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In many countries the standard of living enjoyed by their people has increased rapidly in recent years. Sadly, not everyone in these countries is so fortunate and many people in rich countries are homeless.

The reasons for homelessness are various, but poverty(贫穷) is undoubtedly one of the main causes. The homeless people may have become jobless and then been unable to pay their rent and so no longer have a roof over their heads. Often, the fact that unemployed people get help from the government prevents this from happening, but not always.

Some homeless people are mentally ill and have no one to look after them. Some are young people who, for one reason or another, have left home and have nowhere to live. Many of them have had a serious disagreement with their parents and have left home, choosing to go to a city and live on the streets. Sometimes they have taken such action because they have been unable to get on with a step-parent.

Many homeless people get into the habit of begging to get enough money to stay alive, but many of the general public refuse to give anything to beggars. Often they are moved on by the police, being accused(指控), whether rightly or wrongly, of forceful begging. There are many who disrespect homeless people.

Some cynics(愤世嫉俗的人) declare that homeless people choose to live the life which they lead. But who would willingly choose to live in a shop doorway, under a bridge or in a cardboard box?

52.According to the text, what causes some people to be homeless?

       A.Lack of money.       B.The increased standard of living.

       C.No government help.                                   D.Agreement with their parents.

53.It can be inferred from the text that _________.

       A.the homeless are willing to live under a bridge or in a cardboard box will not find homeless people in countries with a high standard of living

       C.the mentally ill live on the streets because they want the company of other home-

       less people

       D.the unemployed who receive help may still be among the homeless

54.In paragraph 2, “a roof over their heads” most probably means _________.

       A.a cap                      B.a car

       C.a home                   D.a covering

55.The author thinks that the homeless people are                .

       A.pitiful                     B.troublesome

       C.respectable              D.admirable



As many as five courses are provided, and you are free to choose _____ suits you best.

A.whoeverB.whichever C.wheneverD.wherever


       Dogs wag(摇摆) their tails in different directions depending on whether they are excited and wanting to move forward or threatened and thinking of moving back, a study has found.

       Researchers in Italy  examined the tail wagging behaviour of 30 dogs, catching their responses to a range of stimuli(刺激物) with video cameras. To conduct the study they chose 15 male dogs and 15 female ones aged between one and six years. The dogs were all family pets whose owners had allowed them to take part in the experiment at Bari University. The dogs were placed in a large wooden box with an opening at the front to allow for them to view various stimuli. They were tested one at a time.

       The researchers led by Professor Giorgio Vallortigara of the University of Trieste found that when the dogs were shown their owners—a positive experience—their tails wagged energetically to the right side. When they were shown an unfamiliar human they wagged to the right, but with somewhat less enthusiasm. The appearance of a cat again caused a right-hand side wag, although with less intensity again. The appearance of a large unfamiliar dog, similar to a German shepherd, changed the direction of tail wagging to the left. Researchers supposed the dog was thinking of moving back. When the dogs were not shown any stimuli they tended to wag their tails to the left, suggesting they preferred company. While the changes in the tail wagging were not easily noticed without the aid of video, it was thought that the findings could help people judge the mood (心情) of dogs. Computer and video systems, for example, could be used by professional dog trainers to determine the mood of dogs that they were required to approach.

71.The video cameras were used to catch the dogs’ responses because      . was easier to catch the dogs’ response changes in the tail wagging

B.the dogs were put in the wooden boxes and tested one at a time.

C.they enabled the dogs’ owners to know about their dogs’ habit

D.the dogs wagged their tails in different directions when they were in different moods

72.The underlined word “intensity” in the passage means        .

A.surprise                     B.worry                       C.excitement                 D.interest

73.When there are no stimuli, a dog will         .

A.wag to the left                                              B.wag to the right

C.not wag at all                                                D.wag to the left and then to the right

74.The underlined word “they” refers to         .

A.the dogs                    B.the trainers                C.the systems               D.the researchers

75.The purpose of doing the experiment is         . train dogs for their owners                help people judge the mood of dogs help dogs find company                    help people choose their pet dogs


If you’re like most students, you probably read both at home and outside your home: perhaps somewhere on your schoolyard and maybe even at work during your breaks. Your reading environment can have a great effect on your understanding ,so give some thought to how you can create(营造)or choose the right reading environments. The right environment allows you to stay alert(专注的)and to keep all of your attention on the text, especially when it is both interesting and difficult.

       When you’re at home ,you can usually create effective conditions for reading. You might want to choose a particular place― a desk or table, for example where you always read .Make sure the place you choose is well lighted ,and sit in a chair that requires you to sit straight. Reading in a chair that’s too soft and comfortable is likely to make you sleepy! Keep your active reading tools (pens ,markers ,notebooks or paper) and a dictionary close at hand.

       Before you sit down for a reading period ,try to reduce all possible interruptions. Turn off your phone, the television, and the radio. Tell your family members or roommates that you’ll be busy for a while .If necessary, put a “Do not disturb” sign on your door! The more interruptions you must deal with while you read, the harder it will be to keep your attention on the task at hand.

49.The author believes that the right reading environment __________.

       A.helps readers a little in their reading tasks

       B.helps readers a lot in their reading tasks

       C.can only be created at one’s home

       D.can only be created outside one’s home

50.Which type of the following interruptions is mentioned in the text?

       A.Dictionaries.                                               B.Paper.

       C.Phone calls.                                               D.Notebooks.

51.What would be the best title for the text?

       A.How to Read Fast

       B.Creating an Effective Reading Environment

       C.The Ways to Reduce Possible Interruptions

       D.What to Read



Teens' lives hit by economy

Some teenagers are crossing their dream colleges off their lists.Others are thinking of skipping their senior trips or reducing prom(毕业舞会)costs.Many are finding their work hours cut while their expenses rise.

   So,who exactly is punishing them?Is it their parents,teachers or employers?No,it's the economy.

   If you are like most teenagers,you probably don't understand what“recession”,“negative economic growth”and“subprime mortgage crisis(次贷危机)”actually mean.And you probably don't spend your days watching the ups and downs of the stock market.

   It's safe to say that most teens don't know much about the economy except for one thing:it's bad.But just how exactly is the economy affecting teens?

“The single largest thing I have noticed is the recession's ability to affect my college choice,”said Heather Richars from Downey High School in California,US.

“With the economic situation the way it is,I have thought less about going to a private or out?of?state university,and more about public schools in California,mainly because of the price of tuition,”said Richars.“I had been a fan of attending a private school up until this year.”

   The economy cuts into other areas of teenagers' lives,too.

   Joey Camarda,a student at Modesto High School in California,who works at an ice cream store,said,“Probably due to the economy,I have been getting less hours at my job,and because of that,I am not getting enough money to help pay for college.”

   Tara Mooney,a senior at Beyer High School,has also begun to notice that money is tight.

“Things are getting expensive,”she said.“When it comes to applying for colleges and wanting to go on senior trips,I have to pick and choose instead of doing it all.”

1.The purpose of writing the passage is mainly to tell us ________.

A.the economic recession has had a big impact on teens' work,life and study

B.teenagers are now having difficulty in deciding which colleges to apply for

C.teenagers don't know much about the economic recession

D.teenagers are considering giving up their senior trips to save money

2.Because of the bad economic situation,Heather Richars will most probably ________.

A.go to a private university

B.attend an out?of?state college

C.attend a public college in California

D.find a good university as he planned

3.How has Joey Camarda found the recession affects him?

A.He has to find more part?time jobs.

B.He has to help his mother do more chores.

C.He has found that he had more time to study.

D.His plan to pay for college will be hard to realize.

4.What can we conclude from the passage?

A.Parents punish their teens by giving them less money.

B.Most teens understand what negative economic growth means.

C.Teenagers are finding it harder to do what they want than before.

D.Teenagers have realized the importance of managing their own money.


