根据下列句子及所给汉语注释.在句子右边的横线上写出空缺的各单词的正确形式.每空一词.1.He has been working as a(n) in the company. 查看更多




She is due to arrive on Thursday.______, (同时) what do we do?

The rich lady lives in a _______(金碧辉煌的) house.       

we benefit a lot from our teacher’s _____(严格) in our study. 

They were busy ______ (装)a truck with coal.         

Nothing _____ ( 使满意) him and he is always complaining .

High technology helps us enter into a life of ______(便利).

There are twenty books______.(总共)                    

I changed into my sports shoes so that I could walk more_____(舒服)

.How do you adapt to a ______(易变的) environment?             

Looking back, she always______ (祝贺)herself on this decision.    



Every day he will get       _(上百) of e-mails from his fans.    

Could you come to my office next       _ (星期二)?            

He is       _ (翻译)  the speech from Spanish into English.

Do you know about the       _ (非洲) history?                

She said that she       _(很少) went to the theatre.           

There is a drop in wheat       _(产量)  this year.                

Our living room is just thirteen      _(平方) meters. .           

He      _  (毕业)  from Wu Han University last year.          

I often receive many unwanted short      _信息)  on my mobile phone.

Our society is one in which people       _   (尊重)  elders and love children


【小题1】She is due to arrive on Thursday.______, (同时) what do we do?
【小题2】The rich lady lives in a _______(金碧辉煌的) house.       
【小题3】we benefit a lot from our teacher’s _____(严格) in our study. 
【小题4】They were busy ______ (装)a truck with coal.        
【小题5】Nothing _____ ( 使满意) him and he is always complaining .
【小题6】High technology helps us enter into a life of ______(便利).
【小题7】There are twenty books______.(总共)                    
【小题8】I changed into my sports shoes so that I could walk more_____(舒服)
【小题9】.How do you adapt to a ______(易变的) environment?            
【小题10】Looking back, she always______ (祝贺)herself on this decision.    


【小题1】Every day he will get       _(上百) of e-mails from his fans.   
【小题2】Could you come to my office next       _ (星期二)?            
【小题3】He is       _ (翻译)  the speech from Spanish into English.
【小题4】Do you know about the       _ (非洲) history?               
【小题5】She said that she       _(很少) went to the theatre.           
【小题6】There is a drop in wheat       _(产量)  this year.               
【小题7】Our living room is just thirteen      _(平方) meters. .          
【小题8】He      _  (毕业)  from Wu Han University last year.         
【小题9】I often receive many unwanted short      _信息)  on my mobile phone.
【小题10】Our society is one in which people       _   (尊重)  elders and love children


1.My class are _________ (争论) about the answers to the questions with one another.
2.The man was a millionaire, but now he is in _________ (欠债).
3.___________ (明显), she is too angry to forgive him at present.
4.He saw a boy ___________ (挣扎) in the river and saved him.
5.The stadium is within walking ___________ (距离).

