The year 2004 a huge breakthrough in space traveling in China with Yang Liwei as the first astronaut sent to the space. 查看更多



A friend of mine met with a car accident in darkness. His legs were so hurt that he couldn't move. 1__ was worse was that he found he was unable to ask for help—his mobile phone went out of work __2__exhausted (用尽的) battery. Nothing could be done but to  3__ in the cold wilderness, it was 6 hours later that day broke, and then the 4 of the rescue team.

It is almost 5 that he could stand the horror in the darkness for so long. Even more surprising was his  6  : “First of all l I 7 my physical conditions and found myself not in danger. As there was no 8 to call for help, I leaned back in my seat trying my best to 9 the wound from bleeding . In this way I dozed(打盹)off.”

His story put an end to my regret for the  10 of an exploration that happened last year. A group of young men  11 to explore a mountain cave and got lost.  12 to find a way out in tile dark cave they were frightened and ran anxiously without a sense of  13  . Finally they fell dead in fear and exhaustion. According to the 14  team that found them, the place where they got lost was only about 10 meters away from the 15  of the cave. If they stayed on the spot when they lost their way and tried to  16 themselves, they would probably have sensed a faint light glowing not far away.

Don't you think that you can compare it with  17 itself? When you meet with difficulties in life, you are lost in darkness. 18 that it’s unclear to you ye and you needn’t put up struggle  19 . It seems to be a negative attitude,  20 a person who can do so much have foresight as well as a a great courage in the first place.

1. A.What       B. That     C.Which      D. Whether

2. A. because     B. as     C. as a result of     D.with

3. A. cry     B. wait      C. lie       D. sleep

4. A. delay      B. success     C. team         D. arrival

5. A. untrue     B. unimaginable C. possible       D. useless

6. A. excuse     B. decision    C. explanation      D. plan

7. A. checked     B. tested     C. recorded       D. consulted

8. A. method    B. way       C. tools         D. strength

9. A.keep    B.protect   C. stop         D. quit

10. A. loss      B. failure     C. disappointment      D. sadness

11. A. had      B. managed     C. tried         D. planned

12. A. Willing    B. Unable   C. Determined      D. Deciding

13. A. hearing    B. sight      C. feeling        D. direction

14. A. rescue       B. village     C. local         D. brave

15. A. end      B. top      C. opening   D. side

16. A. save      B. help        C. stop       D. calm

17. A. adventure   B. work        C. life       D. mankind

18. A. Focus     B. Watch      C. Imagine     D.Warm

19. A. really       B. immediately    C. carefully    D. hopefully

20. A. and      B. so       C. but       D. while




  For thousands of years, the most important two buildings in any British village have been the church and the pub.Traditionally, the church and the pub are at the heart of any village or town, where the people gather together to socialize and exchange news.

  As a result, British pubs are often old and well preserved.Many of them have become historic sites.The most famous example is the pub in the city of Nottingham called “Ye Olde Trip to Jerusalem”, which dates back to the year 1189 AD and is probably the oldest pub in England.

  However, British pubs are not just for kings and queens; they welcome people from all classes and parts of society.On a cold night, the pub's landlord or landlady can always find a warm place for you by the fire.There is always honest and hearty food and plenty of drinks available at an affordable price.

  That's how things used to be.Things are beginning to change.It is said that the credit crunch(信贷紧缩)is causing 39 British pubs in a week to go out of business.People do not have enough spare money to spend on beer.Recently, the UK government banned smoking in all pubs, and that may also have affected the number of customers going to pubs.

  This decline is happening despite the fact that in 2005 the UK government started to allow pubs to stay open after 11 p.m..Previously, with 11 closing time, customers would have to drink quite quickly, meaning they sometimes got more drunk than they would if allowed to drink slowly.The British habit of drinking a lot very quickly is known as “binge drinking”, and it causes long-term health problems for people and problems with violent crime for communities.

  In order to save their businesses, pubs are trying to change with the market.British pubs now offer something for everyone.A lot of pubs used to be “Working Men's Clubs”, meaning that women could not usually enter.Today, however, women can freely enter 99% of pubs without experiencing any problems.Perhaps things are changing for the better after all.


The passage mainly tells us something about _________.

[  ]


the past and present of British pubs


the decline of British pubs


the long history of British pubs


the importance of British pubs


Why do British people have the habit of gathering in the pubs?

[  ]


To get drunk.


To enjoy the historic sites.


To make more friends.


To socialize and exchange news.


Which may NOT be the cause of the decline of British pubs?

[  ]


The credit crunch.


The present closing time.


The ban of smoking.


Having no spare money.


We can infer from the passage that _________.

[  ]


British people used to like drink slowly


closing the pubs early will reduce social problems


binge drinking means drinking less beer


British government aims to discourage people from binge drinking


We can see from the last paragraph that the author _________.

[  ]


is against the admission of too many women to the pubs


holds an optimistic attitude towards the British pubs


thinks that women in the pubs will cause less social problems


thinks that British pubs should offer everything you need



  Loose robes(长袍)with big sleeves.High collars and long skirts.It's not a scene in a TV drama.Tying up their hair and putting on the cotton shoes, about 60 young people gathered in a Beijing teahouse Monday to perform traditional dances, music and poetry readings.

  The event was set up by organization founded in 2003.It has more than 24 000 members worldwide.They all love traditional Chinese culture and believe that wearing the Han costume(服装)is the best way to show love for China.Active members are mostly in their 20s or 30s.

  Chen Ye, a 19-year-old student, said it made her feel bad that Koreans have hanbok and Japanese have kimono while Chinese don't have a typical traditional dress.

  “Most people may think the cheongsam(旗袍)could be a representative, but I don't think so,” said Chen, from Capital University of Business and Economics.

  Chen said Han costume is the one for China.It is the traditional dress of Han nationality.It had been worn for thousands of years before it died out at the end of the Ming Dynasty.

  This is not the group's first activity.In the past two years, some of the members have dressed up in traditional clothes and visited sights in the downtown areas of many Chinese cities.It helps raise people's awareness of traditional Chinese culture.Gu Xiaoming, history professor with Fudan University, said the trend(倾向)is an attempt to hold on to traditional identities in a changing world.“It's a youth movement perhaps springing up against the background of globalization.”


The young people gathered in a teahouse in order to ________.

[  ]


practise performing in preparation for a TV play


found an organization to show love for their homeland


give performances based on Chinese traditional culture


join in an activity making traditional Chinese clothing


It can be inferred from the passage that the Han costume is most popular among ________.

[  ]


young people


history professors


TV play actors


visitors to teahouses


What does the underlined word “it” in the last paragraph refer to?

[  ]


The group's first activity.


Dressing up in traditional costume.


Visiting sights in Chinese cities.


What the group has done so far.


What is the passage mainly about?

[  ]


How important the Han costume has been in the history of China.


Which costume should be regarded as the traditional dress of China.


Why the Han costume reappears in some young people's life.


What a youth group has done to promote traditonal Chinese culture.


When many people are worried that there are no more heroes in the modern

times two university students who lost their lives to rescue drowning children have

shown that heroes still exist(存在).
   According to the Inner Mongolia Morning Post,the tragedy(悲剧) occurred on the afternoon of December 14,2002 when three school students skating on a frozen lake in Qingcheng Park in Hohhot fell through the ice into the freezing water.More than 20 university students who happened to be near the spot immediately went to the rescue of the children.
  Two children were quickly rescued,but the third died.The child's body was not found for three hours.Two of the rescuers,Liu Ye and Hao Longbiao,also died of cold and exhaustion(筋疲力尽).The body of Hao who took the lead in jumping into the lake was not found until the next day.
  A student who was unwilling to tell his name said he and his classmates from the local college were taking photos at the lake. When they heard the children's cries for help, they went to the ice hole hand in hand to rescue the children.But the ice kept breaking, causing most of them to fall into the icy water.
  Local residents held mourning ceremonies(祭奠仪式) at the lake. Eight of the students were seriously affected by the freezing water and were being kept in hospital for further observation, but their lives were no longer in danger.
46. The underlined word “occurred” here means“____”.
   A. employed   B. mixed    C. guided    D. happened
47 When the three students fell into water, the university students were __.
   A. skating on the ice       B. taking photos at the lake
   C. having a picnic         D. walking along the lake
48 Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
   A. Three students died on the same day in all.
   B. Hao Longbiao’s body was found on December 14,2002.
   C. The university students didn’t think it dangerous to save the drowning

children in the lake.
   D. Local residents were not brave in face of danger.
49. It can be inferred that ____.
   A. people think little of the two university students' death
   B. the ice on the lake wasn't strong enough to skate on
   C. some students regretted for what they had done
   D. heroes don't agree with the steps of modern times
50. The author wrote the passage to ____.
A. warn people of the danger of skating on ice

B. call on people to learn from the brave university students

C. tell us a tragedy

D. advise university students to cherish(珍惜) their lives



  When many people are worried that there are no more heroes in the modern era(时代),two university students who lost their lives to rescue drowning children have shown that heroes still exist(存在).

  According to the Inner Mongolia Morning Post,the tragedy(悲剧)occurred on the afternoon of December 14 when three school students skating on a frozen lake in Qingcheng Park in Hohhot fell through the ice into the freezing water.

  More than 20 university students who happened to be near the spot immediately went to rescue the children.

  Two children were quickly rescued,but the third died.The child’s body was not found for three hours.Two of the rescuers,Liu Ye and Hao Longbiao, also died of cold and exhaustion(筋疲力尽).

  The body of Hao who took the lead in jumping into the lake was not found until the next day.A student who was unwilling to tell his name said he and his classmates from the local college were taking photos at the lake.When they heard the children’s cries for help,they went to the ice hole hand in hand to rescue the children.But the ice kept breaking,causing most of them to fall into the icy water.

  Local residents held mourning ceremonies(祭奠仪式)at the lake.Eight of the students were seriously affected by the freezing water and were being kept in hospital for further observation,but their lives were no longer in danger.


The underlined word “occurred” here means “________”.

[  ]










When the three children fell into water, the university students were ________.

[  ]


skating on the ice


taking photos at the lake


having a picnic


walking along the lake


Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

[  ]


Three students died on the same day in all.


Hao Longbiao’s body was found on December 14.


The university students didn’t think it dangerous to save the children.


Local residents were not brave in face of danger.


It can be inferred that ________.

[  ]


people think little of the two university students’ death


some students regretted for what they had done


the ice on the lake wasn’t strong enough to skate on


heroes don’t agree with the steps of modern times


The author wrote the passage to ________.

[  ]


warn people of the danger of skating on ice


call on people to learn from the brave university students


tell us a tragedy


advise university students to cherish(珍惜)their lives

