In drawing up the plan, they went to the library to many books. 查看更多



I passed all the other courses that I took at my university, but I could have never passed botany. This was because all botany students had to spend several hours a week in a laboratory looking through a microscope at plant cells, and I could never once see a cell through a microscope. This used to make my professor angry. He would wander around the laboratory pleased with the progress all the students were making in drawing the structure of flower cells, until he came to me. I would just be standing there. “I can’t see anything,”I would say. He would begin patiently enough, explaining how anybody can see through a microscope, but he would always end up angrily, claiming that I could too see through a microscope but just pretended that I couldn’t. “It takes away from the beauty of flowers anyway.”I used to tell him.“We are not concerned with beauty in this course,”he would say.“We are concerned with the structure of flowers.” “Well,” I’d say.“I can’t see anything.” “Try it just once again,” he’d say, and I would put my eye to the microscope and see nothing at all, except now and again something unclear and milky. “You were supposed to see a clear, moving plant cells shaped like clocks.” “I see what looks like a lot of milk.” I would tell him. This, he claimed, was the result of my not having adjusted the microscope properly, so he would readjust it for me, or rather, for himself. And I would look again and see milk.
I failed to pass botany that year, and had to wait a year and try again, or I couldn’t graduate. The next term the same professor was eager to explain cell-structure again to his classes. “Well,”he said to me, happily, “we’re going to see cells this time, aren’t we?” “Yes,sir,” I said. Students to the right of me and to the left of me and in front of me were seeing cells; what’s more, they were . Of course, I didn’t see anything.
So the professor and I tried with every adjustment of the microscope known to man. With only once did I see anything but blackness or the familiar milk, and that time I saw, to my pleasure and amazement, something like stars. These I hurriedly drew. The professor, noting my activity, came to me, a smile on his lips and his eyebrows high in hope. He looked at my cell drawing. “What’s that?”he asked.“That’s what I saw,”I said.“You didn’t, you didn’t, you didn’t!”he screamed, losing control of himself immediately, and he bent over and looked into the microscope. He raised his head suddenly. “That’s your eye!”he shouted.“You’ve adjusted the microscope so that it reflects!You’re drawn your eye!”
【小题1】Why couldn’t the writer see the flower cells through the microscope?     .

A.Because he had poor eyesight
B.Because the microscope didn’t work properly
C.Because he was not able to adjust the microscope properly
D.Because he was just playing jokes on his professor by pretending not to have seen it
【小题2】What does the writer mean by “his eyebrows high in hope”in the last paragraph?
A.His professor expected him to have seen the cells and drawn the picture of them
B.His professor hoped he could perform his task with attention
C.His professor wished him to learn how to draw pictures
D.His professor looked forward to seeing all his students finish their drawings
【小题3】What is the thing like stars that the writer saw in the last paragraph?
A.Real starsB.His own eye
C.Something unknownD.Milk
【小题4】In what writing style did the writer write the passage?
A.Realistic B.RomanticC.SeriousD.Humorous


At 13Samuel received a training course in drawing for three years________ he got a good opportunity for further development.

Aafter that? Bafter which

Cafter it? Dafter this




  A very rapid increase in the number of cars began almost immediately after they were invented to meet the need for the regular rapid transportation and convenience.The car is such a part of our everyday life and so much taken for granted nowadays that we rarely think twice when we get into it and get it started.The USA is even referred to as“a nation on wheels”.But how many of you have ever thought how the car is designed and operated?

  In cars of normal design, the petrol system is made up of three main parts:storage tank, a pump and a carburetor.

  The petrol tank is fitted at the back of the car where it is out of the way, yet easily filled at a gas station.Tanks are in various capacity but they usually hold enough petrol for 250-300 miles running.Because the tank is at the opposite end of the car from the carburetor, which is fitted high up on the engine, a pump is needed to draw the petrol from one to the other, so it is from the carburetor that the petrol is finally fed into the engine.Pumps can be of two kinds:electrically operated or mechanically driven from the engine.

  Next time when you are driving a car, you may wonder what a great and magic invention the car is.


Choose one picture which shows the correct petrol system described in this passage.

[  ]






The passage tells the reason why ________.

[  ]


there are different types of tanks in capacity


the tank is designed at the back of the car


the pump is mechanically driven from the engine


the petrol is fed into the engine from the carburetor


It is necessary to use a pump to send petrol to carburetor because ________.

[  ]


the engine needs supplying with a certain amount of petrol


the pump can press the petrol to recycle


the carburetor has difficulty in drawing petrol from the tank


the tank isn't fitted in proper position



Yorkshire, England was the setting for two great novels (小说) of the 19th century. These were Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre and Emily Bronte’s Wuthering Heights. The youngest sister, Anne, was also a gifted novelist, and her books have the same extraordinary quality as her sisters’.

Their father was Patrick Bronte, born in Ireland. He moved with his wife, Maria Bronte, and their six small children to Haworth in Yorkshire in 1820. Soon after, Mrs. Bronte and the two eldest children died, leaving the father to care of the remaining three girls and a boy.

Charlotte was born in 1816. Emily was born in 1818 and Anne in 1820. Their brother Branwell was born in 1817. Left to themselves, the children wrote and told stories and walked over the hills. They grew up largely self-educated. Branwell showed a great interest in drawing. The girls were determined to earn money for his art education. They took positions as teachers or taught children in their homes.

As children they had all written many stories. Charlotte, as a young girl, alone wrote 22 books, each with 60 to 100 pages of small handwriting. Therefore, they turned to writing for income. By 1847, Charlotte had written The Professor; Emily, Wuthering Heights; and Anne, Agnes Grey. After much difficulty Anne and Emily found a publisher(出版商), but there was no interest shown in Charlotte’s book. (It was not published until 1859.) However, one publisher expressed an interest in seeing more of her works. Jane Eyre was already started, and she hurriedly finished it. It was accepted at once; thus each of the sisters had a book published in 1847.

Jane Eyre was immediately successful; the other two, however, did not do so well. People did not like Wuthering Heights. They said it was too wild, too animal-like. But gradually it came to be considered one of the finest novels in the English language. Emily lived only a short while after the publication of the book, and Anne died in 1849.

Charlotte published Shirley in 1849, and Villette in 1853. In 1854 she married Arthur Bell Nicholls. But only a year later, she died of tuberculosis(肺结核) as her sisters had.

1.We know from the text that      .

A.Jane Eyre was published in 1847

B.Charlotte Bronte wrote 22 books in all

C.the Bronte sisters received good education

D.Patrick Bronte helped his daughters with their writing

2.The underlined words “the other two” in the 5 th paragraph refer to      .

A.Shirley and Villette

B.The Professor and Agnes Grey

C.Agnes Grey and Wutheriing Heights

D.The Professor and wuthering Heights

3. What do we know about the Bronte sisters from the text?

A.Their novels interested few publishers.

B.None of them had more than two books published.

C.None of them lived longer than 40 years old.

D.Emily was the least successful of the three.



Tsai Chin Chung is one of Taiwan’s most famous cartoonists, and his cartoons are enjoyed by people in many different countries in Asia. His books of cartoons have now become best sellers in Singapore, Malaysia, and even Japan.
As soon as he could hold a pencil, Tsai Chin Chung lived only for drawing. Every day he practised drawing people and things around him and from his favorite stories.
When he was only 15 years old, he left home to work for a publisher in Taipei. He worked hard to draw pictures for books. Two years later, he left his job and started to work on drawing cartoon series, which he liked better. He made up his mind to succeed as a cartoonist.
Now Tsai Chin Chung has achieved something unusual for a modern cartoonist. He has become extremely successful at changing Chinese literature (文学) and philosophy (哲学) into humorous comic stories. In this way, he has made the Chinese classics (古典文学) known to thousands of people.
Because of his great achievement, several years ago Tsai Chin Chung was given a prize as one of the 10 Outstanding Young People of Taiwan. Since then, he has won many prizes, and his cartoons have become popular throughout Asia, America and Europe. So far, he has published more than 20 comic books. Ten of these are about ancient Chinese philosophers based on Chinese historical and literary classics.  
Many of Tsai Chin Chung’s books of cartoons and comics have now been published in English in countries like Singapore. His books have also been translated into several other languages, including Japanese, Korean and Thai. Even publishers in France and Indonesia have recently signed agreements for permission to publish his cartoon series.
【小题1】 Tsai Chin Chung first worked as ________.

A.a book sellerB.a cartoonist
C.a writer of Chinese stories artist drawing pictures for books
【小题2】Tsai Chin Chung left his first job because he ________.
A.preferred drawing cartoonsB.wanted to go back to school
C.enjoyed drawing pictures for booksD.wanted to be famous
【小题3】Tsai Chin Chung first became interested in drawing when he _______.
A.left schoolB.was a very small childC.was 15D.started to be a cartoonist
【小题4】Half of the books he has published are related to _______.
A.Chinese and foreign comicsB.countries in Asia, America and Europe
C.foreign languages learningD.Chinese history and literature
【小题5】 Because of his great achievements, Tsai Chin Chung _______.
A.travelled a lot in Asia and EuropeB.went to live in SingaporeC.won an important prize in TaiwanD.has become famous in Africa.

