The week f Christmas Day, many African-American families get together to greet the New Year and think about the past. 查看更多



You Did More Than Carry My Books
Mark was walking home from school one day when he noticed the boy ahead of him had dropped all of the books he was carrying, along with a baseball bat and several other things. Mark   21  down and helped the boy pick up these articles.   22 they were going the same way, he helped to carry some of them for him. As they walked Mark   23 the boy's name was Bill, that he  24 computer games, baseball and history, that he was having a lot of   25  with his other subjects and that he had just broken  26 with his girlfriend.
They arrived at Bill's home first and Mark was   27 in for a Coke-Cola and to watch some television. The afternoon passed   28 with a few laughs and some shared small talk, and then Mark went home. They  29 to see each other around school, had lunch together once or twice, and then both ended up from the same high school. Just three weeks before  30 , Bill asked Mark if they  31 talk.
  Bill  32  him of the day years ago when they had first met. "Do you  33 wonder why I was carrying so many things home that day?" asked Bill. "You see, I  34  out my locker(柜) because I didn't want to leave a mess(脏乱)  35 anyone else. I had planned to run away and I was going home to  36 my things. But after we spent some time together  37  and laughing, I realized that  38  I had done that, I would have  39 a new friend and missed all the fun we would have together. So you see, Mark, when you picked up my books that day, you did a lot more. You   40  my life." 



Yesterday,we held a meeting about English study.The meeting    failure.

A.ended with      B.ended in     C.ending with    D.ending in



  Many years ago, when most people got their water direct from wells, they were sometimes annoyed by a dark liquid which came out of the ground and polluted the water.It smelt bad and was extremely dirty.Some people discovered that it was good for caulking(填……以防漏)boats-it prevented water getting in through cracks in the wood.Others found it was a good medicine for the stomach.But most people thought it was a nuisance(麻烦事).Today we have a rather different opinions about this substances as crude oil.

  In 1885,a young teacher at Yale University, Benjamin Silliman, became interested in crude oil.He soon found that it could be used as fuel for heating and lighting.So he asked his friend Edwin Drake, a railwayman, to try to produce this oil on his land in Philadelphia.Drake tried to collect the oil, which was seeping to the surface, by digging a large hole.This was not successful and flow out in a great stream.The first oil well had started production and the age of oil was just approaching.Today, J.P.Getty and Hughes, who are said to be the world's two richest men, both have fortunes based on oil-the first on the Standard Oil Co.and the second

on a highly fortunes efficient oil drilling tool.


Silliman was said to be the man ________.

[  ]


who dig the first oil


who tried to collect the oil by digging


who discovered its usefulness for heating and lighting


who tried to produce this oil


According to the first paragraph, people dislike crude oil because ________.

[  ]


it affected people's noses


it affected their bodies


it polluted their water


all of the above


From the passage we would say that ________.

[  ]


Philadelphia was rich in oil resources


Edwin Drake was a young teacher, too


Drake's first efforts to collect the oil were successful


Drake failed to collect the oil by drilling


By the example of J.P.Getty and Hughes, the author implies that ________.

[  ]


the latter was a successful man


oil is black gold


most people try to have their fortunes based on oil


those who want to be the richest men in the world must run oil industry


—We really enjoyed ourselves at the party. Thanks again, Mr. and Mrs. White.

    —_____. Just drop in whenever you feel like it.

  A. With pleasure         B. Our great honour

  C. Nice having you here     D. Nice you are here




               Motherhood is a career to respect

  A WOMAN renewing her driver’s license at the CountyClerk’s office was asked to state her occupation. She hesitated, uncertain how to classify herself.

  “What I mean is,” explained the recorder, “do you have a job, or are you just a...”

  “Of course I have a job,” said Emily. “I’m a mother.”

  “We don’t list ‘mother’ as an occupation... ‘housewife’ covers it,” said the recorder.

  One day I found myself in the same situation. The Clerk was obviously a career woman, confident and possessed of a high sounding title. “What is your occupation?” she asked.

  The words simply popped out. “I’m a Research Associate (研究员) in the field of Child Development and Human Relations.”

  The clerk paused, ballpoint pen frozen in midair.

  I repeated the title slowly, then I stared with wonder as my pronouncement (声明) was written in bold, black ink on the official questionnaire.

  “Might I ask,” said the clerk with interest, “just what you do in your field?”

  Coolly, without any trace of panic in my voice, I heard myself reply, “I have a continuing program of research (what mother doesn’t), in the laboratory and in the field (normally I would have said indoors and out). Of course, the job is one of the most demanding in the humanities (any mother care to disagree?), and I often work 14 hours a day (24 is more like it). But the job is more challenging than most careers and the rewards are more of a satisfaction rather than just money.”

  There was an increasing note of respect in the clerk’s voice as she completed the form, stood up, and showed me out.

  As I drove into our driveway, buoyed up (激励) by my glamorous new career, I was greeted by my lab assistants – ages 13, 7, and 3.

  Upstairs I could hear our new experimental model (a 6-month-old baby), in the child-development program, testing out a new vocal pattern.

  I felt proud! I had gone on the official records as someone more distinguished and indispensable (不可缺少的) to mankind than “just another mother.”

  Motherhood... What a glorious career! Especially when there’s a title on the door.


1. How did the female clerk feel at first when the writer told her occupation?

  A. Cold-hearted.    B. Open-minded.

  C. Puzzled.       D. Interested.


2. How many children does the writer have?

  A. 3    B. 4    C. 7    D. 13


3.Why did the woman clerk show more respect to the writer?

  A. Because she thought the writer did admirable work.

  B. Because the writer cared little about rewards.

  C. Because the writer did something that she had little knowledge of.

  D. Because she admired the writer's research work.


4. What is the point of the article?

  A. To show that how you describe your job affects your feelings toward it.

  B. To show that the writer had a grander job than Emily.

  C. To argue that motherhood is a worthy career.

  D. To show that being a mother is hard and boring work.


