It is not good to make f of others. 查看更多



So it is exam time once again! Everyone, whether a kid or an adult, has at least a little bit of pressure of exams, and it is just that some show it while others do not. So the most important tip is to relax and not take too much stress.   51  Here are some study tips for high school students as well as study tips for college students.

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The most common mistake that students make is that they start studying a day or two before exams! No portion can be covered, not even halfway, if you study only two days before exams. So what most of the students do, is study only the so-called important points. As a result, even if the paper is easy, you get a low score only because you didn't know the entire contents!   53  If time does not perait you to learn your lessons, at least go through them regularly. This way you will be familiar with the syllabus and won't find it difficult to understand then at the last minute.

       ·Follow effective techniques

There are some easy techniques to study well, like read the lesson casually, at least twice. And while reading, mark the important points with a pencil and move on.   54  Before going to exams, read only the underlined points. This is one of the last minute study tips for exams.

·Relaxation techniques

Don’t study continuously instead of taking some breaks. Just go for minimum 5 minutes to maximum 8 minutes breaks needed an hour in your studies.  55  During an exam, use the few minutes before you are allowed to begin to do some simple relaxation and breathingexercises, sit back and separate yourself mentally from those who are getting anxious.

A.Study beforehand

B.Prepare a good timetable

C.So start studying at least a month before the exams.

D.It will make your mind fresh and active, then you will find interest in studying.

E.Revising for exams is about more than just reading through the notes you made in class.

F.But a little bit of pressure is always necessary, as it is good for us and helps us perform well.

G.When you start reading for the second time, read those underlined points first and then the rest of the text.


Handwriting can make or break the first impression . If your handwriting is difficult for others to read, you will sometimes feel embarrassed._1___. It needs lot of practice to improve your handwriting.
___2___. Try each of them out on a piece of paper by signing your name .Find out which type of pen you can write best with. You may be amazed at the change in your handwriting just by changing to another pen.
__3__. Do not just do what feels comfortable because that is just your old bad habit coming back into play. Try to hold the pen lightly and don’t press too hard.
Use your chosen pen to write Os on some pieces of lined paper .Write until you have filled up all the lines. Be careful with each O that you write.__4____.
Practice writing Os as much as possible . Remember , practice makes perfect .You may practice for weeks or months if you need to.__5___.
As your handwriting shows signs of improvement ,  go ahead and keep on practicing by writing more words.

A.Gather different types of pens
B.Practice holding your pen in different ways.
C.However ,a bad writing habit is hard to break.
D.Choose a type of pen with which you write best.
E. It won’t help if you write a lot of careless Os on the paper.
F. Two to three months’ practice is enough to get good handwriting.
G. After you are confident in your Os, do the same thing with your name


In many countries, it is important to have many children . In the US, a few religious groups emphasize the importance of large families, but most people think one or two children are enough, and many couples have no children. ___1_____ Having many children would restrict the freedom and individualism of the parents as well as the other children in the family.

Parents teach individualism by the way they raise their children. ___2___ Parents begin teaching this self-reliance early , asking the child to do things on her own and praising her when she does.

___3____ They bring their children with them to church , to sporting events, to stores, and to social events. However , many places, such as expensive restaurants and live theatre productions , do not welcome children. Most formal social gatherings , those with written invitations do not welcome children either.

Children , especially boys are expected to be energetic and assertive(果敢的)。___4____ Parents are expected to keep their children under control at all times, particularly in public places and in the homes of others. When a child misbehaves , only the child’s patents may discipline him. ___5____ Most patents discipline their children by rewarding good behaviors, not by punishing bad behaviors. While a spanking , a slap to the child’s buttocks(屁股), is acceptable to some people, any punishment that wounds the childe or leaves a mark is considered child abuse and is against the law.

A.          The relationship between American parents and their children is harmony.

B.          That doesn’t mean , though , that they are allowed to “run wild” in public.

C.          Because taking care of a child is very costly, financially , emotionally, and socially ,many couples view large families as a disadvantage.

D.          Others adults should not interfere (干涉)unless the child is doing something which may be harmful to himself

E.          American children are expected to accept invitations to a formal party.

F.          Many parents want to expose their children to a variety of situations.

G. They want to create a self-reliant, independent child , who can make it on her own by age eighteen.



Many people think of guys as being carefree when it comes to their appearance. But in fact, a lot of guys spend plenty of time in front of the mirror. They care just as much as girls do about their body image.

     Body image is a person’s opinions and feelings about his or her own body and physical appearance.    71    . You appreciate your body for its capabilities and accept its imperfections.

    72    . Here are some ideas:

     Recognize your strengths. Different body types are good for different things. What does your body do well? Maybe your speed, strength, or coordination makes you better than others at a certain sport. That may be basketball, table tennis, mountain biking, dancing, or even running. Or perhaps you have non-sports skills, like drawing, painting, singing, playing a musical instrument, writing, or acting,      73    .

     Exercise regularly. Exercise can help you look good and feel good about yourself. Good physiques (体形) don’t just happen.     74    . A healthy habit can be as simple as exercising 20 minutes to 1 hour three days a week. Working out can also lift your spirits.

     Respect your body! Practicing good habits ---- regular showering; taking care of your teeth, hair, and skin; wearing clean clothes, and so on ---- can help you build a positive body image.

         75    . Your body is just one part of who you are. Your talent for comedy, a quick wit (智慧), and all the other things make you unique. So try not to let small imperfections take over.

   A. Use this as an opportunity to discover what you’re good at.

   B. Be yourself.

   C. Having a positive body image means feeling satisfied with the way you look.

 D. Just explore talents that you feel good about.

   E. They take hard work, regular workouts, and a healthy diet.

 F. The good news is that self-image and body image can be changed.

   G. So, what can you do to develop a positive body image?


Many people think of guys as being carefree when it comes to their appearance. But in fact, a lot of guys spend plenty of time in front of the mirror.   【小题1】   .
Body image is a person’s opinions and feelings about his or her own body and physical appearance.    【小题2】   . You appreciate your body for its capabilities and accept its imperfections.
So, what can you do to develop a positive body image? Here are some ideas:
Recognize your strengths. Different body types are good for different things. What does your body do well? Maybe your speed, strength, or coordination makes you better than others at a certain sport. That may be basketball, table tennis, mountain biking, dancing, or even running. Or perhaps you have non-sports skills, like drawing, painting, singing, playing a musical instrument, writing, or acting.     【小题3】   .
Exercise regularly. Exercise can help you look good and feel good about yourself. Good physiques (体形) don’t just happen.    【小题4】   . A healthy habit can be as simple as exercising 20 minutes to one hour three days a week. Working out can also lift your spirits.
Respect your body! Practicing good habits --- regular showering; taking care of your teeth, hair, and skin; wearing clean clothes, and so on --- can help you build a positive body image.
  【小题5】     . Your body is just one part of who you are. Your talent for comedy, a quick wit (智慧), and all the other things make you unique. So try not to let small imperfections take over.

A.Use this as an opportunity to discover what you’re good at.
B.Be yourself.
C.They care just as much as girls do about their body image.
D.Just explore talents that you feel good about.
E. They take hard work, regular workouts, and a healthy diet.
F. The good news is that self-image and body image can be changed.
G. Having a positive body image means feeling satisfied with the way you look. 

