The local Tibetans and Sherpas laughed at the strange bottles containing what they referred to as “English air . refer to: speak of; allude to; apply to 谈及,提及,应用于 turn to or go to for information 参考,咨询 e.g. Jack was careful not to refer to the woman by name. Ex: Fill in the blanks with the proper phrases below. adjust to apply to be similar to look forward to contribute to devote-to be used to lead to refer to turn to stick to (1)The term `groupware’ software designed to be used by several computer users at once. (2)I welcome any change that will something better. (3)Davis didn’t really much the game in the second half. (4)Few people are able to themselves fully their career. (5)The children the holidays in Hawaii. (6)It took her two years to the life in Britain. (7)In which way will a human trip to Mars the trips of explorers in the past? (8)In the course of his speech, the speaker several times his notes. (9)They always me when they are in trouble. (10)If everyone the rules, we shouldn’t have any problems. (11)What I am saying perhaps does not the students in your school. (12)After many years’ practice, the seventy-year-old man swimming in the cold water in winter. 查看更多



The local Tibetans and Sherpas laughed at the strange bottles containing ________ they referred to as “English air”.

A. which     B. that        C. how       D. what

