Thomas Nast was well-known for . A. his political cartoon characters B. the pictures of a donkey and an elephant C. his drawings of famous people in his time D. the American Political Symbols 查看更多



New York’s streets were covered by people dressed in elephant costumes (服装) and others waving antiwar posters with pictures of US President George W. Bush on them last week. But this was no carnival (狂欢节) – it was the Republican Party’s National Convention (共和党全国大会), which attracted thousands of protestors (抗议者). It was the largest protest ever at a US political convention, with at least 120,000 people marching through Manhattan on August 29. They demanded that the US leave Iraq and a new president be chosen.

The Republicans say the opposition – Democrat Party (民主党) encouraged the people on to the streets. They believe it is a democratic move to help win presidential election, to be held on November 2. The election is described as “the decisive battle between donkey and elephant”. The two animals are the symbols of the two major political parties in the US. The elephant represents (象征) the Republicans, whose candidate (侯选人), President George W. Bush, is trying to defeat the donkey to win his second them. The donkey represents the democrats, whose candidate, John Kerry, is trying to kick the elephant out of the White House.

Republicans think the elephant is powerful and clever, but the Democrats argue it is stupid and conservative (守旧的). In return, the Republicans regard the donkey as stubborn (倔强的) and silly but the Democrats say it is humble, plain, smart and courageous.

The Republicans have been sending emails to Bush supporters and journalists with the heading, “An Elephant Never Forgets”, said party spokeswoman Heather Layman. Elephants are known for their long memories. The emails suggest that Bush will keep his promises, while Kerry will not stick to his words.

It is interesting that both symbols were created by a single person, Thomas Nast, a famous political cartoonist of the late 19th century. During the election in 1874, Nast drew a cartoon, in which a donkey in a lion’s skin frightened an elephant marked “Republican”.

What does “kick the elephant out of the White House” mean?

A. Drive the animal out of the White House.        B. Drive President Bush out of power.

C. Keep the elephant out of the White House.       D. Insist on Bush’s being elected.

In the eyes of the Republicans, the donkey is considered as      .

A. clever              B. foolish              C. polite              D. brave

Which of the following is NOT true?

A. The same artist created the two symbols.

B. The emails suggest Kerry will not carry out his promises.

C. “An Elephant Never Forgets” means that an elephant has a good memory.

D. John Kerry is a Democrat.



第三部分  阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分,满分40分)

For many people Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year. One of the reasons people love it so much is that you get presents. But like presents, Christmas needs to be unwrapped so that you can understand the true meaning behind the day.

Many Chinese believe everyone in Western countries celebrate this holiday. That is not true. Christmas is an important religious holiday for Christians. December 25 represents the birthday of Jesus Christ, who Christians believe is the son of God.

Christianity (基督教) is a very popular religion in America and Europe. However, there are many other religions, too. People who celebrate those religions don’t celebrate Christmas. But during the winter season they usually have their own important holiday. That is why when talking to a foreigner it is safer to say, “ Happy holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas” because you never know his/her religious background.

The image of a fat, happy man in red---Santa Claus---has come to represent the idea of goodness and love instead of religious part or the “Christmas spirit”. Santa Claus is based on a man named Saint Nicholas who was a 4th century Greek Christian.

Saint Nicholas bought presents for children and gave them away anonymously(匿名地). This is where the idea of gift on Christmas began. But the Santa Claus didn’t exist until the 19th century when an American named Thomas Nast drew cartoons of him. So really, Santa has nothing to do with the religious holiday.

In fact, some people who celebrate Christmas don’t really care about Santa Claus.

Christmas is a special day for Christians but the ideas of being good and loving your neighbors are not limited to Christianity. So buy a gift for your friend, tell your mother you love her and have merry Christmas. I mean ,”Happy holidays!”

56. Christians believe December 25 represents the birthday of _________.

A. Santa Claus     B. God    C. Jesus Christ     D. Thomas Nast

57. In the passage, the author thinks __________.

A. Santa Claus was a real person in the past

B. everyone should believe in Christianity

C. all people in Western countries celebrate Christmas

D. Santa Claus has nothing to do with Christmas holiday

58. What is “the true meaning” in the first passage?

A. For many people Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year

B. The Westerners have different religious backgrounds

C. Some like to say “Merry Christmas”, and others like to say “Happy holidays”

D. Being good and loving our neighbors are the virtues of all humans

59. What is the CORRECT explanation of Santa Claus?

A. He was a Greek Christian in the 4th century

B. He was an American who was born in the 19th century

C. His image represents the “Christmas spirit”

D. He was a cartoon figure drawn by Thomas Nast



第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分,满分40分)
For many people Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year. One of the reasons people love it so much is that you get presents. But like presents, Christmas needs to be unwrapped so that you can understand the true meaning behind the day.
Many Chinese believe everyone in Western countries celebrate this holiday. That is not true. Christmas is an important religious holiday for Christians. December 25 represents the birthday of Jesus Christ, who Christians believe is the son of God.
Christianity (基督教) is a very popular religion in America and Europe. However, there are many other religions, too. People who celebrate those religions don’t celebrate Christmas. But during the winter season they usually have their own important holiday. That is why when talking to a foreigner it is safer to say, “ Happy holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas” because you never know his/her religious background.
The image of a fat, happy man in red---Santa Claus---has come to represent the idea of goodness and love instead of religious part or the “Christmas spirit”. Santa Claus is based on a man named Saint Nicholas who was a 4th century Greek Christian.
Saint Nicholas bought presents for children and gave them away anonymously(匿名地). This is where the idea of gift on Christmas began. But the Santa Claus didn’t exist until the 19th century when an American named Thomas Nast drew cartoons of him. So really, Santa has nothing to do with the religious holiday.
In fact, some people who celebrate Christmas don’t really care about Santa Claus.
Christmas is a special day for Christians but the ideas of being good and loving your neighbors are not limited to Christianity. So buy a gift for your friend, tell your mother you love her and have merry Christmas. I mean ,”Happy holidays!”
56. Christians believe December 25 represents the birthday of _________.
A. Santa Claus     B. God    C. Jesus Christ     D. Thomas Nast
57. In the passage, the author thinks __________.
A. Santa Claus was a real person in the past
B. everyone should believe in Christianity
C. all people in Western countries celebrate Christmas
D. Santa Claus has nothing to do with Christmas holiday
58. What is “the true meaning” in the first passage?
A. For many people Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year
B. The Westerners have different religious backgrounds
C. Some like to say “Merry Christmas”, and others like to say “Happy holidays”
D. Being good and loving our neighbors are the virtues of all humans
59. What is the CORRECT explanation of Santa Claus?
A. He was a Greek Christian in the 4th century
B. He was an American who was born in the 19th century
C. His image represents the “Christmas spirit”
D. He was a cartoon figure drawn by Thomas Nast


第三部分  阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分,满分40分)

For many people Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year. One of the reasons people love it so much is that you get presents. But like presents, Christmas needs to be unwrapped so that you can understand the true meaning behind the day.

Many Chinese believe everyone in Western countries celebrate this holiday. That is not true. Christmas is an important religious holiday for Christians. December 25 represents the birthday of Jesus Christ, who Christians believe is the son of God.

Christianity (基督教) is a very popular religion in America and Europe. However, there are many other religions, too. People who celebrate those religions don’t celebrate Christmas. But during the winter season they usually have their own important holiday. That is why when talking to a foreigner it is safer to say, “ Happy holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas” because you never know his/her religious background.

The image of a fat, happy man in red---Santa Claus---has come to represent the idea of goodness and love instead of religious part or the “Christmas spirit”. Santa Claus is based on a man named Saint Nicholas who was a 4th century Greek Christian.

Saint Nicholas bought presents for children and gave them away anonymously(匿名地). This is where the idea of gift on Christmas began. But the Santa Claus didn’t exist until the 19th century when an American named Thomas Nast drew cartoons of him. So really, Santa has nothing to do with the religious holiday.

In fact, some people who celebrate Christmas don’t really care about Santa Claus.

Christmas is a special day for Christians but the ideas of being good and loving your neighbors are not limited to Christianity. So buy a gift for your friend, tell your mother you love her and have merry Christmas. I mean ,”Happy holidays!”

56. Christians believe December 25 represents the birthday of _________.

A. Santa Claus     B. God    C. Jesus Christ     D. Thomas Nast

57. In the passage, the author thinks __________.

A. Santa Claus was a real person in the past

B. everyone should believe in Christianity

C. all people in Western countries celebrate Christmas

D. Santa Claus has nothing to do with Christmas holiday

58. What is “the true meaning” in the first passage?

A. For many people Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year

B. The Westerners have different religious backgrounds

C. Some like to say “Merry Christmas”, and others like to say “Happy holidays”

D. Being good and loving our neighbors are the virtues of all humans

59. What is the CORRECT explanation of Santa Claus?

A. He was a Greek Christian in the 4th century

B. He was an American who was born in the 19th century

C. His image represents the “Christmas spirit”

D. He was a cartoon figure drawn by Thomas Nast



  New York's streets were covered by people dressed in elephant costumes(服装)and others waving anti-war posters with pictures of US President George W.Bush on them last week.But this was no carnival(狂欢节)-it was the Republican Party's National Convention(共和党全国大会), which attracted thousands of protestors(抗议者).It was the largest protest ever at a US political convention, with at least 120,000 people marching through Manhattan on August 29.They demanded that the US leave Iraq and a new president be chosen.

  The Republicans say the opposition-Democrat Party(民主党)encouraged the people on to the streets.They believe it is a Democratic move to help win presidential election, to be held on November 2.The election is described as“the decisive battle between donkey and elephant”.The two animals are the symbols of the two major political parties in the US.The elephant represents(象征)the Republicans, whose candidate(候选人), President George W.Bush, is trying to defeat the donkey to win his second term.The donkey represents the Democrats, whose candidate, John Kerry, is trying to kick the elephant out of the White House.

  Republicans think the elephant is powerful and clever, but the Democrats argue it is stupid and conservative(守旧的).In return, the Republicans regard the donkey as stubborn(倔强的)and silly but the Democrats say it is humble, plain, smart and courageous.

  The Republicans have been sending emails to Bush supporters and journalists with the header,“An Elephant Never Forgets”, said party spokeswoman Heather Layman.Elephants are known for their long memories.The emails suggest that Bush will keep his promises, while Kerry will not stick to his words.

  It is interesting that both symbols were created by a single person, Thomas Nast, a famous political cartoonist of the late 19th century.During the election in 1874, Nast drew a cartoon, in which a donkey in a lion's skin frightened an elephant marked“Republican”.


In the passage, the donkey stands for _______.

[  ]


the White House


the Republicans[


the Democrats


John Kerry


What does“kick the elephant out of the White House”mean?

[  ]


Drive the animal out of the White House.


Drive President Bush out of power.


Keep the elephant out of the White House.


Insist on Bush's being elected.


In the eyes of the Republicans, the donkey is considered as _______.

[  ]










Which of the following in NOT true?

[  ]


The same artist created the two symbols.


The emails suggest Kerry will not carry out his promises.


“An Elephant Never Forgets”means that an elephant has a good memory.


John Kerry is a Democrat.

