A. But B. However C. Meanwhile D. Even 查看更多




The publication of "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" gladdens booksellers across China. The British and American editions were No. 1 and No. 3 respectively on the sales chart of the Beijing Xidan Book Building last week. The book's poster is highlighted and news about the book can often be heard on the radio.

Why is the book so attractive to children? With curious mood, the author got a copy of "Harry Potter". Originally, I wanted to glance over it and made some criticisms. But, out of expectation, the author has been deeply attracted by the magic world. On the other hand, one cannot help asking: where is  our own "Harry Potter"?

The Chinese nation has a history of 5,000 years, which cannot be regarded as short and its culture as not profound. With a vast market of youngsters, China did publish many books popular among children. However, why are the present works not as good as those imported?

There come two major reasons: Firstly, quite a number of children's books are of strong sense of teaching, and lack interest and entertainment. Children often have a feeling of being "educated". No wonder they don't like them. Secondly, children's reading materials involving "idiom stories" and "Chinese talents' stories", though always in different covers, are usually much the same or plagiarized. One knows the ending as early as in the beginning. In final analysis, the authors of the books seldom take children's requirements into consideration.

As a matter of fact, each child has his own wonderful imagination. They long to understand the world and nature. Similarly they have their own choices. They dislike similar stories, even if the stories are excellent. First-class reading for children should be very interesting, which contains knowledge and the essence of national culture, which are presented in children's language.

Market is a touchstone for products. The theory also holds true for cultural products. It is hoped that the authors of children's books can learn something from the good market of "Harry Potter" and write out more and better books loved by children.

64. The disadvantages of  our books are the following except_______.

A. they have little sense of interest and entertainment

B. many of  our books are of the same

C. the authors didn’t pay much attention to the children’s tastes.

D.  Our authors never know what 七彩教育网our children need.

65. The reason why the imported book is so popular is that _______.

A. it has no sense of teaching

B. it opens a wonderful world for children to explore

C. it is only written in children’s language

D. it is advertised more on TV or poster.

66. What’s the feeling of the writer when he finishes reading “Harry Potter”?

A. He is so angry that he wants to criticize the book

B. He is also attracted by the book

C. He is shocked by the book, meanwhile he is worried about  our books.

D. He can’t help looking for Harry Potter.

67. What does the writer mean by writing “where’s  our own Harry Potter”?

A. We are short of books for children

B. We Chinese must produce books as popular as “Harry Potter”.

C. Authors should write books in the same way as “Harry Potter”

D.  Our authors are hoped to make the market of  our books for children take off




The publication of "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" gladdens booksellers across China. The British and American editions were No. 1 and No. 3 respectively on the sales chart of the Beijing Xidan Book Building last week. The book's poster is highlighted and news about the book can often be heard on the radio.

Why is the book so attractive to children? With curious mood, the author got a copy of "Harry Potter". Originally, I wanted to glance over it and made some criticisms. But, out of expectation, the author has been deeply attracted by the magic world. On the other hand, one cannot help asking: where is  our own "Harry Potter"?

The Chinese nation has a history of 5,000 years, which cannot be regarded as short and its culture as not profound. With a vast market of youngsters, China did publish many books popular among children. However, why are the present works not as good as those imported?

There come two major reasons: Firstly, quite a number of children's books are of strong sense of teaching, and lack interest and entertainment. Children often have a feeling of being "educated". No wonder they don't like them. Secondly, children's reading materials involving "idiom stories" and "Chinese talents' stories", though always in different covers, are usually much the same or plagiarized. One knows the ending as early as in the beginning. In final analysis, the authors of the books seldom take children's requirements into consideration.

As a matter of fact, each child has his own wonderful imagination. They long to understand the world and nature. Similarly they have their own choices. They dislike similar stories, even if the stories are excellent. First-class reading for children should be very interesting, which contains knowledge and the essence of national culture, which are presented in children's language.

Market is a touchstone for products. The theory also holds true for cultural products. It is hoped that the authors of children's books can learn something from the good market of "Harry Potter" and write out more and better books loved by children.

64. The disadvantages of  our books are the following except_______.

A. they have little sense of interest and entertainment

B. many of  our books are of the same

C. the authors didn’t pay much attention to the children’s tastes.

D.  Our authors never know what our children need.

65. The reason why the imported book is so popular is that _______.

A. it has no sense of teaching

B. it opens a wonderful world for children to explore

C. it is only written in children’s language

D. it is advertised more on TV or poster.

66. What’s the feeling of the writer when he finishes reading “Harry Potter”?

A. He is so angry that he wants to criticize the book

B. He is also attracted by the book

C. He is shocked by the book, meanwhile he is worried about  our books.

D. He can’t help looking for Harry Potter.

67. What does the writer mean by writing “where’s  our own Harry Potter”?

A. We are short of books for children

B. We Chinese must produce books as popular as “Harry Potter”.

C. Authors should write books in the same way as “Harry Potter”

D.  Our authors are hoped to make the market of  our books for children take off


There was once a boy called Mario who loved to have loads of friends. He always   31   off how many friends he had at school. One day his grandfather said to him, “Mario, I   32  you a big bag of popcorn that you don’t have as many friends as you think. I’m sure many of them are nothing more than companions.”

Mario   33  the bet without hesitation. However, he wasn’t sure how to test   34  his schoolmates were real friends or not, so he asked his grandfather. The old man answered, “Wait a minute.” Then the old man left,   35  soon as though carrying something in his hands, but Mario could see   36  there.

“Take it. It’s a very special chair because it’s invisible (看不见). It’s rather   37  to sit on it, but if you take it to school and   38  to sit on it, you’ll activate (激活)its magic and you’ll be able to    39  who your real friends are. ”

Mario, brave and determined, took the   40  and set off for school. At break time he asked everyone to form a(n)    41  , and he put himself in the middle, with his chair. Having difficulty seeing it, Mario tried to sit on it and   42  straight onto his backside. Everyone around him had a pretty good laugh.

“Wait!Let me try again,” Mario said. But again, he missed the seat,   43  more surprised looks and a few catcalls (尖叫,喝倒彩). Mario didn’t   44  and kept trying to sit on the magic chair. But he kept falling onto the ground…until,  45  he tried again but didn’t fall. Looking around, Mario saw three of his best friends   46  him up. Meanwhile, many others he had   47  as friends had done nothing but make   48  of him.

And there, the show   49  to an end. Mario understood that true friends were those who   50 for him, and not just the companions that happened to be passing by. And someone who took joy in his misfortunes (不幸) was even less of a friend.
















































































A.give away

B.give out

C.give up

D.give off







































Helen was loved as a friendly 1ady by a11 who knew her. She had belonged to the same church for almost all her adult lire and was highly 36.______. Poor Helen was well into her 90’s. Since her husband passed away,she moved in with Jennifer, her young granddaughter. However, life is 37._______. One night driving home from the store, Jennifer was hit dead by a drunk driver. Once again, Helen was alone.

The 38._______ of losing those closest to her and the loneliness of being all alone were 39.______ she could bear. She changed--she fell into 40._______ and hopelessness. Naturally, people around her saw the change. But nobody seemed to know how to 41._______ her. Months passed. It was now December, and the holiday season was 42._______ to be harder than Helen imagined it would be. She felt like she was 43._______, slowly inside. She wondered if she would see Christmas this year.

44._______, the second Sunday of December, the Sunday School teacher came to her with a special request. Would she be 45.______ enough to help decorate the tree that was in the middle of the children’s classroom? Each child had handmade a special decoration to 46.______ on the tree, and they needed assistance. Helen attempted to 47._______ refuse, but the teacher said that the children had requested she be the 48._______ that year. It was important to them for some reason, the teacher whispered.

The night of the special event, Helen was present and wore the best smile. The 49.______ of the young children was bittersweet, which held memories of her dear Jennifer. For the first time in months, though, you could see her eyes 50._______ through tears. She was happy that the children had 51.______ her. Most decorations had been placed on the tree 52._______ a group of nine children came and sat in front of her. Each of them either had no grandmother any longer, 53.______  had never even known theirs. This was a very special celebration and union. In the middle lay a gift-wrapped box 54._______ for her with a card reading “Our Grandma, with love. ”

Christmas this year wasn’t unkind to Helen. No, it was a new 55._______, a brand-new start and nine new reasons to her…

1.                A.valued         B.rewarded       C.approved D.respected


2.                A.funny          B.challenging      C.boring    D.diverse


3.                A.weakness       B.coldness        C.sadness   D.tiredness


4.                A.other than      B.more than       C.rather than    D.1essthan


5.                A.nervousness     B.anxiety         C.depression    D.separation


6.                A.acknowledge    B.distinguish       C.appreciate D.comfort


7.                A.desired         B.pictured        C.aiming    D.proving


8.                A.crying          B.dying           C.moving   D.struggling


9.                A.Gradually       B.Recently        C.Then D.Meanwhile


10.               A.kind           B.optimistic       C.patient    D.enthusiastic


11.               A.base           B.place          C.hide  D.set


12.               A.politely         B.personally      C.seriously  D.unwillingly


13.               A.volunteer       B.visitor          C.teacher   D.assistant


14.               A.view           B.thought        C.sight  D.scenery


15.               A.staring         B.shining         C.looking    D.1ighting


16.               A.helped         B.treated         C.invited    D.amused


17.               A.while          B.when          C.as    D.after


18.               A.or             B.nor            C.and  D.but


19.               A.intended       B.written         C.sent  D.1eft


20.               A.ending         B.process        C.goal  D.beginning




 It is hard to imagine a large city without policemen, but such was the situation in London in the early part of the eighteenth century. There was no 1police force to 2criminals. There were public 3or Charlies, as they were called, but they were generally feeble old men, unfit for more strenuous assignment than calling out, "Past ten o'clock and a cold, frosty morning."

 There were also constables appointed to keep the 4. From as far back as 1252, constables had been appointed for each parish in England. The 5of constable was an honor, given only to 6men.

 The constable was unpaid, however, and not 7to do more than carry out the law in country towns and villages where the commonest crime was likely to be the theft of someone's 8 . In London more serious crimes were committed ;as the work of the constable became more difficult and dangerous, the men who 9have done it paid others, less respectable and less efficient, to do it for them.

 It was part of the constable's duty to 10the "hue and cry" after an escaping criminal. 11 hearing the hue and cry, all passersby were 12to join in the pursuit, but in practice, not many passersby could be 13to help. It was 14dangerous a task, and the constable was 15 . Anyway, in the squalid surroundings that criminals 16, the passersby were generally on the fugitive's side .

 Within the City of London 17another city, in which a criminal was safe. It was a city of poverty, tightly 18 with wood-and-stone hovels overhanging narrow, filthy courtyards. The fleecing criminal would dodge from court to court through the maze of twisting streets, finally 19into a house or climbing across the sloping roofs. Meanwhile his friends did their best to mislead, trip, or even 20the handful of “thief takers” who came after him.

1.A.formed B.united C.organized D. selected

2.A.catch B.catch up with C.overtake D. take prisoner

3.A.doormen B.dustmen C.street walkers D. watchmen

4.A.calmness B.stillness C.peace D. silence

5.A.employment B.task C.position D. seat

6.A.energetic B.powerful C.strong D. trustworthy

7.A.eager B.expected C.hoped D. wished

8.A.wallet B.wash C.watch D. wealth

9.A.could B.might C.must D. should

10.A.lift B.put forward C.raise D. rise

11.A.About B.In C.On D. Through

12.A.Asked B.encouraged C.required D. supposed

13.A.Advised B.encouraged C.forced D. persuaded

14.A.more B.still C.such D. too

15.A.Armed B.Armed-to-the-teeth C.disarmed D. unarmed

16.A.frequented B.sometimes visited C.passed by D. worked now and then

17.A.lay B.lie C.laid D. situated

18.A.placed B.packeted C.packed D. parked

19.A.damping B.ducking C.digging D. dropping

20.A.hurt B.knife C.kick D. wound

