not a little, not a bit not a little非常.not a bit一点也不 I'm not a bit tired. 我一点儿也不累. 查看更多



A man had a little daughter—an only and much-loved child. He lived ___21__ her—she was his life. So when she became ill, he became like a man moving 22 and earth to bring about her restoration to  23  .
  His best efforts,  24 , proved 25 and the child died. The father became a bitter loner, 26  himself away from his many friends and refusing every   27 that might restore his calm and bring him back to his normal self. But one night he had a   28  .
  He was in heaven,  29 a grand presentation of all the little child angels. They were  30  in a line passing by the Great White Throne. Every white-robed angelic child  31 a candle. He noticed that one child’s candle was not lighted. Then he saw that the child with the  32 candle was his own little girl. 33 to her, he seized her in his arms,  34  her tenderly, and then asked, “ 35 is it, darling, that your candle alone is unlighted?”“Daddy, they often relight it, but your tears always  36 .”
 Just then he awoke from his dream. The lesson was clear, and its effects were  37 . From that hour on he was not a loner, but associated freely and 38  with his former friends and colleagues. 39 would his darling’s candle be extinguished(熄灭) by his  40  tears.

A.plan B.dreamC.thoughtD.intention
A.put it downB.put it offC.put it outD.put it on
A.No wonderB.Not reallyC.No longerD.Not likely


Many children first learn the value of money by receiving an allowance. Parents often give their children an amount of money that they may spend as they wish. The purpose is to let the children learn from experience at an early age when financial mistakes are not very costly.
A child may receive an allowance each week or each month. The amount is not so important.  But parents should make clear what the child is expected to pay for with the money.
At first, young children may spend all of their allowance soon after they receive it. If they do this, they will learn the hard way that spending must be done within a budget. Parents should not offer more money until the next allowance is to be given.
Older children may be responsible enough to budget larger costs like those for clothing. The object is to show young people that a budget demands choices between spending and saving.
Many people who have written on the subject say it is not a good idea to pay your child for work around the home. These jobs are a normal part of family life. Paying children to do extra work around the home, however, can be useful. It can even provide an understanding of how a business works.
Allowances give children a chance to experience three things they can do with money. They can share it in the form of gifts or giving it to organizations. They can spend it by buying things they want. Or they can save it.
Saving helps children understand that costly goals require sacrifice: you have to cut costs and plan for the future. Requiring children to save part of their allowance can also open the door to future saving and investing. Many banks offer free savings accounts for young people with small amounts of money.
【小题1】The functions of allowances given to children are the following EXCEPT ______.

A.they can save more money for their future business
B.they can give them to charities
C.they may spend them on what they like
D.they can learn to deal with money
【小题2】The underlined word "sacrifice" in the last paragraph means "_____".
【小题3】What's the main idea of the passage?
A.Children should save part of their allowance.
B.Don’t pay your child for work around the home.
C.Allowance helps teach children early about money.
D. Parents should allow children to spend money as they wish.
【小题4】How many advantages of saving has the passage mentioned?
A.2 B.3 C.4D.5
【小题5】Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? 
A.Children are advised to buy anything they wish to with the allowance.
B.Parents should offer children more money if they spend all of their allowance soon after they get it.
C.It can be useful to pay children to do extra work around the home.
D.It is unnecessary for the children to save part of the allowance.


--- Do you doubt ____ he’ll be fired by the school?    
--- No, not a bit. But I doubt ____ he will bury himself into study.

A.that; thatB.whether; /C.if ; thatD.that; whether


My mother used to ask me what is the most important part of the body. Through the years I would   36   the correct answer. When I was younger, I thought   37  was very important to us as humans, so I said, "My ears, Mummy." She said. "No, Many people are   38 . But you keep thinking about it and I will ask you again soon."
Several years passed before she asked me again. Since making my first  39 , I had often thought over the question. So this time I told her, "Mummy, it must be our eyes." She looked at me and said, "You are   40  fast, but the answer is not correct because there are many people who are blind."  41  the years, mother asked me a couple more  42  and always her response to my answers was, "No, but you are getting  43  every year, my child." Then last year, my Grandpa  44 . Everybody was heart broken. Everybody was crying. My mum looked at me when it was our   45  to say our final good-bye to Grandpa. She asked me, "Do you know the most important body part yet, my dear?"
I was  46  when she was asking me this now. I always thought this was a  47  between her and me. She saw the   48  on my face and told me, "This question is very important. It shows that you have really  49  your life." I saw her eyes well up with tears. She said, "My dear, the most important body part is your   50  ." I asked, "Is it because they hold up your head?" she replied, "No, it is   51  on them a crying friend or loved one can rest their head. I only hope that you have enough friends and   52   that you will have a shoulder to cry   53  when you need it." Then and there I understood the most important body part is not a   54  one. It is sympathetic(同情的)to the pain of    55__.

A.noticeB.believe inC.doubtD.guess at
【小题9】 wounded
A.othersB.the deafC.GrandpaD.the blind


When I was fifteen, I announced to my English class that I was going to write my own books. Half the students smiled unkindly,   36   nearly fell out of their chairs laughing. “Don’t be   37  , only geniuses can become writers,” the English teacher said, “And you are getting a D this term.” I was so ashamed I burst into   38  . That night I wrote a short sad poem about broken dreams and mailed it to the newspaper. To my   39  , they published it and sent me two dollars. I was a published and paid writer. I showed my teacher and fellow students. They laughed, “Just plain dumb luck,” the teacher said. I  40 success. I’d sold the first thing I’d   41 written. That was more than any of them had done and if it was just dumb luck that was fine with me.
During the next two years I sold dozens of poems and letters. By the time I graduated from high school, I had scrapbooks (剪贴簿)  42   my published works. I never   43   my writing to my teachers, friends or my family   44   because they were dream killers.
I had four children at the time.  45   the children slept, I typed on my ancient typewriter. I wrote what I felt. It took nine months. I chose a   46   and mailed it. A month later I received a contract, an advance on payments, and a request to start   47 another book. Crying Wind, became a best seller, was translated into fifteen languages and sold worldwide. My first book also became  48  reading in native American schools in Canada.
The   49  year I ever had as a writer I earned two dollars. In my best year I earned 36,000 dollars. People ask what college I   50  , what degrees I had and what qualifications I have to be a writer. The answer is: “None.” I just write. I’m not a genius. I use an electric typewriter that I paid a hundred and twenty nine dollars  51  six years ago. I do all the housework and  52   my writing in a few minutes here and there. I’ve written eight books. To all those who dream of writing, I’m shouting at you: “Yes, you can. Don’t listen to them.” I don’t write right   53   I’ve succeeded. Writing is   54  , it’s fun and anyone can do it.   55  , a little dumb luck doesn’t hurt.

A.otherB.othersC.the otherD.the rest
A.laughter D.cheers
A.tastedB.metC.accepted D.considered
A.yetB.neverC.even D.ever
A.crowded with B.filled withC.combined withD.linked with
A.writerB.reporter C.publisherD.manager
A.working onB.going on C.turning onD.putting on
A.requestedB.required C.demanded D.reminded
A.busiest B.worseC.worstD.highest
A.attendedB.took C.admitted D.participated
【小题17】 D.hold
A.easyB.hard C.convenientD.practical
A.On the contraryB.Of courseC.As a resultD.In this way

