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Nowadays, " the sense of happiness" has been repeatedly mentioned in various medias.  CCTV did a nation-wide survey by asking random passers-by: " Are you happy now? What exactly is happiness in your eyes?" The survey aroused a heated discussion across the country and people from all walks of life expressed their opinions.
" I would say I'm pretty happy at present because my dear daughter has graduated from college and found herself a decent job. " said a woman in her fifties with a big smile on her face.
Though it seemed that most people said they were happy, different voices were still heard and should not be ignored. A migrant worker’s(农民工) reply was  "My family name is Zeng", showing his  determination to refuse the interview as well as his annoyance to mention happiness.
The brand-new Chinese Nobel Prize winner Mo Yan answered " I don't know " in an interview when he was asked the same question.
【评分标准】 概括准确,语言规范,内容合适,语篇连贯。



1.What we choose and decide forms our life, but a________ decides our choice and decision.

2.As is known to all, Mo Yan was awarded the 2012 Nobel Prize for l________.

3.Recently I watched a cartoon a___________ from the famous drama by Shakespeare.

4.It is known to all that fresh air is b___________ to our health.

5.The visiting president on Thursday expressed his deep s___________ on the deaths and damages caused by the earthquake in Guatemala.

6.His parents d__________ when he was 10 months old, and he was brought up by his grandfather.

7.The lady is o___________ and she wants to lose weight.

8.Nowadays China is developing fast, which is e_______ by other countries.

9.The 2013 is a great year for us to rethink our future, r________ on our past mistakes and show our achievements.

10.In order to repay my mother for her kindness, I’ll retell the stories for her in v________ detail.




Nowadays, " the sense of happiness" has been repeatedly mentioned in various medias.  CCTV did a nation-wide survey by asking random passers-by: " Are you happy now? What exactly is happiness in your eyes?" The survey aroused a heated discussion across the country and people from all walks of life expressed their opinions.

" I would say I'm pretty happy at present because my dear daughter has graduated from college and found herself a decent job. " said a woman in her fifties with a big smile on her face.

Though it seemed that most people said they were happy, different voices were still heard and should not be ignored. A migrant worker’s(农民工) reply was  "My family name is Zeng", showing his  determination to refuse the interview as well as his annoyance to mention happiness.

The brand-new Chinese Nobel Prize winner Mo Yan answered " I don't know " in an interview when he was asked the same question.










【评分标准】 概括准确,语言规范,内容合适,语篇连贯。



Nowadays, the term " sense of happiness" has been repeatedly mentioned in various medias. During the National Day holidays, CCTV did a nation-wide survey by asking random passers-by the question " Are you happy now? What exactly is happiness in your eyes?" The survey aroused a heated discussion across the country and people from all walks of life expressed their opinions.
" I would say I'm pretty happy at present because my dear daughter has graduated from college and found herself a good job. " said a woman in her fifties with a big smile on her face.
Though it seemed that most people said they were happy, different voices were still heard and should not be ignored. There was a migrant worker(农民工) whose answer to the question was widely spread online. When asked if he was happy, he said " My family name is Zeng", showing his determination to refuse the interview as well as his annoyance to mention happiness.
The brand-new Chinese Nobel Prize winner Mo Yan answered " I don't know " in an interview when he was asked the same question: Are you happy?


Nowadays, " the sense of happiness" has been repeatedly mentioned in various medias.  CCTV did a nation-wide survey by asking random passers-by: " Are you happy now? What exactly is happiness in your eyes?" The survey aroused a heated discussion across the country and people from all walks of life expressed their opinions.
" I would say I'm pretty happy at present because my dear daughter has graduated from college and found herself a decent job. " said a woman in her fifties with a big smile on her face.
Though it seemed that most people said they were happy, different voices were still heard and should not be ignored. A migrant worker’s(农民工) reply was  "My family name is Zeng", showing his  determination to refuse the interview as well as his annoyance to mention happiness.
The brand-new Chinese Nobel Prize winner Mo Yan answered " I don't know " in an interview when he was asked the same question.
【评分标准】 概括准确,语言规范,内容合适,语篇连贯。

