who, what who指姓名或关系.what指职业或地位 What is your dad? He is a teacher. 查看更多



When sailors are allowed ashore after a long time at sea, they sometimes get drunk and cause trouble. For this reason, the navy ___1___ has its police in big ports. Whenever sailors cause trouble, the police come and ___2___ them.  

One day, the police in a big seaport received a telephone call ___3___ a bar in the town. The barman said that a big sailor had got drunk and ___4___ the furniture in the bar. The officer in charge of the police guard that evening said that he would come immediately.  

Now, officers who ___5___ and punish the sailors ___6___ drunk usually chose ___7___ policeman they could find to go with them. ___8___ this particular officer did not do this. ___9___, he chose the smallest and ___10___ man he could find to go to the bar with him and ___11___ the sailor.  

Another officer who ___12___ there was surprised when he saw the officer of the guard chose such a small man. ___13___ he said to him, “Why ___14___ you take a big man with you? You have to fight the sailor who ___15___.”  

“Yes, you are ___16___ right,” answered the officer of the guard. “That is exactly ___17___ I am taking this small man. If you see two policemen coming ___18___ you, and one is ___19___ the other, which one ___20___ you attack?”  

1. A. always   B. seldom       C. forever       D. sometimes  

2. A. meet with      B. deal with    C. see     D. judge  

3. A. about     B. from   C. in       D. of  

4. A. was breaking B. was ordering      C. was moving       D. was dusting  

5. A. would go       B. might beat  C. dared to fight     D. had to go  

6. A. slightly   B. not at all     C. heavily       D. much more  

7. A. the biggest     B. the youngest      C. the bravest D. the experienced  

8. A. In fact    B. But     C. So      D. And  

9. A. Instead   B. Therefore   C. Although    D. Then  

10. A. good-looking       B. weakest-looking     C. ugly-looking    D. strongest-looking  

11. A. seize     B. kill      C. get rid of    D. catch up with  

12. A. will go  B. had come   C. would start off          D. happened to be  

13. A. Yet       B. But     C. So      D. Then  

14. A. don’t    B. couldn’t     C. can’t   D. do  

15. A. looks strong B. is drunk      C. seems rude D. is dangerous  

16. A. all B. very    C. too     D. quite  

17. A. how     B. what   C. why    D. that  

18. A. up B. at C. before D. towards  

19. A. not smaller than   B. as big as         C. as small as D. much smaller than

20. A. could    B. will     C. do      D. can  


  Many teachers believe that the responsibilities (责任,职责) for learning lie with the students.   1   a long reading assignment is given, professors expect students to be familiar with the   2   in the reading even if they do not discuss it in class or take an examination. The   3   student is considered to be   4   who is motivated (激发) to learn for the sake of   5   , not the one interested only in getting high grades. Sometimes homework is returned   6   brief written comments but without a grade. Even if a grade is not given, the student is   7   for learning the material assigned. When research is    8   , the professor expects the student to take it actively and to complete it with   9   guidance. It is the   10   responsibility to find books, magazines, and articles in the library. Professors do not have the time to explain   11   a university library works they   12   students, rarely grade students, to be able to exhaust the reference   13   in the library. Professors will help students who need it, but   14   that their students not be   15    dependent on them. In the United States, professors have many other duties   16   teaching, such as administrative (行政的) or research work.   17   the time that a professor can spend with a student out of class is   18  . If a student has problems with classroom work, the student should either   19   a professor during office hours   20   make an appointment.

1. A. If           B. Because             C. Although         D. Before

2. A. suggestion        B. context            C. abstract          D. information

3. A. poor         B. ideal             C. average           D. disappointed

4. A. such         B. one              C. any          D. some

5. A. fun          B. work             C. learning           D. prize

6. A. by            B. in              C. for            D. with

7. A. unhappy       B. responsible         C. satisfied         D. dismissed

8. A. collected         B. distributed     C. assigned           D. finished

9. A. the most         B. the least          C. possible            D. practical

10. A. student's        B. assistant's           C. professor's            D. librarian's

11. A. when        B. what             C. why            D. how

12. A. wish           B. hope for         C. want            D. expect

13. A. selections       B. collections         C. sources          D. origins

14. A. hate         B. dislike           C. like           D. prefer

15. A. too         B. such           C. much             D. more

16. A. but         B. except        C. with          D. besides

17. A. However        B. Therefore         C. Furthermore        D. Nevertheless

18. A. full           B. limited            C. irregular          D. enough

19. A. interrupt       B. annoy          C. approach         D. disturb

20. A. or        B. to          C. and         D. but



We often talk about ourselves as if we have permanent genetic defects(缺陷) that can never be changed. “I’m impatient.” “I’m always behind.” “I always put things   1 !” You’ve surely heard them. Maybe you’ve used them to describe    ___2  .

These comments may come from stories about us that have been  3  for many years—often from  4  childhood. These stories may have no  5  in fact. But they can set low expectations for us. As a child, my mother said to me, “Marshall, you have no mechanical (操作机械的) skills, and you will never have any mechanical skills for the rest of your life.” How did these expectations  6  my development? I was never  7  to work on cars or be around  8  . When I was 18, I took the US Army’s Mechanical Aptitude Test. My scores were in the bottom for the entire nation!

Six years later,  9  , I was at California University, working on my doctors degree. One of my professors, Dr. Bob Tannbaum, asked me to write down things I did well and things I couldn’t do. On the positive side, I  10  down, “research, writing, analysis, and speaking.” On the  11  side, I wrote, “I have no mechanical skills.”

Bob asked me how I knew I had no mechanical skills. I explained my life  12 and told him about my  13  performance on the Army test. Bob then asked, “  14  is it that you can solve   15  mathematical problems, but you can’t solve simple mechanical problems?”

Suddenly I realized that I didn’t  16  from some sort of genetic defect. I was just living out expectations that I had chosen to  17  . At that point, it wasn’t just my family and friends who had been  18  my belief that I was mechanically hopeless. And it wasn’t just the Army test, either. I was the one who kept telling myself, “You can’t do this!” I realized that as long as I kept saying that, it was going to remain true.  19  , if we don’t treat ourselves as if we have incurable genetic defects, we can do well in almost  20  we choose.

1. A. away       B. off         C. up           D. down

2. A. them      B. myself       C. yourself      D. others

3. A. said       B. spoken       C. spread       D. repeated

4. A. as long as   B. as far back as   C. as well as     D. as much as

5. A. basis      B. plot         C. cause            D. meaning

6. A. lead       B. improve       C. affect       D. change

7. A. encouraged B. demanded    C. hoped       D. agreed

8. A. means     B. tools        C. facilities      D. hammers

9. A. therefore   B. somehow     C. instead       D. however

10. A. settled    B. turned       C. took            D. got

11. A. passive     B. active       C. negative       D. subjective

12. A. experiences     B. trips            C. roads        D. paths

13. A. unexpected B. poor        C. excellent     D. average

14. A. When     B. What        C. How         D. Why

15. A. complex   B. advanced      C. common      D. primary

16. A. arise      B. separate       C. suffer       D. come

17. A. believe    B. suspect      C. adopt        D. receive

18. A. weakening B. strengthening   C. abandoning   D. accepting

19. A. As a result     B. At the same time C. In addition    D. On the contrary

20. A. anything    B. something    C. nothing      D. all


Big Brothers Big Sisters is based on the simplicity and power of friendship.It is a program which provides friendship and fun by matching vulnerable young people (ages 7-17) with a volunteer(志愿者) adult who can be both a role model and a supportive friend.

  Volunteer tutors come from all walks of life—married, single, with or without children. Big Brothers and Big Sisters are not replacement(代替者)parents or social workers. They are tutors: someone to trust, to have fun with, to talk and go to when needed.

A Big Sister and Little Sister will generally spend between one and four hours together three or four times each month for at least twelve months. They enjoy simple activities such as a picnic at a park, cooking, playing sport or going to a football match. These activities improve the friendship and help the young person develop positive self-respect, confidence and life direction.

Big Brothers Big Sisters organizations exist throughout the world. It is the large and most well-known provider of tutor services internationally and has been operating for 25 years.

Emily and Sarah have been matched since 2008. Emily is a 10-year-old girl who has experienced some difficulties being accepted by her schoolmates at school. “ I was pretty sure there was something wrong with me.”

Emily’s mum came across Big Brothers Big Sisters and thought it would be helpful to Emily by “providing different feedback (反馈) about herself other than just depending on schoolmates to value her self-worth.

Sarah wanted to take part in a volunteer program. “I googled it and found out how to be a part of it. I thought it would be fun for me to take part in making time to do something because sometimes it is all work and no play.”

Big Brothers Big Sisters has been helpful and enjoyable to both Emily and Sarah. They love and look forward to their time together and the partnership has certainly helped Emily be more comfortable in being the wonderful, happy and unusually good girl she is!

66.What is the aim of Big Brothers Big Sisters?

A.To offer students public services.

    B.To help students improve their grades.

    C.To organize sport activities for young people.

    D.To provide partnership and fun for young people.

67.A volunteer is usually expected to work within a year for at least______.

    A.24 hours  B.36 hours  C.48 hours    D.72 hours

68.According to Emily’s mother, this program may provide Emily with______.

    A.advice from her teachers B.a new way to value herself

    C.a new way to value her schoolmates   D.more thoughts from her schoolmates

69.Why did Sarah want to join in the program?

    A.She used to be a volunteer. B.She needed a part-time job.

C. She felt a bit bored with her life. D. She wanted to get a difficult but interesting job.

70.According to the passage, the underlined phrase “vulnerable young people”in the first paragraph are probably those who are _________.

    A.popular at school     B.rather in good health

    C.easily hurt in feeling  D.sure about their own ability to do things




Forever Young?

  It's Girls Night Out:Mom Edition, and I'm a player in a whole new game. It occurs to me that I really don't know these 36 women. We've been circling 37  for about three years, ever since our kids started 38 .We'd bump into each other in the parking 39 ,at Valentine's Day parties, and later as one or the other shyly 40 we all sign our kids up for softball, gymnastics or dance. Who knows 41 the five of us clumped together more than 42 of us clumped with other mothers. I suppose it happens 43 ,friendship circles spiraling in and around and about and anew.?

This is the 44 time we've gathered without the kids, and I am having a 45 time saying “Janice”, as opposed to “Zoe's mom” or “Susan”, 46  “Kaitlin's mom”, and so I have decided, for tonight, not to 47 any names at all.?

The 48 has already taken our drink order. I can't believe nobody 49 beer.Nope, this is a Diet Coke and iced tea crowd. In the back of my mind I'm 50 if I'm going to be the naughty 51 who corrupts this group.?

There is so much 52 to take care of when you are just getting to 53 people as people. One of the things we are doing is 54 dates, the years that each of us 55 from this or that. I see where this is going.?

36. A. five      B. three   C. Four   D. two?

37. A. each other    B. one another       C. all of us     D. some of us?

38. A. primary school    B. university   C. high school D. preschool?

39. A. lot       B. Station       C. line     D. square?

40. A. said      B. suggested   C. informed    D. found?

41.A. what     B. that     C. how    D. why?

42. A. some    B. none   C. any     D. all?

43. A. all the time  B. all of a sudden   C. at the same time D. once and for all?

44. A. last      B. first    C. Usual  D. only?

45. A. spare    B. good   C. difficult     D. pleasant?

46. A. instead of    B. as well as   C. in case of   D. in the name of?

47. A. call      B. use     C. forget D. tell?

48. A. kid              B. mother       C. Friend D. waitress?

49. A. brought       B. liked   C. ordered      D. drank?

50. A. wondering   B. fearing       C. Speaking    D. asking?

51. A. girl      B. mother       C. One    D. kid?

52. A. trouble B. business     C. time    D. food?

53. A. regard  B. name  C. Find   D. know?

54. A. comparing   B. making      C. Deciding    D. discussing?

55. A. came    B. changed     C. graduated   D. got??

