I of going to Qingdao , I am going to Dalian this summer. 查看更多




  Tom Dyson tried to find out what his new machine could do. One day he fixed the small box to a flowering plant that was growing in a pot. He didn't say anything at all, but he began to think some cruel thoughts.

  “I'm going to cut off these flowers. They're getting old and ugly. So I'll cut them off…”

  The needle on the machine climbed quickly from  zero to 8, then 10, 12, 15. It stopped at 17. The plant was in trouble! Something was worrying it. Was it fear or sadness? The thought of being cut? The flowers bent their heads. They suddenly looked old and tired, and Tom felt sorry for them.

  “No, no!” he cried.“I won't cut you. You're my friends. I just want you to grow and be lovely. I'll take you outside, into the sunshine. You'll like that, won't you?”

  The flowers lifted their heads slowly and seemed to smile at him. The needle returned to zero. Tom put away the machine, picked up the plant and walked outside. It was very nice in the garden that morning.

  All plants enjoy their owner's love and care and kindness. They know the sound of their voice. They also seem to understand people's thoughts. So if you have flowers of your own, think about them with love. They will return your kindness in the only way they can: they will grow strong and beautiful.

1.Choose the right order of the events given in the passage.

[  ]

a.The needle pointed to 17.

b.Tom felt sorry for the flowers.

c.Tom thought of cutting off the flowers.

d.The flowers looked old and tired.

e.Tom fixed the machine to a plant.

f.Tom took the plant outside.

g.The needle returned to zero.

h.Tom cried, “I won't cut you.”

[  ]

A.e; a; g; h; d; b; c; f

B.c; e; d; a; b; h; g; f

C.e; c; a; d; h; b; f; g

D.e; c; a; d; b; h; g; f

2.The only way in which plants can show their love is ________.

[  ]

A.enjoying their owner's love

B.bringing up nicely

C.holding up their heads

D.smiling at their owners

3.According to the passage, which of the following is true?

[  ]

A.Tom wanted to cut off the flowers.

B.Tom said nothing, but the flowers could understand him.

C.The machine didn't work properly.

D.The flowers were getting bad - looking



  Tom Dyson tried to find out what his new machine could do. One day he fixed the small box to a flowering plant that was growing in a pot. He didn't say anything at all, but he began to think some cruel thoughts.

  “I'm going to cut off these flowers. They're getting old and ugly. So I'll cut them off…”

  The needle on the machine climbed quickly from  zero to 8, then 10, 12, 15. It stopped at 17. The plant was in trouble! Something was worrying it. Was it fear or sadness? The thought of being cut? The flowers bent their heads. They suddenly looked old and tired, and Tom felt sorry for them.

  “No, no!” he cried.“I won't cut you. You're my friends. I just want you to grow and be lovely. I'll take you outside, into the sunshine. You'll like that, won't you?”

  The flowers lifted their heads slowly and seemed to smile at him. The needle returned to zero. Tom put away the machine, picked up the plant and walked outside. It was very nice in the garden that morning.

  All plants enjoy their owner's love and care and kindness. They know the sound of their voice. They also seem to understand people's thoughts. So if you have flowers of your own, think about them with love. They will return your kindness in the only way they can: they will grow strong and beautiful.

1.Choose the right order of the events given in the passage.

[  ]

a.The needle pointed to 17.

b.Tom felt sorry for the flowers.

c.Tom thought of cutting off the flowers.

d.The flowers looked old and tired.

e.Tom fixed the machine to a plant.

f.Tom took the plant outside.

g.The needle returned to zero.

h.Tom cried, “I won't cut you.”

[  ]

A.e; a; g; h; d; b; c; f

B.c; e; d; a; b; h; g; f

C.e; c; a; d; h; b; f; g

D.e; c; a; d; b; h; g; f

2.The only way in which plants can show their love is ________.

[  ]

A.enjoying their owner's love

B.bringing up nicely

C.holding up their heads

D.smiling at their owners

3.According to the passage, which of the following is true?

[  ]

A.Tom wanted to cut off the flowers.

B.Tom said nothing, but the flowers could understand him.

C.The machine didn't work properly.

D.The flowers were getting bad - looking


The beach is so beautiful that it is worthwhile, I think, _____ for a short holiday.

  A. of going       B. to be going

  C. your going     D. you to go




  We had hardly got above the clouds over the airport when a calm voice said over the loudspeaker:“For technical reasons we shall be returning immediately to London Airport. Please keep your seatbelts fastened.”

  I was rather surprised and glanced at the old lady next to me. She had been very chatty while we were waiting to take off.

  “I'm going to New York to visit some relatives there. I always sleep wonderfully welt whenever I get into a plane.”she had told me.

  And indeed, she seemed to he in a very deep sleep already.

  Just then a passenger behind me shouted,“Oh, my God! The wing's on fire.”

  I looked out of the window and my blood froze. Smoke and flames were pouring out of one of the engines. The plane was already turning and losing altitude fast.

  “What's happening? Are we going to crash?”an American in front of me demanded.

  The cabin crew were already moving up and down the aisle (走道), reassuring (安慰) people, saying things like,“It's just all right. There's no need to worry. Now, if you just sit still, everything will be all right. Don't get up. Don't get upset.”

  I looked out again. The ground was rushing up at us with shocking speed. We were already so low that I could make out cars and even people.

“It's only a slight emergency,”a stewardess told me with a tense smile.

Suddenly there was a sickening bump and we were rushing along the runway at a terrifying speed. The brakes screeched (发出尖锐刺耳的声音). The engines roared even more loudly. We came to a trembling stop. The cabin crew quickly opened the emergency exits and the passengers began sliding down huge, stocking-like chutes (滑道) to the ground. A fire engine was already putting out the fire in one engine. I had to shake the old lady violently to wake her up.

  “What's wrong? Surely the journey isn't over already! I mean, have we got to New York?”she asked sleepily.

1.When did the emergency occur?

[  ]

A.We are not told.

B.Just before the plane landed in New York.

C.Shortly after the plane took off.

D.Sometime in the middle of the flight.

2.What does the underlined word“altitude”(in Paragraph 6) refer to?

[  ]

A.Height above sea-level.

B.Place or area high above sea-level.

C.Way of thinking or behaving.

D.Way of positioning the body.

3.What would be the best title for the text?

[  ]

A.An unpleasant flight.

B.An interesting experience.

C.An unforgettable experience.

D.Brave cabin crew.

4.When they landed, the old lady _____.

[  ]

A.was one of the first to get out

B.asked when they were going on lo New York

C.was shaking violently with fear

D.was not even sure where they were


“Are you too stupid to do anything right?”These words—said by a woman to a little boy who was obviously her son—were spoken  1 he had walked away from her. They boy returned, his eyes down-cast.

Not a  2  moment, perhaps,  3  small moments sometimes last a very long time. And a few words—though they mean  4  at the time to the people who say them—can have great  5  .

I recently heard a story from a man named Malcolm Dalkoff. For the last 24 years he has been a professional  6  . Here is what he told me:

As a boy in Rock Island, Dalkoff was terribly  7  . He had few  8  and no self-confidence. One day, his English teacher, Ruth Brach, gave the class an assignment(作业). The students had been reading To Kill a Mockingbird. Now they were to write their own chapter that would  9  the last chapter of the novel.

Dalkoff wrote his chapter and turned it  10  . Today he can not recall anything  11 about the chapter he wrote, or what 12  Mrs. Branch gave him. What he does remember is the four words Mrs. Brach wrote in margin(空白处)of the paper:“This is  13  writing.”

   Four words. They  14  his life.

   “  15  I read those words, I had no idea of who I was or  16  I was going to be.”he said.“After reading her note, I went home and wrote a short story, something I had always been  17  of doing but never believed I could do.”

  Over the rest of that year in school, he wrote many short stories and always brought them to school for Mrs. Brach to evaluate. She was  18  , tough and honest.“She was just what I 19 ,”Dalkoff said.

  His confidence  20   . Dalkoff believes that none of this would have happened if that woman had not written those four words in the margin of his paper.

1.A.where     B.why     C.because    D.when

2.A.wonderful   B.difficult    C.funny   D.big

3.A.yet      B.although   C.for    D.therefore

4.A.much     B.little     C.more    D.most

5.A.meaning    B.power    C.force    D.sense

6.A.writer     B.player    C.poet    D.singer

7.A.sorry      B.proud    C.sick    D.shy

8.A.books     B.ideas     C.friends   D.chances

9.A.follow     B.match    C.decide   D.improve

10.A.on       B.in      C.out     D.down

11.A.more     B.again     C.special    D.different

12.A.honors     B.remarks   C.prizes    D.grade

13.A.poor      B.serious    C.good     D.silly

14.A.changed    B.damaged   C.affected   D.improved

15.A.Unless     B.Until    C.When    D.While

16.A.what      B.how     C.where    D.which

17.A.tired      B.fond     C.proud    D.dreaming

18.A.strict      B.kind     C.encouraging  D.praising

19. A.feared     B.needed    C.expected   D.loved

20.A.grew     B.lifted     C.appeared   D.returned


