The between China and Africa over the centuries had led to the awareness of each other’s existence. 查看更多



Can you tell the __________ between the twins?

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She is also 25 and a native of Beijing, but the ______ between us ends there.



Body language is the quietsecret and most powerful language of allIt speaks ____ than words.According to specialistsour bodies send out more ____ than we realize.In factnon?verbal communication (非言语交际) takes up about 50% of what we really ____.And body language is particularly ____ when we attempt to communicate across cultures (文化)Indeedwhat is called body language is so ____ a part of us that it’s actually often unnoticed.And misunderstandings occur as a result of it.___different societies treat the ___ between people differently.Northern Europeans usually do not like having ____ contact (接触) even with friendsand certainly not with ____.People from Latin American countries____touch each other quite a lot.Thereforeit’s possible that in ____it may look like a Latino is ____ a Norwegian all over the room.The Latinotrying to express friendshipwill keep moving ____.The Norwegianvery probably seeing this as pushinesswill keep ____—which the Latino will in return regard as ___.

Clearlya great deal is going on when people ____.And only a part of it is in the words themselves.And when parties are from ____ culturesthere’s a strong possibility of ____.But whatever the situationthe best ____ is to obey the Golden Ruletreat others as you would like to be ____.????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? (2012·新课标全国)

1.A.straighter? Blouder

Charder? Dfurther

2.A.sounds? Binvitations

Cfeelings? Dmessages

3.A.hope? Breceive

Cdiscover? Dmean

4.A.immediate? Bmisleading

Cimportant? Ddifficult

5.A.well Bfar

Cmuch? Dlong

6.A.For example? BThus

CHowever? DIn short Bdistance

Cconnections? Dgreetings

8.A.eye? Bverbal

Cbodily? Dtelephone

9.A.strangers? Brelatives

Cneighbours? Denemies other words? Bon the other hand

Cin a similar way? Dby all means

11.A.trouble? Bconversation

Csilence? Dexperiment

12.A.disturbing? Bhelping

Cguiding? Dfollowing

13.A.closer? Bfaster

Cin Daway

14.A.stepping forward? Bgoing on

Cbacking away? Dcoming out

15.A.weakness? Bcarelessness

Cfriendliness? Dcoldness Btravel

Claugh? Dthink

17.A.different? BEuropean

CLatino? Drich

18.A.curiosity? Bexcitement

Cmisunderstanding? Dnervousness

19.A.chance Btime

Cresult Dadvice

20.A.noticed? Btreated

Crespected? Dpleased



Sometimes the ______ between the reality and the dream is so great that it produces disappointment.

A. combination                  B. application                     C. contrast                          D. disapproval





1.Children sat happily on             (坐垫) on the hard floor.

2.The                between the two cities is 600 miles. (距离)

3.They are on a               across the Atlantic Ocean.(航海航行)

4.Many dead fish are seen _______(漂浮)on the river.

5.They travelled by ____________ (气球)over the ocean.

6.Jack took a deep __________________ (呼吸) and then dived into the water.

7.He’d like to live in the              (城市商业区的) area.

8.He threw the paper onto the fire and it flew up the ___________ (烟囱).

9.Because there is no food, the people are _________(挨饿)[来源:]

10.The _________(商人)of Arab are doing their things all of the world


