I’ll e to him how to operates the machine . 查看更多




Wang: May I come in?

Black: Come in pleaseWon't you have a seat,   Mr.Wang?

Wang:  1  could you spare me a few minutes, Professor Black?


Black:  2  what can I do for you?


Wang: I wonder if I could hand in my essay (论文) next Monday, because I had a bad headache   yesterday

Black:  3  Is it any better now?


Wang: I'm afraid not But I'm sure it's nothing   seriousI'll be all right soon

Black:  4  Hand in your essay any time next   week

Wang: Thank you

Black: Mr.Wang, would you mind telling   Mr.Gao that I'd like to see him tomorrow morning? I've got something to discuss with   him

Wang:  5  Good-bye, professor

Black: Good-bye


[  ]


[  ]


[  ]


[  ]


[  ]

A I'm sorry you can't


B Sure, it's my   pleasure

C Well, take things   easy

D I'll be glad   to

E Thank you

F You're always welcome

G I'm sorry to hear that



-Hi, Bob.Would you like to go swimming this afternoon?

-I wish I could.  1   I have to write a composition.It must be handed in next Monday morning.

-Oh, is that for Mr.Smith’s class?

-Yes, I have to study a long peom.  2  

-That’s hard.

-And besides, I also have to prepare myself for math and history.You know, math is especially hard for me.  3  

-Take it easy, Bob.I’ve been doing well in math.  4  

-Oh, that will be great, Mary.

-All right!  5  

-OK, I’ll meet you in front of the library.

-Good luck to you.

A.We can start right when I’m back from swimming.

B.So I don’t know how I’m going to do it at all.

C.And I can help you with your history.

D.But I have to spend the rest of the day in the library.

E.So I’ll be happy to help you.

F.My teacher asked me to read it in class next week.

G.When will I start to help you with your math?



Tom You'd better take pencil and paper to classYou need to take notes

Ann Why? Everything the teacher will talk about is in the book

Tom Yes, it's true 1   

Ann SureI underline or circle the important information in the book

Tom I also do that    2    Quite often you do not completely understand

      what you read in a bookHis explanations must be written down

Ann Right    3   

Tom You shouldn't try to do that

Ann I don't see why not

Tom 4   

Ann I guess soI've got paperCan you lend me a pencil?

Tom SureAnother reason why you should take notes is that you have all of the most important information together    5 

Ann I'll do that from now on


ABecause most of them aren't important

BYou can study better

CBut I can't take notes on all of his explanations

DBut will you remember everything important he says?

EBut sometimes the teacher gives some explanations

FI don't think it's necessary

GYou should pick out the main points



提示: (Philip, Ellen, Richard, Marilyn. Susan, and Robbie are in the Stewarts' kitchen)

PhilipRobbie, the dinner was terrific (妙极的).

Susan 1 

MarilinWhat's for dessert (甜点心)?

RobbieOh, I forgot dessert.


EllenDon't worry! We've got lots of ice-cream. (She goes to the refrigerator.)

Richard Oh  2 

EllenWell, there's chocolate and coffee and a little vanilla (香精).

Robbie I'll have vanilla.  3 

PhilipI'll have chocolate.

Marilyn 4 

RichardUh, one scoop () of coffee and one scoop of chocolate for me.

EllenRobbie,  5  (Robbie gets up to help. Richard brings the ice-cream dishes to Ellen.)

A I'd love some ice cream.

B Really?

C Yes, it was delicious.

D Is that all right with everyone?

E Me, too.

F will you bring the ice-cream to Ellen?

G will you help me serve?


根据对话内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。 选项中有两项为多余选项。

Rabbie R    Grandpa G

R 1 

G Yes, indeed. Hand me two eggs from the fridge.  2  It's a wonderful day for it.

R I haven't made up my mind, and my friends don't want to go.  3 

G 4 

R I'll work on my computer. I have a new maths program, and I want to learn how to use it.

G 5 

R Any time. It's really easy, but, like anything, you need to work at it, Grandpa.

A Are you going to the football game today?

B It's wonderful.

C Can I help?

D Maybe you can teach me how to work on a computer some day.

E It's not an important game, anyway.

F When shall we have breakfast?

G Do you have any other plans for the day?

