There is a after the wedding ceremony. 查看更多



This is no joke. Kelly Katrina Hildebrandt, 20, and Kelly Carl Hildebrandt, 24, are expecting just over 100 guests at a(an)   21  at a church, where they will become husband and wife.

Their modern romance was a   22  made in cyberspace(网络空间). She was   23  and bored one night last year, so she typed her name into the   24  social networking Website Facebook just to see if anyone   25  it: Hildebrandt, 24, in South Florida. At the time, Kelly Hildebrandt, of Lubbock, Texas, was the only one matched. So she sent him a   26 . She said, “Hi. We had the same name. Thought it was cool.” Kelly Carl Hildebrandt said, “I thought she was pretty   27 .”

For the next three months the two   28  e-mails.   29  he knew it, occasional phone calls turned into daily chats, sometimes   30  hours. He   31  her in Florida after a few months and fell head over heels.

“I thought it was fun,” he said of that first online meet. “I had no   32  that it would lead to this.”

Months after Kelly Hildebrandt sent her first e-mail, she found a diamond engagement   33   hidden in treasure box on a beach in December. “I totally think that it’s all God’s   34  ,” Kelly Katrina Hildebrandt said. “He planned it out just   35   .”

She's a student at a local community college. He works in financial   36 . They plan to make their home in South Florida.

There was also some uncertainty   37  how to phrase their wedding invitations, so they decided to include their   38  names. But   39  confusion likely won't carry on past the husband and wife, as Kelly Katrina Hildebrandt said there are no plans to pass along the name to their future   40 . “No,” she said. “We're definitely not going to name our kids Kelly.”

1.                A.situation        B.occasion        C.ceremony D.meeting


2.                B.match          C.contest   D.competition


3.                A.curious         B.serious         C.anxious   D.generous


4.                A.ordinary        B.common        C.fashionable    D.popular


5.                A.understood     B.made          C.shared   D.recognized


6.                A.word          B.message        C.letter D.reminder


7.                A.clever          B.simple          C.attractive D.easy


8.                A.exchanged      B.changed        C.expected D.received


9.                A.After          B.As             C.While    D.Before


10.               A.wasting         B.spending       C.lasting D.taking


11.               A.dropped        B.visited         C.forgot D.called


12.               A.idea           B.decision        C.chance    D.hope


13.                 B.lace  D.ring


14.               A.preparation     B.reason         C.arrangement   D.appointment


15.               A.great          B.perfect         C.excellent


16.               A.crisis          B.conveniences    C.customs


17.               A.about          B.on  


18.               A.first           B.last            C.middle


19.               A.some            C.any   D.little


20.               A.wife           B.husband        C.parents   D.children




In Britain arrangements for inviting and entertaining guests at a wedding are usually the responsibility of the bride's family.In most cases it is mainly friends and relations of both families who are invited but when bride's father is a businessman of some kind, the  wedding reception may provide a useful occasion for establishing social connections with clients or customers and other people whose goodwill may be of advantage to is, however, the bride's mother who has the job of sending out the formal printed invitation cards.

In the case of a church wedding, the vicar of each parish(教区) in which the bride and bridegroom live is normally informed about a month in advance of the ceremony so that an announcement of the coming wedding can be made in church on each of three Sundays before it takes place.Anyone who may know of an existing marriage of either partner is ordered to give information, though this means of avoiding bigamy must have been more effective in the days when people attend the religious service and the bride usually wears the traditional long white dress and veil, while her bridesmaids, who are children, wear long dresses in attractive colors.This may also happen in the case of a civil wedding in a register office but is probably less usual.

The reception which follows may be held in a restaurant, a local hall or, when there are few guests, in the bride’s own home.Refreshments are provided, a special iced wedding-cake is cut(usually to the accompaniment of speeches)and distributed to the guests, toasts are drunk and dancing may follow.At some point in the celebrations, the bride goes off to change into everyday clothes and then leaves the party with her husband to go on their honeymoon, the journey they will make together, often in romantic surrounding abroad.

It is the bride's parents who normally have to________.

A.make all the arrangements for the wedding  

B.provide hospitality for the people attending

C.decide who shall be invited              all expenses involved

What possible difference is suggested between a church and a civil wedding?

    A.Civil weddings are less commonly followed by a reception.

    B.It is less usual for guests to attend the civil wedding formalities.

    C.Guests at civil weddings are less formally dressed.

    D.There could be less attention paid at the latter to convention and picturesque effect.

The reception normally takes place in the bride’s home if________.

       A.this is a large one.                

       B.there is enough room to entertain the people invited.

       C.the parents cannot afford to hire a hall. 

       D.there is to be no party afterwards.

The couple leave for their honeymoon________.

    A.after the church or register office ceremony

    B.immediately after the cake has been cut and the speeches made the end of the reception        soon as the bride is ready


I went into Harrods in London (a huge department store I am sure you have heard of) to buy some Minton china plates for a wedding anniversary which was to be a group gift from friends to other friends in Geneva.
Having only 30 minutes between meeting. I whizzed there in a taxi from the office and battled through the milling people on the 2nd day of the sales on the ground floor up to the 5th to the china department. There was a man standing there who was obviously a sales person who I rushed up to and asked if he had this particular china in stock and if it would take long to wrap, etc. He was amazing. He got the plates in seconds, wrapped them up and asked me if I wanted a store card, to which I replied no, because I lived in Switzerland, to which he replied asking if, as I lived abroad, would like a tax rebate form(退税表). After that he showed me what to do, produced a map of the store and told me where I should go for the formalities(程序). That was fabulous! I thanked him and said what wonderful service he had given me. I even asked if he gave this to everyone, to which he answered: “I’m just doing what is required at Harrods”. With that, a tall man in a gray suit approached me and offered his hand to shake mine saying, “Can I introduce myself? I am the Chief Executive of Harrods and what an interesting conversation I have just heard…” He had been wandering through the store (as you should do as a hands-on CEO) and had overheard me thanking this salesman, whose face, I can hardly describe, was frozen in a mixture of delight awe and astonishment!
Can you imagine the salesman going home to his family and friends recounting what the CEO spoke to him after overhearing him being praised by a customer?
【小题1】The writer went to Harrods to __________.

A.kill some giftsC.go for her wedding
【小题2】What does the underlined word “whiz” in Paragraph 2 most probably mean?
【小题3】Which of the following sentences can best replace “I’m just doing what is required at Harrods” in the second paragraph?
A.“I’m an honest man.”
B.“I must obey the rules.”
C.“Harrods is strict with its employees.”
D.“Anybody will receive our good service.”
【小题4】As soon as she bought what she wanted, the writer________.
A.went to a meeting.B.flew back to Geneva
C.visited one of her friendsD.attended a wedding ceremony
【小题5】The writer wrote the above passage because she thought what she had experience was so ____.


I went into Harrods in London (a huge department store I am sure you have heard of) to buy some Minton china plates for a wedding anniversary which was to be a group gift from friends to other friends in Geneva.

Having only 30 minutes between meeting. I whizzed there in a taxi from the office and battled through the milling people on the 2nd day of the sales on the ground floor up to the 5th to the china department. There was a man standing there who was obviously a sales person who I rushed up to and asked if he had this particular china in stock and if it would take long to wrap, etc. He was amazing. He got the plates in seconds, wrapped them up and asked me if I wanted a store card, to which I replied no, because I lived in Switzerland, to which he replied asking if, as I lived abroad, would like a tax rebate form(退税表). After that he showed me what to do, produced a map of the store and told me where I should go for the formalities(程序). That was fabulous! I thanked him and said what wonderful service he had given me. I even asked if he gave this to everyone, to which he answered: “I’m just doing what is required at Harrods”. With that, a tall man in a gray suit approached me and offered his hand to shake mine saying, “Can I introduce myself? I am the Chief Executive of Harrods and what an interesting conversation I have just heard…” He had been wandering through the store (as you should do as a hands-on CEO) and had overheard me thanking this salesman, whose face, I can hardly describe, was frozen in a mixture of delight awe and astonishment!

Can you imagine the salesman going home to his family and friends recounting what the CEO spoke to him after overhearing him being praised by a customer?

1.The writer went to Harrods to __________.

A.kill time  some gifts      C.go sightseeing for her wedding

2.What does the underlined word “whiz” in Paragraph 2 most probably mean?             B.arrive            C.rush             D.leave

3.Which of the following sentences can best replace “I’m just doing what is required at Harrods” in the second paragraph?

A.“I’m an honest man.”

B.“I must obey the rules.”

C.“Harrods is strict with its employees.”

D.“Anybody will receive our good service.”

4.As soon as she bought what she wanted, the writer________.

A.went to a meeting.                      B.flew back to Geneva

C.visited one of her friends                 D.attended a wedding ceremony

5.The writer wrote the above passage because she thought what she had experience was so ____.

A.pleasant          B.strange           C.exciting           D.amusing



I went into Harrods in London (a huge department store I am sure you have heard of) to buy some Minton china plates for a wedding anniversary which was to be a group gift from friends to other friends in Geneva.

Having only 30 minutes between meeting. I whizzed there in a taxi from the office and battled through the milling people on the 2nd day of the sales on the ground floor up to the 5th to the china department. There was a man standing there who was obviously a sales person who I rushed up to and asked if he had this particular china in stock and if it would take long to wrap, etc. He was amazing. He got the plates in seconds, wrapped them up and asked me if I wanted a store card, to which I replied no, because I lived in Switzerland, to which he replied asking if, as I lived abroad, would like a tax rebate form(退税表). After that he showed me what to do, produced a map of the store and told me where I should go for the formalities(程序). That was fabulos! I thanked him and said what wonderful service he had given me. I even asked if he gave this to everyone, to which he answered: “I’m just doing what is required at Harrods”. With that, a tall man in a grey suit approached me and offered his hand to shake mine saying, “Can I introduce myself? I am the Chief Executive of Harrods and what an interesting conversation I have just heard…” He had been wandering through the store (as you should do as a hands-on CEO) and had overheard me thanking this salesman, whose face, I can hardly

describe, was frozen in a mixture of delight awe and astonishment!

Can you imagine the salesman going home to his family and friends recounting what the CEO spoke to him after overhearing him being praised by a customer?

56. The writer went to Harrods to __________.

A. kill time    B. buy some gifts  C. go sightseeing   D. shop for her wedding

57. What does the underlined word “whiz” in Paragraph 2 most probably mean?

A. drive     B. arrive     C. rush       D. leave

58 Which of the following sentences can best replace “I’m just doing what is required at Harrods” in th second paragraph?

A. “I’m an honest man.”           B. “I must obey the rules.”

C. “Harrods is strict with its employees.”    D. “Anybody will receive our good service.”

59. As soon as she bought what she wanted, the writer________.

A. went to a meeting.            B. flew back to Geneva

C. visited one of her friends D. attended a wedding ceremony

60. The writer wrote the above passage because she thought what she had experience was so ______.

A. pleasant      B. strange      C. exciting    D. amusing

