the doctor and teacher, the doctor and the teacher the doctor and teacher指一个人.既是医生又是老师.the doctor and the teacher两个人.一个医生和一个老师 the doctor and teacher is 查看更多




76. The doctor told me to take two ________ (药片) with water before meals.

77.There is something ________ (缺少)in his character.

78. She appreciates the wallpaper with a _______(图案) of roses on it to decorate her bedroom.

79. ________ (心理的) health is as important as physical health.

80. This reform has received  __________ (广泛的)support throughout the country.

81. She was lying there,_______(流血) very heavily.

82. Beauty is ________(抽象的) but a tree is not. 

83. Smokers are_________ (有瘾)to cigarettes both physically and mentally.

84. Though he is less than one year old,he is strong enough to walk ________(平稳).

85. When children start smoking,they don’t realize that they’re________(冒…..险)their health.

86. We must consider a problem in all its _________ (方面).

87. The teacher is glad that everyone in her class is _________ (渴望的)to learn.

88. Headache, cough and a running nose are all cold _________(症状).

89. _______(摄影) is actually of special interest to me.

90. I can’t put up with his ___________(无休止的)complaints any more.

91. Susan was completely weighed down by the ___________(压力) of examinations.

92. The __________(影子)of the building lengthened as the sun went down.

93. I got into a _________ (惊慌) when I found the door was locked.

94. He found a ________(固定的) job four years after he graduated from college.

95. I could tell at a ________(一瞥) that something was wrong.



1.Don’t you know what disease it is? I thought you had        (咨询)the doctor.

2.If you were to come tomorrow ,I would        (款待) you to dinner.

3.The project has only been under way for three months ,so it’s too early to      (评估)its success.

4.My grandfather is as     (有活力的)as a young man and hates sitting around doing nothing all day.

5.Newspapers can keep us well         (获悉)about what is happening all over the world.

6.Tom’s teacher       (指责)him of cheating in the exam.

7.After finishing writing the letter ,Linda folded it and put it in the        (信封).

8.Her rich experience gave her an        (优势)over the other people applying for the job.

9.Go to see your parents as often as possible if it is        (方便)to you.

10.The government has taken many        (措施)to improve the living standard of laid—off workers.



1.He s___________an orange to get the juice out.

2.I made an a_____________ to see the doctor at seven o’clock this afternoon.

3.Grace gave the room a t_________ cleaning before her new roommate came.

4.It is said that this kind of new medicine can c________ people of heart disease.

5.He seemed totally a__________ in that book. When I came in he didn’t notice me at all.

6.With the a_______ of my English teacher I have made rapid progress in English.

7.From its exports the small country can earn foreign c__________ and begin to pay off its huge debts.

8.Is there a good Chinese restaurant in the ­­_______________ (附近)。

9.He did it _____________(故意地) to make me embarrassed

10.He has had no __________(以前的) experience of this kind of job

11.Though too old to work much, the retired worker is very _______________ (热心的)  about his friends’ affairs.

12.They ____________ (指控) him of taking bribes.

13.The results are entirely ______________(一致的)with earlier research.

14.Punishment seemed to make no ____________(印象)on the child

15.He came up with such a(n) ____________(令人钦佩的) idea that everyone present at the meeting changed their attitude towards him.

16.The ___________(有天赋的) young scientist was much in the public eye.

17.He killed several people by ____________(下毒)their tea

18.The new edition textbook is __________(批准)by the Department for Education.

19.Not wanting to make my _____________(争议的) views known yet, I preferred to follow the crowd for a while.

20.Einstein’s Theory of Relativity (相对论)was so ____________(抽象) that few people could understand it at that time.

