There are of students in our school who will go to Hainan for the summer camping. of the students is about 300. A. a great many; The number B. the number; A number C. plenty; The number D. a great number; The number 查看更多



This is a time of year when we think about giving and receiving presents. Can you find a little extra to give? On this page we suggest a few organizations you might like to help.
Littleton Children’s Home
We DON’T want your money, but children’s toys, books and clothes IN GOOD CONDITION would be very welcome.
Also, we are looking for friendly families who would take our children into their homes for a few hours or days as guests. You have so much ─will you share it?
Phone Sister Thomas on 55671
Children’s Hospice
We look after a small number of very sick children. This important work needs skill and love. We cannot continue without gifts or money to pay for more nursing staff. We also need storybooks and toys suitable for quiet games.
Please contact the Secretary, Little Children’s Hospice, Newby Road.
Street Food
In the winter weather, it’s no fun being homeless. It’s even worse if you’re hungry. We give hot food to at least fifty people every night. It’s hard work, but necessary. Can you come and help? If not, can you offer a little money? We use a very old kitchen, and we need some new saucepans(平底锅). Money for new ones would be most welcome indeed.
Contact Street Food, c/o Mary’s House, Elming Way. Littleton Phone 27713
Littleton Youth Club
Have you got an unwanted chair? ─a record-player?─a pot of paint ? Because we can use them!
We want to get to work on our meeting room!
Please phone 66231 and we’ll be happy to collect anything you can give us.
Thank you!
The Night Shelter
We offer a warm bed for the night to anyone who has nowhere to go. We rent the former Commercial Hotel on Green Street. Although it is not expensive, we never seem to have quite enough money. Can you let us have a few pounds? Any amount, however small, will be such a help.
Send it to us at 15, Green St, Littleton. Please make check payable to Night Shelter.
【小题1】 What kind of people are these organizations designed for?

A.Homeless and sick children
B.Less fortunate members of our society
C.Hungry people who have no beds to sleep in
D.Friendly members of our society to help others
【小题2】If you like children and you could offer a happy family to a homeless child, you may contact _____.
A.Street FoodB.The Night Shelter
C.Littleton Children’s HomeD.Children’s Hospice
【小题3】 What can be concluded from the passage?
A.There are too many social problems in this society.
B.People are very poor during the time of giving.
C.To offer help is just an excuse for these organizations to collect money.
D.There are many organizations trying to solve social problems.


Do you wake up in the morning dreading the moment that your feet have to hit the floor for you to get ready for work? If that’s the case, join most of Americans. Very few people wake up to that annoying alarm clock and spring out of bed excited about having to go to work.

As if that were not enough, most of us have to fight traffic getting there, usually an hour’s drive. Then, when we get to work, we have to fight with unruly co-workers or a nagging boss. And to make matters worse, you have to fight the same traffic going in the opposite direction just to get back home.

Making dinner, fixing plates, eating and then straightening up afterwards is a job within itself. If that sounds like your life, you probably have a J-O-B. you know what J-O-B stands for? Just Over Broke, that’s what! With a job, most Americans are living paycheck-to-paycheck and hating every minute of it. I know because I was doing the same thing: trading time for money. And, I came to a conclusion that it stinks (糟糕透了)! Big time!

Looking around at my co-workers, friends and relatives, I saw that they were all doing the same thing I was doing. They were complaining about the same things I was complaining about : not having enough time or money. And, I decided that I wanted to do something different.[来源:学*科*

So, I started a home-based business. There are several to choose from. The extra income has done so much for our family. We can vacation more. We have been able to give more. And, we’ve even been able to do something calling save! It’s been amazing.

Therefore, if you’re sick and tired of being sick and tired, it’s time you make a change, too. The definition of insanity (疯狂) is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. I know you aren’t stupid. If you continue to do what everyone else is doing: trading time for money, you’re going to keep getting what everyone else is getting: being broke and not having the time to do what is really important to you.

Do your due diligence. Find a home-based business that works well for you. Go to work, and live the life you’ve always imagined!

According to Paragraph 1, which of the following statements is TRUE about most Americans?

   A. Most Americans are excited to go to work every day.

   B. Most Americans are used to sleeping in the morning.

   C. Most Americans are tired of having to go to work every morning.

   D. Most Americans have alarm clocks to wake them up in the morning.

By writing the first three paragraphs, what feeling does the writer express?

   A. Regret.               B. Joy.                  C. Pride.               D. Dissatisfaction

What does “something different” in Paragraph 4 refer to?

   A. To set up a business at home.            B. To complain about life and work.

   C. To spend more time on holidays.              D. To resign from the former job and get a new one.


As Christmas is coming, there are presents to be bought, cards to be sent, and rooms to be cleaned. Parents are faced with difficult jobs of hiding presents from curious young children. If the gifts are large, this is sometimes a real    11  . On the Christmas Eve, young children find the excitement almost unbearable. They are torn between the wish to go to bed early so that Father Christmas will bring them presents quickly and the wish to   12   up late so that they will not   13   the fun. The wish for gifts usually proves stronger. But though children go to bed early, they often lie   14   for a long time, hoping to get a short look at Father Christmas.

Last Christmas, my wife and I   15   hid a few large presents in the storeroom. I   16   the moment when my son, Jimmy, would ask me where that new bike had come from, but fortunately he did not see it.

On Christmas Eve,   17    took the children hours to go to sleep. It must have been nearly   18   when my wife and I went quietly into their room and began   19   stockings. Then I pushed in the   20   I bought for Jimmy and left it beside the Christmas tree. We knew we would not get much sleep that night, for the children were   21   to get up early. At about five o’clock the next morning, we were   22   by loud sounds coming from the children’s room—they were shouting excitedly!   23    I had time to get out of bed, young Jimmy came riding into the room on his new bike, and his sister, Mary, followed close behind pushing her new baby carriage.   24   the baby arrived. He moved on the hands and knees into the room dragging a large balloon. We were woken up   25   by them at this time.


1.A. question     B. matter      C. problem      D. business

2.A. get          B. stay        C. stand        D. wake

3.A. lose         B. break       C. miss         D. leave

4.A. awake        B. wake        C. asleep       D. sleep

5.A. hopeful      B. busily      C. gladly       D. successfully

6.A. liked        B. feared      C. surprised    D. hated

7.A. we           B. they        C. I            D. it

8.A. morning      B. midnight    C. evening      D. daybreak    

9.A. filling      B. sewing      C. mending      D. preparing

10.A. present      B. stocking    C. bike         D. tree

11.A. going        B. sure        C. glad         D. excited

12.A. troubled     B. frightened  C. woken        D. shocked

13. A. Before       B. After       C. Until        D. Since

14. A. Even         B. And         C. Soon         D. Then

15. A. all          B. nearly      C. happily      D. completely



There are many international organizations which work to save and protect endangered species(物种)and natural environment.If you would like more information about any of the organizations listed below, you can write to the addresses given.

Friends of the Earth(FOE)campaigns on a range of problems including rainforests,the countryside,water and air pollution and energy·
Friends of the Earth International Secretariat P.O.Box 19199
1000 G.D.
The Netherlands
Greenpeace uses peaceful but direct action to defend the environment. It campaigns to protect rainforests and sea animals,stop global
warming and end pollution of air,land and seas.It also opposes nuclear(核)power.
Greenpeace International
Keizergracht 176
1016 DW Amsterdam
The Netherlands
BirdLife International is an organization
which works to save endangered birds all over the world.
BirdLife International
Wellbrook Court
Girton Road
Cambridge CB3 ONA
WWF-World Wide Fund For Nature is the world's  largest  private  international organization for the protection of nature and endangered species.
Information Officer
WWF International
Avenue du Mont-Blanc
1196 Gland
66.If you want to learn more about the organizations,you can        . them     B.write them a letter    C.visit them    D.send them an e-mail
67.BirdLife International is an organization trying to            .
A.reduce pollution                              B.defend rainforests
C.protect ocean animals                 endangered birds
68.If you oppose nuclear power,you can join         .
A.Friends of the Earth                         B.World Wide Fund For Nature
C.Greenpeace                                        D.BirdLife International
69.What can we learn about WWF?
A.It helps to protect nature and save endangered animals.
B.It is the world’s largest international organization.
C.It works for private companies and rich people.
D.It is a private organization in the United States.
70.Which is the best title for the passage?
A.Environmental Protection Organizations          B.Global Traffic Problems
C.Endangered Animals                                  D.Natural Beauty


The website calls itself an online dating and friendship finder. The idea started in the mind of a man, Jerry Miller in Ohio. He wondered how farmers could meet new people who understand the life of a farmer. Jerry Miller is not a farmer but he represents a lot of farmers.
As he tells it, the idea for the site was planted when a farmer told him one day that she was recently divorced and would like to date. But someone would invite her to meet for coffee at nine o’clock at night, when she had to start her day at five the next morning.
So, in 2005, Jerry Miller launched his website. “You don’t have to be a farmer to be on, but you do have to have the good old-fashioned traditional values of America’s Heartland.” 
You also have to live in the United States or Canada to be a member of the site. Some services are free, but a full membership costs fifty dollars for a year. As of last week the site listed more than 58,000 members. Many of them are farmers in the United States. Others are students or workers involved in some way with agriculture. Jerry Miller tells us about thirty marriages in the last year have resulted from his website.
Some farmers have also found love through a group, Singles in Agriculture, which was formed as a nonprofit organization in 1986. It organizes gatherings that usually end with a dance, but is not a dating service. The purpose is to support educational and social activities that offer people a chance for friendship. Its website,, says there are more than 1,000 members across the nation and as far away as France.
【小题1】Jerry Miller started in order to     . traditions
C.understand farmersD.represent farmers
【小题2】What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 indicate?
A.She dislikes city lifestyle.
B.She prefers late night coffee.
C.Country life isn’t well understood.
D.It’s tiring to get up early.
【小题3】Which of the following is true of
A.Its services are free.
B.It provides dating services.
C.Only farmers can become its members.
D.Farmers in France can’t benefit from it.
【小题4】The author of the text intends to     .
A.advertise for the two websites
B.introduce two websites
C.encourage social activities
D.urge readers to help farmers
【小题5】It can be inferred from the text that     .
A.all farmers desire marriage are easy to meet new people
C.more farmers get divorced in the USA
D.the Internet helps improve farmers’ social life

