第一节 短文改错 My neighbor’s children love playing hide-and-seek when as 76 all children do. One afternoon, they were playing in the street just inside the post office. Young Lan found the perfect place 77 to hide. His sister, Janet, had shut her eyes and was counting up ten when Lan noticed that the small metal door 78 of the letter-box had left open. The post-man had 79 brought just all the letters out and had 80 gone in the post-office to see if there were 81 any parcel. Lan climbed into the letter-box and pulled 82 the door from the inside so hard that it locked, so he became very frightened and started crying. Meantime, Janet was looking for him everywhere and could not find him. It was lucky she happened 83 to hear her brother’s cries. She immediately ran to tell the postman and unlocked the metal door. Lan was now free, but he had had so a bad fright that he could not stop crying. The postman, however, 84 told him that next time he wanted to hide in a letter-box, he should 85 remember to stick a stamp on himself. 查看更多



第 II 卷 (共35分)?








When people think about precious things, they usually?

think about money or jewelry. I am not very rich, and I have          76.      ?

something very preciously in my room. It’s not a CD player or        77.      ?

a cellphone. It’s the view from my window. I’m lucky live            78.      ?

near a park. My window faces with the tops of the trees in            79.      ?

the park. Below the tree I can see children on the playground,         80.      ?

young couples walked quietly, mothers with children, and            81.      ?

old people sitting on the beach. The whole world is before            82.      ?

their eyes. My classmates like to go online or listen to music,          83.      ?

but when I have a free time, I just sit on the chair and                84.      ?

enjoyed the most precious thing in my room: the view.               85.       ?



第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

Last week I bought an English dictionary in a bookstore near my home. So when I came home and read carefully I found that several page of the dictionary had been missing. Worse still, the misprints spread everywhere the dictionary and serious affected my reading. I went to a store to ask for a replacement. But to my surprised, the staff of the bookstore turn down my request rudely and even denied the poor quality of the dictionary. It goes without saying what a high standard of service is needed in today’s society. However, to my regret, businessmen are fail to achieve this standard. The quality of the staff needs improve.



第II卷(非选择题 共50分)
第一节 短文改错(共10小题,每小题1.5分;满分15分)
"There is nothing either good or worse, but thinking makes it so,"                   66.      
William Shakespeare said. One of the greatest source of unhappiness,                            67.      
in my experience, is the difficulty we take in accepting things as they                            68.      
are. Without judgement, without wishing for otherwise. When we                          69.      
see something we don't like, we wish it cart be different—we cry out                      70.      
with something better. That may be human nature, or perhaps it's                                  71.      
something that is deep rooted in our culture. The root of                                       72.      
unhappiness isn't necessarily what we want things to be different,                           73.      
however, it's that we decided we didn't like it in first place. We've                           74.      
judged it as bad, rather than by saying, "It's not bad or good, it just is."                  75. 


第Ⅱ卷(非选择题 共35分)
第一节 短文改错(满分10分)
I visited my aunt in the countryside near the city last week.
I was surprised to see that great changes had been taken place        76________
in the countryside.Take my aunt’s family for example.We       77_______
supply precious trees and flowers to the stores in the city and       78________
have over ten workers working for themselves.Their family’s      79_______
income reached as much 100 000 yuan last year.Not only        80______
did they have a house, a car and computers, they can also afford     81______
a trip abroad every year.When asking what else they needed      82______
most, they said that they wanted to learn a few English so that      83______
they could do business with foreigners directly.To their delighted, 84______
my cousin an use that he has learned from university to help        85_______
them with overseas trade.


  My husband 96 - year old grandmother came to live with us for many years of independence. We did all the thing we could to make her feel comfortable in our home,including giving her the private line for her bderoom. One evening we are having a party while the phone rang. It was telephone operator, that asked, "Do you have a grandmother upstairs?" "Yes," my husband repied. "Well," the operator again continued,"She can't remember your phone number,and she like a cup of tea."

