They made a silent of smiles. 查看更多



There was once a group of young people searching everywhere for happiness but what they got was only annoyance, grief and misery.

So they       Socrates for advice on where happiness      . But       giving any answers, Socrates asked them to help with building a       first. The group of guys had to       the task, laying aside their own business of seeking happiness. It took them a long time to cut down a tall tree, gouging out (挖空) the center. Through painstaking effort, they made a canoe out of the tree. They launched the canoe into a river, and then       together in it, singing with      .

Socrates asked, “My children, do you have happiness now?” They answered in chorus: “We       be happier!” Socrates      , “That’s it!       you are too busy pursuing something to notice anything bitter, happiness will occur.”

From the story I got to know that happiness      hides behind every tiny thing that you are involved in, and that you may only get pleasure through       work and creativity.

We may have to       pain in our daily life and in the process of       happiness. Sometimes we tend to look for happiness in       things, like a new car, clothes, etc. True long term happiness, however, comes from within our       and spirit. So why not turn suffering into       life, and       tears into the light in your heart? Only in this way can we make it through and find true happiness.

So my dear friends, just remember happiness is a state of mind and a matter of      , and I       you all a life of happiness.

1.A. pointed to           B. referred to             C. turned to                D. kept to

2.A. lay                                  B. belonged                C. stood                       D. laid

3.A. apart from          B. instead of               C. other than              D. for fear of

4.A. house                            B. boat                         C. bridge                     D. school

5.A. set about             B. set down                 C. set out                     D. set up

6.A. sat                                  B. stood                       C. got                           D. rowed

7.A. joy                            B. sorrow                      C. curiosity                  D. hope

8.A. mustn’t                         B. shouldn’t                C. couldn’t                  D. needn’t

9.A. declared            B. thought            C. added                      D. assumed

10.A. Unless                         B. Whenever              C. Until                         D. However

11.A. never                          B. always                     C. ever                         D. seldom

12.A. cautious            B. endless          C. hard                         D. effective

13.A. experience                B. avoid                       C. enjoy                       D. deny

14.A. searching                   B. seeking          C. hoping                     D. improving

15.A. spiritual             B. nice                         C. new                         D. material

16.A. body                           B. part                          C. soul                          D. head

17.A. blaming             B. praising                   C. ending                     D. cursing

18.A. turn                   B. put                           C. divide                      D. draw

19.A. time                            B. energy                    C. fact                          D. choice

20.A. wish                            B. promise                  C. bring                        D. require



Li Yue and Zhang Hua went to︿nursing home and did some voluntary work on May Day. At their arrival, they were warm welcomed. They presented the elderly people with flowers and fruits. Then, they started working at once, cleaning the windows and swept the floor. Everything done, they sit in the yard chatting with the elderly. When it was time for the volunteer to leave, the elderly thanked them for their kindness. Li Yue and Zhang Hua were very happy because of what they did bring joy to others. It also enriched our own experience. They made a promise which they would come again to see the elderly whenever they were free.



1.He said he would________(推荐) me to Professor Wang as his student. 

2.I don’t understand why he refused to________(承认) that he had been defeated. 

3.Our country is ________(丰富的;充裕的) in natural resources.

4.We           (用... 代替)a red ball for the blue one to see if the baby would notice.

5.You must not be          (支配) by what other people say.

6.Between 1942 and 1945 more immigrants came to California to work in the ship and a____(飞机) industries.

7.Most _____________(申请者) know that they have very little chance of getting a visa to California.

8.It became a____________(显而易见的) to everyone that they made a wrong decision.

9.The m___________ of the first Spanish were religious men who came to teach the Catholic religion to the natives.

10.I think you should make an ________(道歉) to her at once.



They say there are three ways to experience the Grand Canyon; on foot, on mules(骡子) or by air. We chose the first. Up early; my husband and I and our three children couldn’t wait to get started. We decided to walk along a lovely path named Bright Angel Trail.
As we set out, I was shocked at how narrow the path was. And I couldn’t help noticing that the other tourists weren’t like us. They had heavy backpacks, water bottles, and hats. But as usual we were dressed, As the sun rose higher, Arizona’s famous heat seemed to roast(烘烤) us. There was no shade and our legs were aching. We decided to go back, with the girl on my back and the boys far behind. By the time we finally got back, our legs were like jelly.
The next day, after we’d had a long rest and a good breakfast, we were ready for another view of the Canyon – by air. After our last walk, this would be the easiest thing in the world.
We called to each other excitedly as the plane took off and circled around the Canyon. But the smiles on our faces disappeared as the pilot tossed(翻转) the plane around, pretending he was going to hit the ground. I shouted, “STOP, TAKE US BACK!” When we finally arrived back on land, once again our legs were like jelly. We hardly spoke as we drove back.
As I said, there are three ways to view the Grand Canyon. We never tried the mules, but personally I’d suggest a fourth: buy yourself a good magazine like National Geographic. That way, you can see the Canyon, without fear or tiredness.
【小题1】Which of the following is true according to the second paragraph?

A.They made a careful preparation before the trip
B.They children were more joyful than their parents.
C.Bright Angel Trail was not as lovely as they expected.
D.The summer heat prevented them from enjoying the view.
【小题2】The underlined expression “Our legs were like jelly” probably means            .
A.we were weakB.we were unhappy
C.we were dissatisfiedD.we were disappointed
【小题3】Which of the following best describes their Canyon trip by air?
A.It proved to be frightening.B.It was more comfortable
C.It turned out to be excitingD.It made each of them tired.
【小题4】We can infer from the passage that          .
A.experiencing the Canyon on mules would be the best way needs to dress less when visiting the Grand Canyon.
C.the writer was not serious when she made the suggestion.
D.the whole family narrowly escaped from the air accident.


Here is what I have been told of the matter.
In the spring of 1842, Marguerite was so weak, so different in her looks, that the doctors had ordered her to take the waters. She therefore set out for Bagneres.
Among the other sufferers there, was the Duke's daughter who not only had the same complaint but a face so like Marguerite's that they could have been taken for sisters.  The fact was that the young Duchess was in the third stage of consumption and, only days after Marguerite's arrival, she passed away.
One morning the Duke, who had remained at Bagneres caught sight of Marguerite as she turned a corner of a gravel walk.
It seemed as though he was seeing the spirit of his dead child and, going up to her, he took both her hands, embraced her tearfully and, without asking who she was, begged permission to call on her and to love in her person the living image of his dead daughter.
Marguerite, alone at Bagneres with her maid, and in any case having nothing to lose by compromising herself, granted the Duke what he asked.
Now there were a number of people at Bagneres who knew her, and they made a point of calling on the Duke to inform him of Marguerite's true situation. It was a terrible blow for the old man, for any resemblance with his daughter stopped there. But it was too late. The young woman had become an emotional necessity, his only excuse and his sole reason for living.
He did not criticize her, he had no right to, but he did ask her if she felt that she could change her way of life, and, in exchange for this sacrifice, he would offer all the compensations she could want. She agreed.
It should be said that at this point Marguerite, who was by nature somewhat highly strung(excited and nervous), was seriously ill. Her past appeared to her to be one of the major causes of her illness, and a kind of superstition(迷信) led her to hope that God would allow her to keep her beauty and her health in exchange for her regret and shame.
And indeed the waters, the walks, healthy fatigue and sleep had almost restored her fully by the end of that summer.
The Duke accompanied Marguerite to Paris, where he continued to call on her as at Bagneres.
This connection, of which the true origin and true motive were known to no one,  gave rise here to a great deal of talk, since the Duke, known till now as an enormously wealthy man,  now began to acquire a name for the prodigality(挥霍).
67. Why did the Duke take Marguerite’s both hands when he saw her?
A. His daughter and Marguerite were once good friends.
B. Marguerite is his daughter’s spirit.
C. Marguerite resembles his daughter.
D. They haven’t seen each other for long.
68. What’s the right order of the events?
a. The Duke accompanied Marguerite to Paris.
b. Marguerite set out for Bagneres.
c. The Duke took Marguerite as his daughter.
d. The daughter of the Duke passed away.
e. Marguerite took a gravel walk
A. e-c-b-d-a                  B. c-d-e-b-a                  C. b-d-e-c-a                  D. d-a-c-b-e
69. From the passage we can guess that Marguerite _______.
A. doesn’t believe in God
B. was once a woman without a good fame
C. was strange to all the people in Bagners
D. kept her own way of life while living with the Duke
70. According to the passage, Marguerite went to Bagners _______.
A. just for a gravel walk                                          B. to find her sister
C. to visit the Duke                                                 D. for treatment

