great b_______ to human health.

9.  I’ll come tomorrow if weather p________.

10. The s_______ of the disease frightened the villagers.




1.He is a w__________ and kind man. He gives a lot of money to the poor.

2.There is a __________ (猛烈的)wind outside and the snow is so heavy.

3.You run first and I can easily catch up with you __________(在、、、之内)50 meters.

4.Many people are not satisfied with the present education _________ (体制).

5.In hot summer days, people like to stay in the s__________ of trees.




1.She took a year’s leave of a____________ from her job.

2.Sunshine is b_____________ to plants.

3.She was a____________ because her boyfriend didn’t not send short messages to her.

4.In our school, every student has free a___________ to the library.

5.Why has your fellow students’ a____________ changed towards you?

6.One morning his stepmother a______________ him to school, which seldom happened and moved him a lot.

7.There is no need for you to have s______________ for those kids, as they are all wrongdoers

8.David felt very e______________ when he found he didn’t have enough money to pay for the dinner before his friends.

9.His mother is an e_____________ lady, who has had a good education and is always dressed in the latest Paris fashion.

10.To the s_______________ of his parents, Li Feng was admitted into Hong Kong University this September.



单词拼写  (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


_ If you go to New York, you can enjoy the beauty of the S______ of Liberty by yourself.

_ While traveling, we often find many r_________ paintings on the walls of temples.

_The first living ______________(生物) sent into space was a dog named Laika.

_. Both sides are trying to find a peaceful s___________ to the nuclear problem.

_ Look! The excellent dancer is dancing ______________(优雅地) on the stage.

_The world-famous artist’s works are on _______________(展览) here.

_ He worked so hard that e_______________ he made himself ill.

_ It was our ____________ (祖先) who invented the paper-making, the compass and so on.

_ They give 10% d________________ for cash payment.

_ At the crossing of the street you can find the ____________ (农业的) Bank of China.


单词拼写  (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


1._ If you go to New York, you can enjoy the beauty of the S______ of Liberty by yourself.

2._ While traveling, we often find many r_________ paintings on the walls of temples.

3._The first living ______________(生物) sent into space was a dog named Laika.

4._. Both sides are trying to find a peaceful s___________ to the nuclear problem.

5._ Look! The excellent dancer is dancing ______________(优雅地) on the stage.

6._The world-famous artist’s works are on _______________(展览) here.

7._ He worked so hard that e_______________ he made himself ill.

8._ It was our ____________ (祖先) who invented the paper-making, the compass and so on.

9._ They give 10% d________________ for cash payment.

10._ At the crossing of the street you can find the ____________ (农业的) Bank of China.



