A. morning B. afternoon C. evening D. week 查看更多




Social Programme; 22nd --- 26th August 2005

Monday Evening – Study Center or sportspark

Study center. The school will be open from 7:45 pm to 9:35 pm

Sportspark. Aerobics , Swimming or Fitness Trainning(with a Fitness Card)

      Tuesday Evening--- cinema

Cinema .To get your free ticket, you must write down which film you would like to watch .See the leaflet on the board for this evening ‘s UCI Cinema programme. For more information about the films , visit the UCI website www.uci .co.uk or see the film section in this week’s Time out magazine.

       Wednesday Evening—Study Center or Tennis Coaching

       Study center. The school will be open from 7:35 pm to 9:35pm

       Tennis Coach . with former Junior Wimbledon tennis player Stuart Silvester.

       Thursday Evening – Chinese Party

       Chinese Party along and enjoy the hospitality of the Chinese students! You can try delicious Chinese food and learn about Chinese traditions. Please note that you should eat your evening meal at your homestay . as the food is a taster and not a full meal. Non alcoholic and alcoholic drinks will be served.

       Friday afternoon – Historical Walking Tour or Sportsparks

       Historical walking Tour . This afternoon you will have the opportunity to visit parts of Norwich you may have otherwise missed, with a professional guide. In medieval times Norwich was the second most important city in England and this afternoon you can learn some of the interesting history of our fine city.

       Sportspark . Badminton , Basketball, Fitness Training ( with a Fitness Card), Football , Squash, Swimming or Volleyball.

       Please sign early if you wish to play any of the sport listened  above

60. You can do all the following things during the weekday except____.

A going to the cinema                         B going to the Chinese party

C taking a historical walking tour         D taking a mountain climbing tour

61. The passage may probably be found _____.

A in a school’s bulletin board               B in a school’s text book

C in a latest newspaper                        D in a modern magazine

62. From the passage we know that_____.

A all the students in the school are Chinese

B some of the students in the school are Chinese

C Norwich is the second largest city in Britain

D the school is closed during the daytime.

63. From the passage we know that ____.

A students in the school can have access to computers

B students in the school only have morning classes

C the school often serves Chinese food to students

D every Friday afternoon the students will have a tour.


That afternoon Molly almost danced along the street, as she walked home with her father from the station. They had seen Mrs. Gibson and Cynthia off to London. She wished her stepmother would take herself off to London much more often.

“Well now, Dad.” she said, “I’m going to have you all to myself for a whole week. You must be very obedient(服从的,听话的).”

“I hope you aren’t going to boss me, Molly. You’re walking me out of breath already. We mustn’t pass Mrs. Goodmays in our hurry.” They crossed the street to speak to Mrs. Goodmays, one of the doctor’s patients. “We’ve just been seeing my wife and daughter off to London. They’ve gone up for a week.”

“Dear me, to London, and only for a week!” said Mrs. Goodmays, with surprise. “It seems hardly worth the packing. It’ll be lonely for you,  Molly, without your stepsister.”

“Yes,” said Molly, suddenly feeling as if she ought to have taken this view of the case “I’ll miss Cynthia.” 

“And you, Dr. Gibson, I hope you won’t feel like widower(鳏夫) once again. You must come and have supper with me one evening. What about Tuesday?”

Dr. Gibson felt a sharp blow on his leg from the toe of Molly’s shoe, but even so he accepted the invitation, much to the old lady’s satisfaction.

A moment later Molly said to him, “How could you go and waste one of our precious evenings! We’ve only go five now. I’ve been planning all sorts of things for us two tonight.” “What sort of things?”

“Oh, I don’t know. Things you used to like.” She looked at him fearlessly. “Forbidden things now.”

Her father’s eyes lit up, but his face remained serious. “I’m got going to be pulled down, Molly. With hard work and sensible guidance I’ve reached a very height of civilized behavior, and there I’m going to stay.”

“Oh, no, you are not. We’re having bread and cheese for supper tonight, in armchairs in front  of the TV! And you shall wear you dressing-gown at breakfast tomorrow-and every morning for a week! And you shall read the paper at the dining table! That’s only a start. I haven’t finished by a long way yet.”

1.What were Molly’s feelings as they walked home?

A.She wished she had gone to London too.

B.She was pleased to be alone with her father.

C.She was looking forward to meeting Mrs. Goodmays.

D.She hated being apart from Cynthia.

2.From the underlined sentence in the 4th paragraph, we can know that Mrs. Goodmays thought


A.Mr. Gibson should have gone with them

B.Mr. Gibson would be a widower again

C.Mrs. Gibson should stay in London longer

D.Mrs. Gibson should have taken Molly with them

3.From the passage we can be certain that ____________.

A.Mrs. Gibson is strict with her husband and daughters

B.Mrs. Gibson has no children of her own

C.Mrs. Gibson never treated Molly well

D.Mr. Gibson is not satisfied with his present life

4.When Molly kicked her father, ___________.

A.she wanted him to turn down the invitation

B.she meant she didn’t expect the return of Cynthia

C.it seemed to have been a pure accident

D.it showed she was pleased to have been invited


I took home a briefcase full of troubles.As I sat down on that hot and damp  1 , there seemed to be no  2   to the problems hanging around in my brain .So I picked up a book , settled into a comfortable chair and  3 my own special therapy (疗法):  4  reading .

       I  5  three or four hours on two short chapters of Personal History by Vincent Sheean—tasting each paragraph, staying over a sentence, a phrase, or even a single word, building a detailed mental picture of the scene.No longer was I in Sydney, Australia, on a sticky hot night.Enjoying every word, I  6  foreign journalist Vincent Sheean on a tour to China and another to Russia.I was  7  in the author’s world.And when finally I put it down , my mind was totally  8

       Next morning , four words from the book—“take the long  9 ” were still in my mind .At my desk , I had a long-view look at my  10 .Once more , super-slow-reading had given me not only  11  but perspective (视角),and helped me in my everyday affairs .

       I discovered its  12  years ago.Before that , if I had been really interested in a book, I would  13  from page to page,  14  to know what came next.Now, I decided , I had to become a miser (守财奴)with  15  and stretch every sentence like a poor man spending his last dollar.

       I had started with the practical object of making my book last.But by the end of the second week I began to realize  16  I was getting from super-slow-reading itself.Sometimes just a particular phrase  17  my attention, sometimes a sentence.I would read it slowly, analyze it , read it again—perhaps changing down into an even  18  speed—and then sit for 20 minutes thinking about it before moving on.I was like a pianist  19 a piece of music , phrase by phrase , practicing it, trying to discover and  20  exactly what the composer(作曲家) was trying to convey.

1.A.day                       B.morning              C.afternoon            D.evening

2.A.solutions               B.doubt                  C.wonder               D.courses

3.A.tried on                 B.applied                C.practiced             D.managed

4.A.fast                      B.super fast            C.super slow          D.slow

5.A.spent                    B.wasted                C.cost                    D.took

6.A.united                   B.attended              C.attracted              D.joined

7.A.found                   B.lost                     C.persuaded            D.accepted

8.A.broken                  B.discouraged         C.refreshed             D.awakened

9.A.view                     B.care                    C.walk                   D.distance

10.A.therapy               B.problems             C.reading                D.work

11.A.difficulty             B.success               C.achievement        D.pleasure

12.A.use                     B.disadvantage        C.value                   D.importance

13.A.look                    B.read                    C.analyze                D.digest

14.A.worried               B.eager                   C.glad                    D.anxious

15.A.books                 B.troubles               C.words                 D.music

16.A.how well             B.how long             C.how many           D.how much

17.A.caught                B.missed                C.escaped               D.paid

18.A.faster                  B.higher                 C.lower                  D.slower

19.A.playing                B.studying              C.writing                D.singing

20.A.realize                B.recognize          C.repay           D.understand


Social Program: 22nd—26th August 2011
Monday Evening—Study Centre or Sports Park
Study Center: The school will be open from 7:45 pm to 9:35pm.
Sports Park: Aerobics, Swimming or Fitness Training (with a Fitness Card).
Tuesday Evening—Cinema
Cinema: To get your free ticket, you must write down which film you would like to watch. See the leaflet on the board for this evening’s UCI Cinema program. For more information about the films, visit the UCI website www.uci.co.uk or see the film section in this week’s Time Out magazine.
Wednesday Evening—Study Centre of Tennis Coaching
Study Center: The school will be open from 7:35 pm to 9:35 pm.
Tennis Coaching: With former Junior Wimbledon tennis player Stuart Silvester.
Thursday Evening—Chinese Party
Chinese Party: Come along and enjoy the hospitality(好客) of the Chinese students! You can try delicious Chinese food and learn about Chinese traditions. Please note that you should eat your evening meal at your home-stay, as the food is a taster and not a full meal. Non alcoholic and alcoholic drinks will be served.
Friday afternoon—Historical Walking Tour or Sports Parks
Historical Walking Tour: This afternoon you will have the opportunity to visit parts of Norwich you may have otherwise missed, with a professional guide. In medieval(中世纪的) times Norwich was the second most important city in England and this afternoon you can learn some of the interesting history of our fine city.
Sports Park: Badminton, Basketball, Fitness Training (with a Fitness Card), Football, Squash, Swimming or Volleyball.
Please sign early if you wish to play any of the sports listed above.
【小题1】You can do all the following things during the weekday except ___________.

A.going to the cinemaB.going to the Chinese party
C.taking a historical walking tour D.taking a mountain climbing tour
【小题2】The passage may probably be found ___________.
A.in a school’s bulletin board B.in a school’s text book
C.in a latest newspaper D.in a fashion magazine
【小题3】From the passage we know that ___________.
A.students have to pay for the film ticketsB.some of the students in the school are Chinese
C.Norwich is the second largest city in BritainD.the school is closed during the daytime
【小题4】From the passage we can infer that __________.
A.students in the school can have access to computers B.students in the school only have morning classes
C.the school often serves Chinese food to students D.every Friday afternoon the students will have a tour


Social Program: 22nd—26th August 2011
Monday Evening—Study Centre or Sports Park
Study Center: The school will be open from 7.45 pm to 9.35pm.
Sports Park: Aerobics, Swimming or Fitness Training (with a Fitness Card).
Tuesday Evening—Cinema
Cinema: To get your free ticket, you must write down which film you would like to watch. See the leaflet on the board for this evening’s UCI Cinema program. For more information about the films, visit the UCI website www.uci.co.uk or see the film section in this week’s Time Out magazine.
Wednesday Evening—Study Centre of Tennis Coaching
Study Center: The school will be open from 7.35 pm to 9.35 pm.
Tennis Coaching: With former Junior Wimbledon tennis player Stuart Silvester.
Thursday Evening—Chinese Party
Chinese Party: Come along and enjoy the hospitality of the Chinese students! You can try delicious Chinese food and learn about Chinese traditions. Please note that you should eat your evening meal at your home-stay, as the food is a taster and not a full meal. Non alcoholic and alcoholic drinks will be served.
Friday afternoon—Historical Walking Tour or Sports Parks
Historical Walking Tour: This afternoon you will have the opportunity to visit parts of Norwich you may have otherwise missed, with a professional guide. In medieval times Norwich was the second most important city in England and this afternoon you can learn some of the interesting history of our fine city.
Sports Park: Badminton, Basketball, Fitness Training (with a Fitness Card), Football, Squash, Swimming or Volleyball.
Please sign early if you wish to play any of the sports listed above.
【小题1】You can do all the following things during the weekday except ___________.

A.going to the cinemaB.going to the Chinese party
C.taking a historical walking tour D.taking a mountain climbing tour
【小题2】The passage may probably be found ___________.
A.in a school’s bulletin board B.in a school’s text book
C.in a latest newspaper D.in a fashion magazine
【小题3】From the passage we know that ___________.
A.students have to pay for the film tickets
B.some of the students in the school are Chinese
C.Norwich is the second largest city in Britain
D.the school is closed during the daytime
【小题4】 From the passage we can infer that __________.
A.students in the school can have access to computers
B.students in the school only have morning classes
C.the school often serves Chinese food to students
D.every Friday afternoon the students will have a tour

