The cowboy the cattle that eating the grass here and there. A. collected; were B. collected; was C. rounded up; were D. rounded up; was 查看更多




Photos that you might have found down the back of your sofa are now big business!

In 2005,the American artist Richard Prince’s photograph of a photograph,Untitled (Cowboy),was sold for $1 248 000.

Prince is certainly not the only contemporary artist to have worked with so-called “found photographs”—a loose term given to everything from discarded(丢弃的)prints discovered in a junk shop to old advertisements or amateur photographs from a stranger’s family album.The German artist Joachim Schmid,who believes “basically everything is worth looking at”,has gathered discarded photographs,postcards and newspaper images since 1982.In his on-going project,Archiv,he groups photographs of family life according to themes:people with dogs;teams;new cars;dinner with the family;and so on.

Like Schmid,the editors of several self-published art magazines also champion(捍卫)found photographs.One of them,called simply Found,was born one snowy night in Chicago,when Davy Rothbard returned to his car to find under his wiper(雨刷)an angry note intended for someone else:“Why’s your car HERE at HER place?”The note became the starting point for Rothbard’s addictive publication,which features found photographs sent in by readers,such as a poster discovered in your drawer.

The whole found-photograph phenomenon has raised some questions.Perhaps one of the most difficult is:can these images really be considered as art?And,if so,whose art?Yet found photographs produced by artists,such as Richard Prince,may raise endless possibilities.What was the cowboy in Prince’s Untitled doing?Was he riding his horse hurriedly to meet someone?Or how did Prince create this photograph?It’s anyone’s guess.In addition,as we imagine the back-story to the people in the found photographs artists,like Schmid,have collated(整理),we also turn toward our own photographic albums.Why is memory so important to us?Why do we all seek to freeze in time the faces of our children,our parents,our lovers,and ourselves?Will they mean anything to anyone after we’ve gone?

In the absence of established facts,the vast collections of found photographs give our minds an opportunity to wander freely.That,above all,is why they are so fascinating.

1.The first paragraph of the passage is used to_______.

A.remind readers of found photographs

B.advise readers to start a new kind of business

C.ask readers to find photographs behind sofas readers the value of found photographs

2.According to the passage,Joachim Schmid_______. fond of collecting family life photographs

B.found a complaining note under his car wiper working for several self-published art magazines

D.wondered at the artistic nature of found photographs

3.The underlined word “them”in Paragraph 4 refers to“_______”.

A.the readers

B.the editors

C.the found photographs

D.the self-published magazines

4.By asking a series of questions in Paragraph 5,the author mainly intends to indicate that_______.

A.memory of the past is very important to people

B.found photographs allow people to think freely

C.the back-story of found photographs is puzzling

D.the real value of found photographs is questionable

5.The author’s attitude toward found photographs can be described as_______.

A.critical                                  B.doubtful

C.optimistic                                D.satisfied



It had been a long time since I had been to Jacksonville, Florida. I had driven to town hoping to see the old barber shop where my hair had been cut as a child.     
I parked my truck and decided to try and locate a telephone to see if the Florida Barber College had moved to a new location.   
After walking about a block I saw an open shoe store. I walked inside and asked if I could use their telephone book. Unable to find a listing for the Barber College, I picked out the number of a local beauty salon, hoping they might tell me if the barber college was still in business. The number was busy, so I decided to wait and try again in a few minutes.
As the salesman and I stood talking the front door opened and a young man about twenty came into the store pushing himself in a wheelchair. “I need a new pair of shoes,” said the customer. As he turned the corner, there was a blanket across his lap. I was shocked to see that the young man had no legs.
“A gift for a friend?” I asked the boy. “No,” he replied. They are for me,” he continued, with a smile on his face. I just smiled back and watched to see what would happen next.
“What type of shoe would you like?” asked the clerk. “How about a pair of cowboy boots?” The man pointed to the back wall where three or four pairs of boots were displayed. The salesman, sharply turning, headed off to the backroom.
“Isn’t this fun?” the boy asked me. I moved my hand to let him know that I did not understand his question. “When I was a kid, my parents used to buy me a new pair of shoes every year. That was such a wonderful feeling. Something I have never forgotten. The smell of the leather and the pride I felt when I walked around the store showing off my new shoes.”
The salesman came walking down the aisle with a large box. He sat it down on the floor, took out one boot and handed it to the young man. The boy closed his eyes. He placed the boot against his nose, and drew in a large breath. I did not know what to say as tears began to fall on the young man’s cheeks. “What type of accident did you have?” I asked him. “Farm accident,” he said, as he tried to clear his voice.
“Do you want the cowboy boots?” the salesman asked him. 
“Oh, yes!” he answered.
“I see buying a new pair of shoes still gives you that good feeling you talked about,” I told the young man, as I smiled. 
“Yes it does.” he said “And I may have someone, and his feet to share it with some day.” 
67. Why did the young man want to buy a new pair of shoes?
A. Because he bought a pair every year.
B. Because he wanted to send a new pair to a friend.
C. Because he hoped to keep it for memory.
D. Because he enjoyed the feeling of possessing a new pair.
68. The author writes about the barber shop at the beginning of the article in order to _______.
A. introduce the background of the story
B. see if the Barber College had moved to a new location
C. find a listing for the Barber College       D. pick out a local beauty salon
69. How did the author feel when he saw a young man without legs buying a pair of shoes?
A. Unexpected.     B. Proud.    C. Sympathetic.    D. Superior.
70. What can you conclude from the passage?
A. The young man was a stubborn person.      B. The author was a man of understanding.
C. The cowboy boots were fashionable then.   D. The disabled envied much those healthy.


Below are descriptions of six famous states in the U. S.

California is a state located on the West Coast of the United States. It is the most populous U.S. state and was admitted as the 31st state on September 9, 1850.California's diverse geography ranges from the Pacific Coast in the west, to the Sierra Nevada mountains in the east. Earthquakes are a common occurrence due to the state's location along the Pacific Ring of Fire: about 37,000 are recorded annually. The California Gold Rush happened in San Francisco and there is also a famous Silicon Valley. Hollywood exists in Los Angeles, making it the center of entertainment. “The Golden State” has long been a popular designation for California and was made the official State Nickname in 1968.

Florida is a state in the southeastern region of the United States, bordered to the west by the Gulf of Mexico, to the north by Alabama and Georgia and to the east by the Atlantic Ocean. Miami is the largest metropolitan area in the southeastern United States.The climate varies from subtropical in the north to tropical in the south. Its economy relies mainly on tourism, agriculture, and transportation. Florida is also known for its amusement parks, the production of oranges, and the Kennedy Space Center. Florida has attracted many writers such as Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings, Ernest Hemingway and Tennessee Williams, and continues to attract celebrities and athletes. It is internationally known for golf, tennis, auto racing, and water sports.

Utah is a state in the Western United States. It became the 45th state admitted to the Union on January 4, 1896. Utah is the most religiously homogeneous state in the Union. Approximately 63% of Utahans are reported to be members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints or LDS, which greatly influences Utah culture and daily life. The state is a center of transportation, education, information technology and research, government services, mining, and a major tourist destination for outdoor recreation.

Texas is the second most populous and the second-largest of the 50 states in the United States of America. Houston is the largest city in Texas and the fourth-largest in the United States. Texas is nicknamed the Lone Star State to signify Texas as a former independent republic and as a reminder of the state's struggle for independence from Mexico. The "Lone Star" can be found on the Texas state flag and on the Texas state seal today. The term "six flags over Texas" came from the several nations that had ruled over the territory. In 1845 it joined the United States as the 28th state. One Texas industry that thrived after the Civil War was cattle. Due to its long history as a center of the industry, Texas is associated with the image of the cowboy.

Virginia, is a U.S. state located in the South Atlantic region of the United States. Virginia is nicknamed the "Old Dominion" and the "Mother of Presidents" after the eight U.S. presidents born there. It is unique in how it treats cities and counties equally, manages local roads, and prohibits its governors from serving consecutive terms. Virginia's economy has many sectors: agriculture in the Shenandoah Valley; federal agencies in Northern Virginia, including the headquarters of the Department of Defense and CIA; and military facilities in Hampton Roads, the site of the region's main seaport. Virginia's public schools and many colleges and universities have contributed to growing media and technology sectors. As a result, computer chips have become the state's leading export.

Kentucky, is a state located in the east south-central region of the United States. In 1792 it became the 15th state to join the Union. Kentucky is known as the "Bluegrass State", a nickname based on the bluegrass found in many of its pastures because of the fertile soil. It is a land with diverse environments and abundant resources, including the world's longest cave system, Mammoth Cave National Park, the greatest length of navigable waterways and streams in the contiguous United States, and the two largest man-made lakes east of the Mississippi River.Kentucky is also home to the highest per capita number of deer and turkey in the United States.

1. Which state is called the “golden state” and why?

A.California, because of the gold rush.

B.Texas, because of the stars there.

C.Virginia, because of a famous mother there.

D.Kentucky, because of the famous “KFC” there.

2.The famous writer of “The Old Man and the Sea” once lived in____.

A.Virginia           B.Texas             C.California          D.Florida

3. How is the correct time order for different states to join the U.S.?

A.California – Utah—Texas – Kentucky

B.Kentucky–Texas – California – Utah

C.Kentucky–California – Texas —Utah

D.California –Kentucky—Texas –Utah

4. Which of the following match is WRONG?

A.Cowboys in Texas.

B.Utah and religions.

C.Hollywood in Virginia.

D.Kennedy Space Center in Florida.



Photos that you might have found down the back of your sofa are now big business!
In 2005,the American artist Richard Prince’s photograph of a photograph,Untitled (Cowboy),was sold for $1 248 000.
Prince is certainly not the only contemporary artist to have worked with so-called “found photographs”—a loose term given to everything from discarded(丢弃的)prints discovered in a junk shop to old advertisements or amateur photographs from a stranger’s family album.The German artist Joachim Schmid,who believes “basically everything is worth looking at”,has gathered discarded photographs,postcards and newspaper images since 1982.In his on-going project,Archiv,he groups photographs of family life according to themes:people with dogs;teams;new cars;dinner with the family;and so on.
Like Schmid,the editors of several self-published art magazines also champion(捍卫)found photographs.One of them,called simply Found,was born one snowy night in Chicago,when Davy Rothbard returned to his car to find under his wiper(雨刷)an angry note intended for someone else:“Why’s your car HERE at HER place?”The note became the starting point for Rothbard’s addictive publication,which features found photographs sent in by readers,such as a poster discovered in your drawer.
The whole found-photograph phenomenon has raised some questions.Perhaps one of the most difficult is:can these images really be considered as art?And,if so,whose art?Yet found photographs produced by artists,such as Richard Prince,may raise endless possibilities.What was the cowboy in Prince’s Untitled doing?Was he riding his horse hurriedly to meet someone?Or how did Prince create this photograph?It’s anyone’s guess.In addition,as we imagine the back-story to the people in the found photographs artists,like Schmid,have collated(整理),we also turn toward our own photographic albums.Why is memory so important to us?Why do we all seek to freeze in time the faces of our children,our parents,our lovers,and ourselves?Will they mean anything to anyone after we’ve gone?
In the absence of established facts,the vast collections of found photographs give our minds an opportunity to wander freely.That,above all,is why they are so fascinating.
【小题1】The first paragraph of the passage is used to_______.

A.remind readers of found photographs
B.advise readers to start a new kind of business
C.ask readers to find photographs behind sofas readers the value of found photographs
【小题2】According to the passage,Joachim Schmid_______. fond of collecting family life photographs
B.found a complaining note under his car wiper working for several self-published art magazines
D.wondered at the artistic nature of found photographs
【小题3】The underlined word “them”in Paragraph 4 refers to“_______”.
A.the readers
B.the editors
C.the found photographs
D.the self-published magazines
【小题4】By asking a series of questions in Paragraph 5,the author mainly intends to indicate that_______.
A.memory of the past is very important to people
B.found photographs allow people to think freely
C.the back-story of found photographs is puzzling
D.the real value of found photographs is questionable
【小题5】The author’s attitude toward found photographs can be described as_______.


The name “cowboy” conjures up many different images from movies, songs and TV. These imagined cowboys range from white-hat-wearing heroes to gun-shooting hooligans(流氓).But, cowboys are actually real people from US history.?

When the US Civil War ended, many soldiers had no place to call home. So, they began to drift to the country's rural West. Ranchers(农场主) hired these men to take care of the cattle and work around the ranch. When the ranch owner wanted to sell the cattle, the cowboys would round up the herd from the open prairie(牧场) and drive the cattle miles to the market.?

With the invention of barbed wire(铁丝网),the cowboy era(1865-1890) began to come to an end. But people in the East had always been curious about their lifestyle. Many country/western songs during this time tried to capture the true cowboy spirit. Newspapers published cowboy tales in serial form and adventure novels followed. The bigger the fiction, the better the sales. These novels often portrayed cowboys as cruel and violent men. Cowboys carried the bad reputation for many years afterwards.

When movies began to be popular in the 1920s,the cowboy image changed again. Now, a cowboy became the great white knight(骑士) that loved his horse more than the beautiful ladies he rescued. As the cowboy of the “Old West” spent more time with his horse than the ladies, this era's image was not entirely false.

Then, in the 50s,Hollywood began producing so-called “spaghetti westerns(意大利西部片)”.They earned the nickname because Italian companies financed the films and TV shows. This started the decade's “Cowboy Craze”.While this didn't last long, it made modern country/western music, fashion and dance extremely popular.?

In recent years, with the help of musicians, radio stations and bars, cowboy nostalgia(怀旧情绪) has returned. Even though his image is still changing—somewhere between ballad singing country boy and bar?room fighter—there's one thing for sure, you can't keep the cowboy down.?

The purpose of this story is to _______.

A. introduce cowboy movies and novels?

B. introduce various productions associated with cowboys?

C. show the cowboy's everlasting charm ?

D. inform us about the cowboy's spirit?

Before they became cowboys, they _______.

A. served in the army    B. worked as bar-room fighters?

C. owned ranches      D. were adventurous explorers?

During “the cowboy era” mentioned in the story, _______.?

A. the cowboy often came to the rescue of ladies in newspaper tales?

B. the distant Wild West appealed to people in the East?

C. cowboys were shown as cruel and violent men on the silver screen?

D. country music started the cowboy craze which swept the whole country

By saying “you can't keep the cowboy down”,the writer means that _______.

A. cowboys are real people in history   B. cowboys still fascinate people?

C. you can't make cowboys unhappy     D. you can't grasp the cowboy spirit?

