The temperature of a human being is about 37℃. 查看更多



1. He was active in politics and was strongly against ________ (奴隶制度).
2. English and ________ (美国的) spellings of some words are different.
3. His short-term ________ (记忆) was damaged in the accident.
4. The ________ (正常的) temperature for a human being, no matter in what part of the world he
    lives, is about 37℃.
5. Employers usually ________ (偏爱) candidates with some previous experience of the job.
6. We can save words by ________ (安排) the sentence like this.
7. In the US, winter wheat is ________ (收割) in the early summer.
8. I do not think there can be any doubt that she'll ________ (克服) the difficulty.
9. Neither recorders nor ________ (照相机) are allowed in the theatre.
10. He said that he hadn't been treated ________ (公平地) by the policeman.


     根据下列各句句意和空白之后的汉语提示词, 在横线上写出对应单词的正确、完整形式, 每空只写一词。
1. He was active in politics and was strongly against ________ (奴隶制度).
2. English and ________ (美国的) spellings of some words are different.
3. His shortterm ________ (记忆) was damaged in the accident.
4. The ________ (正常的) temperature for a human being, no matter what part of the world he lives in, is about 37?.
5. Employers usually ________ (偏爱) candidates with some previous experience of the job.
6. We can save words by ________ (安排) the sentence like this.
7. In the US, winter wheat is ________ (收割) in the early summer.
8. I do not think there can be any doubt that she'll ________ (克服) the difficulty.
9. Neither recorders nor ________ (照相机) are allowed in the theatre.
10. He said that he hadn't been treated ________ (公平地) by the policeman.


1. Neither recorders nor ________ (照相机) are allowed in the theatre.
2. We have         (安排)for them to prepare for the celebration.
3. English and ________ (美国的) spellings of some words are different.
4. Millions of wild flowers color the valleys,        (尤其)in April and May.
5. He        (承认)that he had been to the mountain village.
6. Many people served as        (志愿者)in the Guangzhou Asian Games.
7. Parents should teach their children to behave        (恰当地)in public.
8. The doctor examined the patient carefully and then drew a         (结论).
9. My uncle is grateful to me for        (说服)him into giving up smoking.
10.The ________ (正常的) temperature for a human being, no matter in what part of the
     world he lives, is about 37℃.

