请以an unforgettable experience为题.写一篇开放性作文.文章的开头已经给出.请你根据下面提供的情景.续写这篇文章. During the first week of October I went on a holiday to- 注意:1. 字数80左右. 2. 文章有条理.书写清楚. 3. 文中应有至少3个定语从句. 听力材料 M: Could you tell me where the railway station is? W: It’s not far from here. Go straight on and you’ll see it. W: Can I help you? M: Yes, please. I’d like to buy some tickets for tonight’s movie. M: Did you see my book? It’s not on the shelf, and it’s not on my desk either. W: Why don’t you look under your chair? That’s where I saw it a little while ago. Maybe it just fell when you went to the kitchen. M: Good afternoon. This is Dick Williams at World Travel Service. Is Mr. Baker there? W: No. He’s out for lunch. I’ll be glad to take a message. M: Well, thank you. I’ll give him another call later. W: Are there any children in the classroom? M: Yes, seven are reading at their desks and five are playing on the floor. W: Oh, here we are at our home at last! Let’s sit down for a few minutes. M: Good. I’m tired too. W: I’ll cook supper in a minute. M: Let me join you. W: Where is Tony this evening? M: He is a little under the weather. M: Who were you talking to? W: A stranger. M: What did he want? W: He wanted to find the bus stop, but I don’t know where it is, either. M: Hello. Can I speak to Pippa, please? W: There is no Pippa here. This is 65643216. M: I am sorry. I think I dialed the wrong number. M: Is Mr. Smith in? W: Yes, he is on the phone. M: I heard that you will go on a trip to Spain. When are you leaving? And when will you come back? W: I’m leaving in two weeks and will be back in two and a half months. I’m so excited. But there is still a lot of preparation work. M: Like what? W: I have to renew my passport and find a way to deal with my apartment. M: What are you going to do with your apartment? Are you going to give it up? W: No way! It’s a good apartment and the landlord is kind. And it’s close to the university. M: Maybe you can rent it to other people. W: Good idea! I will make an advertisement and put it on the notice board, if the landlord agrees. You are so smart! M: Hello, Susan. When are you going off for Shanghai? W: This evening. M: How are you getting there, by air or by train? W: By train. It leaves at 5:00 and arrives at 7:10 tomorrow morning. M: Oh, only 14 hours. Is anybody seeing you off this evening? W: Yes, my parents are going with me to the station to see me off. M: That’s good! How long are you staying in Shanghai for your holiday? W: Only four days. Well, I must be off now. See you when I get back. M: Ok. Good luck and have a good trip. 查看更多



请以an unforgettable experience为题,写一篇开放性作文。文章的开头已经给出,请你根据下面提供的情景,续写这篇文章。
    During the first week of October I went on a holiday to…
    注意:1. 字数80左右。
    2. 文章有条理,书写清楚。
    3. 文中应有至少3个定语从句。



请以an unforgettable experience为题,写一篇开放性作文。文章的开头已经给出,请你根据下面提供的情景,续写这篇文章。

During the first week of October, I went on a holiday to…






书面表达(本题有一小题, 共15分)

    请以an unforgettable experience为题,写一篇开放性作文。文章的开头已经给出,请你根据下面提供的情景,续写这篇文章。

    During the first week of October I went on a holiday to…

    注意:1. 字数80左右。

    2. 文章有条理,书写清楚。

    3. 文中应有至少3个定语从句。


请以an unforgettable experience为题,写一篇开放性作文。文章的开头已经给出,请你根据下面提供的情景,续写这篇文章。
During the first week of October I went on a holiday to…
注意:1. 字数80左右。
2. 文章有条理,书写清楚。
3. 文中应有至少3个定语从句。



请以an unforgettable experience为题,写一篇开放性作文。文章的开头已经给出,请你根据下面提供的情景,续写这篇文章。

    During the first week of October I went on a holiday to…

    注意:1. 字数80左右。

    2. 文章有条理,书写清楚。

    3. 文中应有至少3个定语从句。

