– How do you feel about taking the job in Los Angeles? – ? It’s the biggest company in the country. A. How about you B. How should I feel C. What D. How do you 查看更多



 --- How do you feel about taking the job in Los Angeles?

--- ____? It's the biggest company in the country.

A. How about you B. How should I feel C. How do you D. What


--- How do you feel about taking the job in Los Angeles?

--- ____? It's the biggest company in the country.

  1. A.
    How about you
  2. B.
    How should I feel
  3. C.
    How do you
  4. D.


--- How do you feel about taking the job in Los Angeles?
--- ____? It's the biggest company in the country

  1. A.
    How about you
  2. B.
    How should I feel
  3. C.
    How do you
  4. D.


--- How do you feel about taking the job in Los Angeles?    
--- ____? It’s the biggest company in the country.    
A. How about you                  
B. How should I feel    
C. How do you                      
D. What


—How do you feel about taking the job in Los Angeles ?

    —          ? It’s the biggest company in the country .

       A.How about you       ycy  B.How should I feel

       C.What              D.How do you

