he made up his mind to make a trip to Europe? A. When was it that B. That was it when C. That it was when D. When it was that 查看更多



Scientific Progress
Most scientific progress is the result of careful consideration of work that has already been done. The wonderful world which lies before us today has been put up by hardworking men with clear heads and inventive mind, and these who follow them along life’s road will improve on their efforts. It is sometimes necessary to question and even to disbelieve some of the statements made by experts. Action or experiment can often end an argument or achieve a breakthrough.
When men were wondering whether it was possible to reach India by sailing westwards from Europe, and whether there was any land on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean, Christopher Columbus decides to act. He gathered some men, invited them to go on board his three ships, and set out across the dangerous waters of the Atlantic Ocean. He was successful in finding land, but it was not India. The result of his action was that the arguments came to the end.
Any young man who wishes to do research must be courageous enough to question old beliefs and do some original thinking about them. Although we seem to know so much, there are many things we don’t know. Even when we pull an atom to pieces, we do not really know what the pieces are, we often do not reach the reality behind what we discover, and the more we learn, the better we realize our ignorance.
【小题1】Christopher Columbus decided to set out his trip because he wants to ________

A.travel round the world
B.bring words into action
C.discover the truth with action
D.bring the argument to an end
【小题2】According to the passage, the more we learn _______
A.the more ignorance we will become
B.the more brilliant we are
C.the more confident we are of ourselves
D.the more we know about our ignorance
【小题3】Our present wonderful world has been built up by _______
A.men who do not believe in others but themselves
B.those who work hard and dare to break way from old ideas
C.those who can make improvements on other people’s work
D.men who work extremely hard in following their teachers
【小题4】Columbus succeeded in finding out that_______
A.the Atlantic was dangerous to get across
B.India was to the west of the Atlantic
C.There was land on the other side of the Atlantic
D.it was possible sail to India by crossing the Atlantic



  A warm, dusty wind was blowing over the harbor (海港) from the southWhere it stopped, it left a thin layer of fine African sand, a bit of unwanted Africa, and also unwanted by France

  Clive stood with Dick, a racing driver, in the ship, watching the cares being taken from the land Some of the cars were already in the ship

  ‘ I hope this wind will have changed by the time we get there,’ the driver said, staring up at the cream-colored sky ‘These conditions wouldn’t be any good for racing

  ‘Don’t worry,’ Clive said with a smile ‘It’ll hardly trouble us, since Argentina is about 7,000 miles away

  Surprise came over the driver’s face ‘Is that so? We should leave it behind then, shouldn’t we?’

  They talked for a while about Argentina Clive was going on business, but Dick was to take part in a motor-race It was his first important event outside EuropeHe mentioned the date of the race-December 30, and added, ‘I’ve never raced in cold winter before

  Their conversation was then turned to the young driverHe was an engineer, twenty-six years old Motor-racing was his great love, and he was recently driving a car made in France He spoke well enough, so Clive thought he must have had a good educationHowever, something seemed to have gone wrong- or was different these days Here he was, going to Argentina, but without much idea where the country was When he spoke of a cousin of his, who worked in South Africa- ‘Is there any chance of this ship calling there ?’ Clive realized that the young man had no map of the world in his mind

  He had plans to race in South Africa and in Japan To him, they were places on the earth, and probably that was all Clive was interested because the man seemed cheerfully unconscious of his lack of knowledge What was worse, he even thought everyone else was as foolish as him

  Dust blew into their faces “This wind from Africa’ but he did not go on Was there any point of his saying so? To the young man, it might have been the same as a wind from China Were there many people, he wondered, who did not know where they were going, or even where they were?

1Clive and Dick were on the ship because they ______

[  ]

Awere leaving for South America

Bwanted to see a French motor-race

Ctried to stay away from a dust storm

Dhad gone there to get the motor-cars

2Clive was puzzled when the driver spoke about the weather conditions because ______

[  ]

Athe weather didn’t look like changing

Bthe driver couldn’t race that day

Cthe driver thought conditions would be the same in Argentina

Dthe long distance to Argentina had surprised the man

3_________ made Clive try to find out more of the young driver

[  ]

AIt was his interest in people with exciting jobs that

BThe young man’s idea that the race would be run in winter

CHis wish to make a friend for the long trip

DHis wish to make the young driver feel less worried

4What seemed to have gone wrong was that ______

[  ]

Aan engineer should waster time racing

Bpeople started on long journeys without any maps

Cthe young man’s education was far from perfect

Dthe young man was on the wrong ship for South America

5Clive and Dick were not the same kind of people because ______

[  ]

Athe driver was much younger than Clive

Btheir jobs were different

CClive knew his way about the world, but the young man didn’t

Dthe wind worried Dick, but it didn’t trouble Clive



  A warm,dusty wind was blowing over the harbour(海港) from the south.Where it stopped,it left a thin layer of fine African sand,a bit of unwanted Africa,and also unwanted by France.

  Clive stood with Dick,a racing driver,in the ship,watching the cars being taken from the land.Some of the cars were already in the ship.

  ‘I hope this wind will have changed by the time we get there,’the driver said,staring up at the cream-coloured sky.These conditions wouldn't be any good for racing.

  ‘Don’t worry,Clive said with a smile.It'll hardly trouble us,since Argentina is about 7,000 miles away.

  Surprise came over the driver’s face.Is that so? We should leave it behind then,shouldn’t we?

  They talked for a while about Argentina.Clive was going on business,but Dick was to take part in a motor-race.It was his first important event outside Europe.He mentioned the date of the race December 30,and added,I’ve never raced in cold winter before.

  Their conversation was then turned to the young driver.He was an engineer,twenty-six years old.Motor-racing was his great love,and he was recently driving a car made in France.He spoke well enough,so Clive thought he must have had a good education.However,something seemed to have gone wrong or was different these days.Here he was ,going to Argentina,but without much idea where the country was .When he spoke of a cousin of his who worked in South AfricaIs there any chance of this ship calling there?Clive realized that the young man had no map of the world in his mind.

  He had plans to race in South Africa and in Japan.To him,they were places on the earth,and probably that was all.Clive was interested because the man seemed cheerfully unconscious of his lack of knowledge.What was worse,he even thought everyone else was as foolish as him.

  Dust blew into their faces.This wind from Africa…”but he did not go on .Was there any point of his saying so?To the young man,it might have been the same as a wind from China.Were there many people,he wondered,who did not know where they were going,or even where they were?

1Clive and Dick were on the ship because they ______.

[  ]

Awere leaving for South America

Bwanted to see a French motor-race

Ctried to stay away from a dust storm

Dhad gone there to get the motor-cars

2Clive was puzzled when the driver spoke about the weather conditions because ______.

[  ]

Athe weather didn't look like changing

Bthe driver couldn't race that day

Cthe driver thought conditions would be the same in Argentina

Dthe long distance to Argentina had surprised the man

3______ made Clive try to find out more of the young driver.

[  ]

AIt was his interest in people with exciting jobs that

BThe young man's idea that the race would be run in winter

CHis wish to make a friend for the long trip

DHis wish to make the young driver feel less worried

4What seemed to have gone wrong was that ______,

[  ]

Aan engineer should waste time racing

Bpeople started on long journeys without any maps

Cthe young man's education was far from perfect

Dthe young man was on the wrong ship for South America

5Clive and Dick were not the same kind of people because ______.

[  ]

Athe driver was much younger than Clive

Btheir jobs were different

CClive knew his way about the world,but the young man didn't

Dthe wind worried Dick,but it didn't trouble Clive


Scientific Progress
Most scientific progress is the result of careful consideration of work that has already been done. The wonderful world which lies before us today has been put up by hardworking men with clear heads and inventive mind, and these who follow them along life’s road will improve on their efforts. It is sometimes necessary to question and even to disbelieve some of the statements made by experts. Action or experiment can often end an argument or achieve a breakthrough.
When men were wondering whether it was possible to reach India by sailing westwards from Europe, and whether there was any land on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean, Christopher Columbus decides to act. He gathered some men, invited them to go on board his three ships, and set out across the dangerous waters of the Atlantic Ocean. He was successful in finding land, but it was not India. The result of his action was that the arguments came to the end.
Any young man who wishes to do research must be courageous enough to question old beliefs and do some original thinking about them. Although we seem to know so much, there are many things we don’t know. Even when we pull an atom to pieces, we do not really know what the pieces are, we often do not reach the reality behind what we discover, and the more we learn, the better we realize our ignorance

  1. 1.

    Christopher Columbus decided to set out his trip because he wants to ________

    1. A.
      travel round the world
    2. B.
      bring words into action
    3. C.
      discover the truth with action
    4. D.
      bring the argument to an end
  2. 2.

    According to the passage, the more we learn _______

    1. A.
      the more ignorance we will become
    2. B.
      the more brilliant we are
    3. C.
      the more confident we are of ourselves
    4. D.
      the more we know about our ignorance
  3. 3.

    Our present wonderful world has been built up by _______

    1. A.
      men who do not believe in others but themselves
    2. B.
      those who work hard and dare to break way from old ideas
    3. C.
      those who can make improvements on other people’s work
    4. D.
      men who work extremely hard in following their teachers
  4. 4.

    Columbus succeeded in finding out that_______

    1. A.
      the Atlantic was dangerous to get across
    2. B.
      India was to the west of the Atlantic
    3. C.
      There was land on the other side of the Atlantic
    4. D.
      it was possible sail to India by crossing the Atlantic


Scientific Progress

Most scientific progress is the result of careful consideration of work that has already been done. The wonderful world which lies before us today has been put up by hardworking men with clear heads and inventive mind, and these who follow them along life’s road will improve on their efforts. It is sometimes necessary to question and even to disbelieve some of the statements made by experts. Action or experiment can often end an argument or achieve a breakthrough.

When men were wondering whether it was possible to reach India by sailing westwards from Europe, and whether there was any land on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean, Christopher Columbus decides to act. He gathered some men, invited them to go on board his three ships, and set out across the dangerous waters of the Atlantic Ocean. He was successful in finding land, but it was not India. The result of his action was that the arguments came to the end.

Any young man who wishes to do research must be courageous enough to question old beliefs and do some original thinking about them. Although we seem to know so much, there are many things we don’t know. Even when we pull an atom to pieces, we do not really know what the pieces are, we often do not reach the reality behind what we discover, and the more we learn, the better we realize our ignorance.

1.Christopher Columbus decided to set out his trip because he wants to ________

A.travel round the world

B.bring words into action

C.discover the truth with action

D.bring the argument to an end

2.According to the passage, the more we learn _______

A.the more ignorance we will become

B. the more brilliant we are

C. the more confident we are of ourselves

D. the more we know about our ignorance

3.Our present wonderful world has been built up by _______

A. men who do not believe in others but themselves

B. those who work hard and dare to break way from old ideas

C. those who can make improvements on other people’s work

D. men who work extremely hard in following their teachers

4.Columbus succeeded in finding out that_______

A. the Atlantic was dangerous to get across  

B. India was to the west of the Atlantic

C. There was land on the other side of the Atlantic

D. it was possible sail to India by crossing the Atlantic


