He h before he answered because he didn't know what to say. 查看更多






    When she flew into Athens on an unseasonably cold day in September, she quickly realized that she hadn’t brought enough warm clothes. Walking through the streets of the Greek capital, she happened to see a nice coat in a shop window and went in to ask about the price. The coat was too expensive, but as Christine was about to leave the shop, the woman asked her where she was from. When Christine answered Australia, the woman agreed to reduce the price because she knew a nice girl from Australia called Elena. Christine then noticed a photo of a young man standing next to a motorbike. Her eyes opened wide with astonishment. It was Nicos! Indeed the young man was Nicos, and the woman in the shop was Maria. She had come to Athens from Santorini to look after the shop for a friend.

    Sadly, the story has a tragic ending. Nicos had been killed in a motorcycle accident.

    “I wanted to tell Elena,” said Maria. “But I didn’t know how. Now that I have met you, I know that it’s time to tell her.”

1.Elena went to Greece in order to visit         .

    A.her parents      B.Christine        C.Nicos.          D.her grandparents

2.Why did Nicos stop writing to Elena?

    A.He had moved away.

    B.His mother forbade him to do so.

    C.He h ad died in an accident.

    D.They had lost touch with each other.

3.What can be inferred from the fact that Christine and Maria had a talk in the shop?

    A.They two had planned the talk before.                    B.They met each other accidentally.

    C.They were business partners.         D.They recognized each other.



When she flew into Athens on an unseasonably cold day in September, she quickly realized that she hadn’t brought enough warm clothes. Walking through the streets of the Greek capital, she happened to see a nice coat in a shop window and went in to ask about the price. The coat was too expensive, but as Christine was about to leave the shop, the woman asked her where she was from. When Christine answered Australia, the woman agreed to reduce the price because she knew a nice girl from Australia called Elena. Christine then noticed a photo of a young man standing next to a motorbike. Her eyes opened wide with astonishment. It was Nicos! Indeed the young man was Nicos, and the woman in the shop was Maria. She had come to Athens from Santorini to look after the shop for a friend.
Sadly, the story has a tragic ending. Nicos had been killed in a motorcycle accident.
“I wanted to tell Elena,” said Maria. “But I didn’t know how. Now that I have met you, I know that it’s time to tell her.”
【小题1】Elena went to Greece in order to visit        .

A.her parentsB.ChristineC.Nicos.D.her grandparents
【小题2】Why did Nicos stop writing to Elena?
A.He had moved away.
B.His mother forbade him to do so.
C.He h ad died in an accident.
D.They had lost touch with each other.
【小题3】What can be inferred from the fact that Christine and Maria had a talk in the shop?
A.They two had planned the talk before.B.They met each other accidentally.
C.They were business partners.D.They recognized each other.



1.At home i       clothes are suitable, while on important occasions you should dress formally.

2.Would you please do me a  f       to give my present to Tom?

3.The boy looked c        at the difficult maths problem and was sure to work it out.

4.I asked him if he was willing to have dinner with me , he  h      for a while and unwillingly agreed.

5.Believe it or not, I d        of  becoming a manager when I was young.

6.Training in        (人际关系的)skills. is essential in modern society.

7.The earth quake had been        (预报)several weeks before, but no one took notice of it.

8.As I        (提到)earlier, there have been a lot of changes recently.

9. The couple wanted to        (捐赠)a great sum of money to the Red Cross.

10. If you want to keep fit, diets are more effective when       (和…结合)with regular exercises.



  After the end of the Second World War, the Russians became very interested in the possibility of travelling into space, and they launched (发射) several rockets which went round the Earth high above the air. To go higher, it is necessary to use a rocket, which will work excellently even when moving in outer space. The first rockets sent up into space carried no crew [(舰船、飞机等上的)乘务员]but only scientific instruments (仪器); the next carried animals and when these were brought back safely to earth the Russian scientists were ready to send up a man. They chose Major Yuri Gagarin to be the first pilot.

  Flying a spaceship is not the same as flying an ordinary aircraft. Instead of sitting at the controls, the pilot lies flat upon a couch; and the take-off is mainly automatic (自动的), however, the pilot must always be ready in case anything goes wrong. Fortunately, all went well; the Vostok was launched by its powerful motors, and before long it was more than 100 miles up, travelling at a speed of 5 miles a second or 18,000 m.p.h.-faster than any man had travelled before. Gagarin did not feel any sensation of speed, but he could look through the porthole (舷窗) of his pressurized cabin and see the Earth far below, looking like a vast globe instead of a flat plain. He could make out coastlines, rivers, forests, and clouds; he passed over Siberia, and then on to South America.

  Gagarin was busy all the time making scientific measurements. Also, as the Vostok was equipped with radio, he was able to give the scientists on the ground a running commentary (实况报道) on everything he saw. Before long the spaceship passed into the Earth’s shadow; when it came out of the shadow again, the horizon (地平线) glowed (发出光和热)a brilliant orange colour.

  When Gagarin had been in space for over an hour, he had nearly completed a journey right round the Earth, and it was time to prepare for the landing. This was perhaps the most dangerous part of the whole trip. If he came into the air too quickly, his ship would rub against the air particles, and the ‘friction (摩擦)would make the ship so hot that it would burn up. The speed of the Vostok had to be checked gradually (逐渐地). Again, all went well. The Vostok steadily (平稳地)dropped closer and closer to the ground until, when not far from the ground, Gagarin’s cabin was separated from the rest of the rocket. A huge parachute (降落伞) opened, and the cabin, with Gagarin in it, floated (飘,飘浮) gently down to a safe landing.

1.The Russians were ready to send up a man into space ________.

[  ]

A.when WWII was over

B.when they could go higher

C.after they had sent up a rocket with scientific instruments

D.after they had sent up animals and brought them safely back

2.Which of the following about Gngarin is NOT true?

[  ]

A.He controlled the take-off.

B.He traveled faster than any man had ever done.

C.He couldn’t feel how fast he was travelling.

D.He could see out of the spaceship.

3.The words “running commentary” (Sentence 2, Para. 3) probably means ________.

[  ]

A.scientific measurements

B.different views

C.Gagarin talking to scientists on the ground

D.the shadow and the color

4.For Gagarin landing was perhaps the most dangerous part of the trip because ________.

[  ]

A.the last part was by parachute

B.the landing was mainly automatic

C.the spaceship might burn up

D.the spaceship might hit the ground

5.What would be the most suitable title for the passage?

[  ]

A.Travelling in Space.

B.The First Man in space.

C.The Take-off and Landing of a Spaceship.

D.Gagarin, a National Hero.


A very strict officer was talking to some new soldiers whom he had to train. He had never seen them before, so he began, “My name is Stone, and I’m even harder than stone, so do what I tell you or there’ll be trouble. Don’t try any tricks (诡计) with me, and then we’ll get on well together.”
Then he went to each soldier one after the other and asked him his name, “Speak loudly so that everyone can hear you clearly,” he said, “and don’t forget to call me ‘sir’.”
Each soldier told him name, until he came to the last one. This man remained silent, and so Captain Stone shouted at him, “When I ask you a question, answer it! I’ll ask you again: What’s your name, soldier?”
The soldier was very unhappy, but at last he replied, “My name’s Stonebreaker, sir,” he said nervously.
【小题1】The officer was strict______.

A.because the soldiers were new.B.with any of his soldiers, new or old.
C.because he was named Stone.D.only when he was before soldiers.
【小题2】 According to what the officer said,_______.
A.obeying his orders would sometimes bring no trouble.
B.trouble would come if anybody made tricks.
C.he always got on well with his soldiers.
D.he often had trouble with his soldiers.
【小题3】The last soldier remained silent because_______
A.he didn’t like the way the officer spoke to them.
B.he wanted to see what would happen if he disobeyed his order.
C.the question was difficult for him to answer.
D.he was afraid the officer would be angry when he heard his name.
【小题4】According to the officer, how to answer the question, “How old are you ?”
A.(sadly)Twenty, sir.B.(clearly)Twenty.
C.(loudly)Twenty, sirD.(quickly)Ten years younger than you, sir
【小题5】Which is the best title for the passage?
A.A Clever AnswerB.A Terrible Answer
C.A Sorry AnswerD.A Strange Answer

