---Is he all right now? ---Yes. Who that such a serious illness could be cured? A. has thought B. had thought C. was thinking D. would have thought 查看更多



Much meaning can be conveyed with our eyes, so it is often said that eyes can speak.

Do you have such kind of  36 ? In a bus you may look at a  37 , but not too long. And if he is  38 that he is being stared at, he may feel  39 .

The same is true in  40 life. If you are looked at for more than  41 ,you will look at yourself up and down, to see if there is 42 wrong with you. If nothing goes wrong, you will feel angry toward other’s  43 at you that way.

Looking too long at someone may seem to be rude and  44 . But things are different when it 45 to stare at the opposite sex. If a man glances at a woman for more than ten seconds and  46 to avert (移开) his gaze, his intentions are  47 , that is , he wishes to attract her attention, to make her understand that he is  48  her.

49 , the normal eye contact for two people  50  in a conversation is that the speaker will only look at the listener  51 , in order to make sure that the listener does pay attention to what the former is speaking about, to tell him that he is attentive. If a speaker looks at you continuously when speaking,  52 he tries to dominate(控制) you, you will feel embarrassing.

In fact, continuous eye contact is confined to  53 only, who will enjoy looking at each other tenderly for a long time, to show affection that  54 cannot express.

Evidently, eye contact should be done according to relationship between two people and the specific  55 .

36. A. experience  B. thought       C. feeling         D. attitude

37. A. conductor         B. driver      C. tourist         D. stranger

38. A. looking        B. sensing     C. telling      D. deciding

39. A. interested          B. stupid      C. uncomfortable     D. angry

40. A. social      B daily             C. family        D. school

41. A. friendly    B. reliable       C. special         D. necessary

42. A. anything       B. somewhere         C. nothing    D. anywhere

43. A. interest    B. stare         C. appreciation D. notice

44. A. attentive           B. positive     C. aggressive          D. active

45. A. comes     B. hopes         C. tries      D. seems

46. A. starts      B. refuses           C. manages      D. aims

47. A. dirty      B. unhealthy      C. obvious     D. unfair

48. A. admiring       B. enjoying      C. cheating     D. selecting

49 A. Therefore       B. Otherwise     C. Altogether       D. However

50. A. engaged       B. attracted          C. trapped          D. invited

51. A. all the time  B. from time to time      C. all the way         D. back and forth

52. A. in case     B. as if         C. even though     D. so that

53. A. mothers       B. children       C. lovers      D. teachers

54. A. looks      B. eyes         C. smiles           D. words

55. A. situation B. circumstance   C. environment       D. condition


________, he is honest.

A. As he is poor     B. Poor is he

C. Poor as he is     D. Poor as is he



—Your teacher is very strict in his work.

—______. No wonder everybody respects him.

A. So he is    B. So is he    C. He is so   D. So doesn’t he



Much meaning can be conveyed with our eyes, so it is often said that eyes can speak.

Do you have such kind of 36 ? In a bus you may look at a  37 , but not too long. And if he is  38 that he is being stared at, he may feel  39 .

The same is in  40  life. If you are looked at for more than  41 , you will look at yourself up and down, to see if there is  42 wrong with you. If nothing goes wrong, you will feel angry toward other’s  43 at you that way.

Looking too long at someone may seem to be rude and  44 . But things are different when it  45 to stare at the opposite sex. If a man glances at a Woman for more than 10 seconds and  46 to avert(移开)his gaze, his intentions are  47 , that is, he wishes to attract her attention, to make her understand that he is  48 her.

49 , the normal eye contact for two people 50 in a conversation is that the speaker will only look at the listener  51 , in order to make sure that the listener does pay attention to what the former is speaking about, to tell him that he is attentive. If a speaker looks at you continuously when speaking,  52 he tries to dominate(控制)you, you will feel embarrassing.

In fact, continuous eye contact is confined to  53 only, who will enjoy looking at each other tenderly for a long time, to show affection that  54 cannot express.

Evidently, eye contact should be done according to the relationship between two people and the specific  55 .

36. A. experience    B. thought         C. feeling         D. attitude

37. A. conductor    B. driver          C. tourist         D. stranger

38. A. looking      B. sensing         C. telling          D. deciding

39. A. interested     B. stupid          C. uncomfortable    D. angry

40. A. social       B. daily           C. family          D. school

41. A. friendly      B. authentic        C. special         D. necessary

42. A. anything     B. somewhere      C. nothing         D. anywhere

43. A. interest      B. stare           C. appreciation     D. notice

44. A. attentive     B. positive         C. aggressive       D. active

45. A. comes       B. hopes          C. tries           D. seems

46. A. starts       B. refuses         C. manages        D. aims

47. A. dirty        B. unhealthy       C. obvious        D. unfair

48. A. admiring     B. enjoying        C. cheating        D. selecting

49. A. Therefore    B. Otherwise       C. Altogether       D. However

50. A. engaged      B. attracted        C. trapped         D. invited

51. A. all the time    B. from time to time  C. all the way      D. back and forth

52. A. in case      B. as if           C. even though     D. so that

53. A. mothers      B. children        C. lovers          D. teachers

54. A. looks        B. eyes           C. smiles          D. words

55. A. situation    B. circumstance   C. environment   D. condition


__ Your teacher is very strict in his work.

  —______. No wonder everybody respects him.

A. So he is    B. So is he

C. He is so    D. So doesn’t he


