根据下列句子及所给汉语注释写出空缺处各单词的正确形式.每空一词. 1This is (仅) the latest example of government interference. 2 is well-known as the national flower of China. 3Some officials have the of having their special cars.4.Don’t judge a person’s intelligence by his . 查看更多



根据下列句子及所给汉语注释, 写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。(每空只写一词)
【小题1】California also has the d______ of being the most multicultural state in the USA..
【小题2】According to the constitution, it is _________ (必须做的,义务的)for a citizen to undertake military service.
【小题3】Cloning plants is s___________ while cloning animals is very complicated.
【小题4】When I first applied for a patent I was very puzzled by the ______(评判的标准).
【小题5】It was this exploring around problems and his _________(充满活力的,精力充沛的)spirit that led to his most famous invention --- the telephone in 1876.
【小题6】Without any h_________, he jumped into the river to save the drowning child.
【小题7】The football game will continue, ___________(不管、不顾)of wind and rain.
【小题8】Although he is most often a________ with the invention of the telephone, he was indeed a continuing searcher after practical solutions to improve the quality of everyday’s life.
【小题9】The flower girl’s poor English will _______(使、、、注定) her to the gutter to the end of her days.
【小题10】The war ________(中断了)the trade between the two countries.


根据下列句子及所给汉语注释, 写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。(每空只写一词)

1.California also has the d______ of being the most multicultural state in the USA..

2.According to the constitution, it is _________ (必须做的,义务的)for a citizen to undertake military service.

3.Cloning plants is s___________ while cloning animals is very complicated.

4.When I first applied for a patent I was very puzzled by the ______(评判的标准).

5.It was this exploring around problems and his _________(充满活力的,精力充沛的)spirit that led to his most famous invention --- the telephone in 1876.

6.Without any h_________, he jumped into the river to save the drowning child.

7.The football game will continue, ___________(不管、不顾)of wind and rain.

8.Although he is most often a________ with the invention of the telephone, he was indeed a continuing searcher after practical solutions to improve the quality of everyday’s life.

9.The flower girl’s poor English will _______(使、、、注定) her to the gutter to the end of her days.

10.The war ________(中断了)the trade between the two countries.




1. It's always difficult to be in a foreign country, _______ (尤其是) when you know little about the
2. In her dream ,she came to a _______(荒芜的) place .
3.  When they heard that the president was murdered, they were all in deep _______ (悲伤).
4. The boy always _____ (发音) the word in a strange way .
5. The ________(大多数 ) of middle-school students in China are studying English as a foreign
     language .
6. Some students will clean the streets and look after the old and the ________ (残疾人)  .
7. It is reported that the fire        (毁坏)most of the building.
8. My grandma feeds a lot of ducks in          (秋天) in the pond in front of our house.
9. What are your two girls         (耳语) about?
10. Mr. Smith is a professor who is         (值得) of great respect.


根据下列句子及所给汉语注释, 写出空缺处各单词的正确形式.

1. Lisa, I didn't ______(认出)you-you've had your hair cut!     
2. I usually just have a _______(三明治)for lunch.                
3. Mr.White announced that he would go to China on _____(星期三).
4. The story was first written in English and later ______(翻译)into Chinese.
5.The village children like to go ______(游泳)in the nearby river.  
6. One of our _________(邻居)kept a very beautiful garden.      
7. Rice is grow in China, Japan and other        (亚洲)countries. 
8. David turned and walked off in the ______(相反)direction.    
9. Rose rushed _______(向楼下)to answer the door.            
10. Few students in my class can        (付得起) a trip to Zealand.


1. The fashion show last night was a great ___________ ( 成功).
2. It is not ___________ ( 必要的) to wear a tie in a family party.
3. Professor Jordan is trying to get his new book _________ ( 出版).
4. Swimming is her ________ ( 最喜欢的) sport.
5. My English teacher has ___________( 奉献) all his time to teaching.
6. Graduation is coming and the students are busy _________ ( 申请) for jobs.
7. The bus driver was to __________( 责备) for the terrible accident.    
8. He was honored in different ways for his __________( 贡献) to the film industry.
9. _________( 传统上), this was fine but now it is not acceptable.
10. In my ________ ( 观点), all parks should be open twenty four hours a day.

