He (撕) down the notice. 查看更多



I was shown into the waiting-room, which as I had expected, was full. There were dirty  1  on the wall, and the tattered (撕碎) magazines on the table   2  a great pile of waste paper. I took my seat and decided to   3  the time by watching people around me.

A young man beside me was turning over the   4  of a magazine quickly and nervously. It was   5  to understand what he was looking at for every three minutes or so he would   6  the magazine on to the table, seize   7  , and sink back into his   8  . Opposite me there was a young mother who was trying to keep her son from  9  . The boy had clearly grown tired of   10  . He had placed an ash-tray on the floor and was making plane sounds as he waved a pencil in his hand. Near him an old man was fast  11  ,and the boy's mother was afraid   12  sooner or later her son would   13  the gentleman. At the same time the   14  man next to me kept sighing loudly. At last he got up, walked towards the door and began   15  the pictures on the wall. Soon growing  16  , he snatched one more magazine out of the bottom of the pile and dropped tiredly into a chair. Even the boy had become quiet and was sleeping in her mother's arms.

There was a complete  17  in the room as the door opened and a nurse  18  . The people looked up with a ray of  19  in the eyes, then settled down again as the next  20  patient was let out of the room.

1. A. notice B. pictures C. maps D. holes

2. A. were made of B. changed into C. looked like D. were same as

3. A. cost B. take C. pass D. use

4. A. stories B. articles C. books D. pages

5. A. easy B. possible C. useless D. hard

6. A. throw B. take C. drag D. push

7. A. the others B. other C. another D. the other

8. A. chair B. pocket C. sleep D. picture

9. A. hurting himself B. tearing the magazine C. falling asleep D. making a noise

10. A. sleeping B. waiting C. reading D. playing

11. A. in sleep B. asleep C. sleepy D. sleeping

12. A. what B. that C. then D. before

13. A. do harm to B. knock into C. turn against D. wake up

14. A. old B. kind C. young D. handsome

15. A. drawing B. taking down C. examining D. putting up

16. A. glad B. unhappy C. angry D. uninterested

17. A. loneliness B. hopelessness C. tiredness D. silence

18. A. entered B. turned out C. entered in D. came out

19. A. success B. satisfaction C. joy D. hope

20. A. unlucky B. tired C. lucky D. happy


  I was shown into the waiting-room, which as I had expected, was full. There were dirty  l     on the wall, and the tattered (撕碎) magazines on the table   2  a great pile of waster paper. I took my seat and decided to   3  the time watching people around me.

   A young man beside me was turning over the   4  of a magazine quickly and nervously. It was   5  to understand what he was looking at for every three minutes or so he would   6  the magazine on the table, seize   7   , and sink back into his    8   . Opposite me there was a young mother who was trying to keep her son from   9   . The boy had clearly grown tired of   10   . He had placed an ashtray on the floor and was making plane sounds as he waved a pencil in his hand. Near him an old man was fast   11   , and the boy' s mother was afraid   12  sooner or later her son would   13  the gentleman. At the same time the   14  man next to me kept sighing (叹气) loudly. At last he got up, walked towards the door and began    15  the pictures on the wall. Soon growing   16   , he snatched one more magazine out of the bottom of the pile and dropped tiredly into a chair. Even the boy had become quiet and was sleeping in her mother’s arms.

    There was a complete   17  in the room as the door opened and a nurse   18   . The people looked up with a ray of   19  in the eyes. Then settled down again as the next  20  patient was let out of the room.

1. A. holes       B. pictures         C. maps          D. notice

2. A. were made of     B. changed into         C. looked like        D. were same as

3. A. cost         B. take         C. pass             D. use

4. A. stories       B. articles           C. books        D. pages

5. A. easy             B. possible          C. useless         D. hard

6. A. throw        B. take           C. drag         D. push

7. A. the others      B. other        C. another           D. the other

8. A. chair        B. pocket          C. sleep          D. picture

9. A. hurting himself            B. tearing the magazine

C. falling asleep                D. making a noise

10. A. sleeping       B. waiting           C. reading           D. playing

11. A. in sleep       B. asleep          C. sleepy         D. sleeping

12. A. what      B. that          C. then            D. before

13. A. do harm to          B. knock into           C. turn against         D. wake up

14. A. old          B. kind         C. young           D. handsome

15. A. drawing           B. taking down       C. examining         D. putting up

16. A. glad        B. unhappy           C. angry           D. uninterested

17. A. loneliness       B. hopelessness       C. tiredness           D. silence

18. A. entered       B. turned out      C. entered in          D. came out

19. A. success       B. satisfaction        C. joy         D. hope

20. A. unlucky      B. tired         C. happy        D. lucky



  I was shown into the waiting-room, which as I had expected, was full. There were dirty  l     on the wall, and the tattered (撕碎) magazines on the table   2  a great pile of waster paper. I took my seat and decided to   3  the time watching people around me.

   A young man beside me was turning over the   4  of a magazine quickly and nervously. It was   5  to understand what he was looking at for every three minutes or so he would   6  the magazine on the table, seize   7   , and sink back into his    8   . Opposite me there was a young mother who was trying to keep her son from   9   . The boy had clearly grown tired of   10   . He had placed an ashtray on the floor and was making plane sounds as he waved a pencil in his hand. Near him an old man was fast   11   , and the boy' s mother was afraid   12  sooner or later her son would   13  the gentleman. At the same time the   14  man next to me kept sighing (叹气) loudly. At last he got up, walked towards the door and began    15  the pictures on the wall. Soon growing   16   , he snatched one more magazine out of the bottom of the pile and dropped tiredly into a chair. Even the boy had become quiet and was sleeping in her mother’s arms.

    There was a complete   17  in the room as the door opened and a nurse   18   . The people looked up with a ray of   19  in the eyes. Then settled down again as the next  20  patient was let out of the room.

1. A. holes       B. pictures         C. maps          D. notice

2. A. were made of     B. changed into         C. looked like        D. were same as

3. A. cost         B. take         C. pass             D. use

4. A. stories       B. articles           C. books        D. pages

5. A. easy             B. possible          C. useless         D. hard

6. A. throw        B. take           C. drag         D. push

7. A. the others      B. other        C. another           D. the other

8. A. chair        B. pocket          C. sleep          D. picture

9. A. hurting himself            B. tearing the magazine

C. falling asleep                D. making a noise

10. A. sleeping       B. waiting           C. reading           D. playing

11. A. in sleep       B. asleep          C. sleepy         D. sleeping

12. A. what      B. that          C. then            D. before

13. A. do harm to          B. knock into           C. turn against         D. wake up

14. A. old          B. kind         C. young           D. handsome

15. A. drawing           B. taking down       C. examining         D. putting up

16. A. glad        B. unhappy           C. angry           D. uninterested

17. A. loneliness       B. hopelessness       C. tiredness           D. silence

18. A. entered       B. turned out      C. entered in          D. came out

19. A. success       B. satisfaction        C. joy         D. hope

20. A. unlucky      B. tired         C. happy        D. lucky


