He didn’t realize that he had left his l at the station until he arrived home. 查看更多



1. To the boy’s great ______(失望), he didn’t win the English contest held last week

2. December is the _________(十二) month of the year.

3.The bad news came as a _________(震惊) to her.

4.I came across an old friend of mine at the _______(入口) to the station last Friday.

5.It's time you started to think __________ (认真) about the future.

6.Middle school students are f_______________ to smoke.

7.Einstein d         ____himself to world peace and progress.

8.They offered me a ticket for the concert, and I a         it with delight.

9.With no adults around, it’s d        for children to swim in the river.

10.The photos will r         me of the days when we were together.



1.Don't be late for your i__________, or you won't get the job.

2.She a__________ that she had stolen the bicycle.

3.Man should protect w__________ for his own existence.

4.Tom works so hard, so he will s_________ sooner or later.

5.In English learning, you should a______ the importance to memory.

6.We will buy some new flowers to r_________the old ones in the room.

7.Dave didn’t r_______to any of her emails,which made her angry.

8. If you want to sell your old furniture, why not put an a ______in the local newspaper.

9.It is a rule that our baggage should be i____________by customs officers.

10.C______ among middle school students to enter the best colleges is intense (激烈的).



【小题1】More and more e    are included in today’s Olympic Games, such as table tennis, badminton and boxing.
【小题2】Words and i         are being sent throughout the world.
【小题3】Polluted water and air are h       to our health.
【小题4】It is good m        to wait in line when buying tickets.
【小题5】You should give a brief        (介绍)to all the people present.
【小题6】He, who is making a speech now, r         China in the conference.
【小题7】You should learn to         (适应)to your new life.
【小题8】The police found a       (线索)which will help them catch the robber.
【小题9】The patient was asked to ring the bell in an           (紧急情况).
【小题10】I offered him a drink but he didn’t        (回应)


单词拼写, 首字母已给出 (每小题1分,共10分)

1.We s________(遭受) huge losses in the earthquake.

2.I’m c_________(担心) that they may have got lost.

3.The boy refused to follow my a_______(建议) and did what he wanted to.

4.The worker i_______(忽视) his own danger and jumped into the river to save the boy.

5.The news quite u______(使心烦意乱) him.

6.Are you sure he is a n        (本地的) here not a visitor ?

7.Though I haven’t met him for many years, I could r_________(认出) him immediately when I saw him in the crowd.

8.His story is b       (以…为基础) on his own experience.

9.He didn’t stop in Hong Kong and flew s          (径直) to London.

10.The ship sailed and we set out on a long v           (航海).




1. Many people ______________ (建议) him not to accept the offer but he lent no ear.

2. There are three c______________ in the play “The Necklace”, the Mathilde couple and Jeanne.

3. A___(平衡) diet should include the right amount of nutrients from all the different food groups.

4. They held a party in ___________ (庆祝) of the old man’s 90th birthday.

5. The various styles of buildings of Shanghai Expo.(世博会) show the  c___of their designers.

6. He tried hard to explain to his boss that he didn’t mean to be late, but his e_______________ didn’t work at all.

7. “Loving the young and r____________ the old” is a good tradition of us Chinese.

8. It is reported that some world leaders will ________(出席) the funeral ceremony of Polish president Lech Kaczynski, including Obama.

9. He dreams of owning a __________________ (舒服) house with a private garden.

10. During the s_______________(七天) Kwanzaa festival, African Americans celebrate their culture and history.


