Using the technologies, they grew vegetables in greenhouses. 查看更多





Many children may be fond of animals, but few ever think of making the study of animals their career(职业).Even fewer will be   1    by the whole world,   2    the title of United Nations Messenger(使者) of Peace.

But one woman has    3    all that. She has lived with chimpanzees in the African forest for more than 20 years and made great    4   .This woman is Jane Goodall. She was born in London, England, in 1934.Goodall’s lifelong    5    in animals began at an early age. By the age of 10 or 11,Goodall    6    going to Africa to live with animals. This was quite a strange dream in those days, as young    7    didn’t think of having such “wild” actions. But she was   8    by her mother. She told her that if she really wanted something, she should work hard, take advantage of   9   and never give up looking for a way.

When a close friend invited Goodall to Kenya in 1957,she readily   10   .Within a few months of her arrival she met the famous anthropologist(人类学家) Dr. Louis Leakey, who soon decided that Goodall was the    11    person he was looking for to begin a    12    of wild chimpanzees on the shore of Lake Tanganyika in Tanzania.

In July 1960, Goodall arrived at Gombe National Park in Tanzania. At the beginning, studying the chimpanzees was not    13   for her. The animals fled from her   14   , so it took months for her to get close to them. With a strong   15   , she searched the forest every day, trying not to get too close to the chimpanzees too   16   . Gradually the chimpanzees became used to her presence.

She discovered many things of chimpanzees during her first years at Gombe National Park. In October 1960,she observed a chimpanzee making and using   17    to fish for termites (白蚁).This discovery threw    18    on the popular idea at the time that Man was the world’s only toolmaker. The longer Goodall’s research continues, the more it becomes obvious that chimpanzees are very   19    to humans.

Since the mid-1980s, Goodall has been lecturing around the world to raise people’s sense about environmental    20   . “Let’s live in the new age with hope, respect for all living things, understanding and love,” she said.

1.A. recognized            B. known           C. accepted       D. admitted

2.A.receiving             B. giving          C. enjoying        D. having

3.A.done               B. proved           C. achieved        D. realized

4.A.discoveries            B. decisions       C. choices       D. findings                   B. interest        C. sense            D. dream

6.A.was fond of          B. tired of        C. insisted on         D. dreamed of

7.A.boys               B. girls          C. men          D. women

8.A.encouraged            B. prevented      C. advised       D. forced

9.A.knowledge           B. youth          C. hope         D. chances

10.A.accepted            B. refused        C. hesitated        D. considered

11.A.only               B. last           C. special           D. first

12.A.project             B. study          C. center         D. career

13.A.hard                   B. interesting      C. easy          D. convenient surprise            B. in a hurry      C. as expected        D. in fear

15.A.will               B. body         C. desire          D. mind

16.A.far                B. near          C. soon         D. much

17.A.nets               B. tools         C. holes         D. spoon

18.A.doubt              B. light          C. questions       D. beliefs

19.A.close               B. similar         C. friendly       D. helpful

20.A.improvement          B. protection      C. pollution        D. destruction



完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)

Michel is a young girl who works for the police  16  a handwriting expert. She has helped 17  many criminals(罪犯) by using her special talents (天才).

  When she was fourteen, Michel was already  18   interested in the differences in her friends'  19  that she would spend hours  20  them. After  21  college she went to France for a   22  two-year class in handwriting at the School of Police Science.

  Michel says that it is  23   for people at hide their handwriting. She can discover  24  of what she needs to know simply  25  looking at the writing with her own eyes,  26   she also has machines   27  help her make  28  different kinds of paper and ink. This knowledge is often  29  great help to the police.

  Michel believes that handwriting is a good  30  of what kind of person the  31  is. "I wouldn't go out with a fellow  32  I didn't like his handwriting. " She says. But she  33  she fell in love with her future husband, a young policeman  34  she studied his handwriting. It is later proved to be  35  , however.

 A. with     B. by            C. like       D. as

 A. search    B. follow      C. catch     D. extra

 A. so      B. too      C. quite      D. extra

 A. books   B. letter        C. tongues    D. handwriting

 A.writing    B. studying         C. settling   D. uncovering

 A.attending       B. finishing    C. starting D. stepping into

 A. powerful   B. natural    C. special        D. common

  A.main       B. safe      C. easy        D.impossible

 A. most       B. nothing    C. little         D. sight

 A. with       B. by      C. of        D. about

 A. so        B. for          C. thus      D. but

 A. they      B. in which        C. that          D. those

 A. up      B. out        C. for       D. into

 A. of      B. to        C. with     D. for

 A. test      B. sign(标记)  C. means      D. habit

A. thief     B. criminal      C. writer    D. policeman

 A. whether   B. unless       C. if      D. after

A. adds        B. tells         C. repeats    D. cries

 A. before     B. after      C. shyly          D. and

 A.necessary   B. all right     C.important    D. quite easy



Hi, dear boys and girls! Do you know how to be a healthy kid? Here are some rules you should follow.

First, eat different foods, especially fruit and vegetables. You may have a favorite food, but you'd better eat something different, if you eat different foods, you will probably get more nutrients (营养物质) your body needs.

Then, drink water and milk as often as possible. When you're really thirsty, cold water is the No. l choice. Milk is a great drink that can give you more calcium (钙) your body needs to grow strong bones .

Next, listen to your body. How do you feel when you are full? When you are eating, notice how your body feels and when your stomach feels comfortably full. Eating too much will not make you feel comfortable and make you fat.

Afterwards, limit (限制) screen time. Screen time is the time you watch TV, DVDs and videos, or using computers. It is good to take more exercise such as basketball, bike riding and swimming. You can't watch TV for more than two hours a day.

Finally, be active. One thing you'd like to do as a kid is to find out which activity you like best. Find ways to be active every day.

Follow these rules and you can be a healthy kid.

You have to eat different kinds of foods especially _________.

A. meat   B. hamburgers     C. sweets      D. fruit and vegetables 

Which kind of drinks can give you more calcium?

A. Juice.      B. Milk.    C. Cold water. D. Tea.

According to the passage, how many rules should you follow if you want to be healthy?

A. Five.        B. Nine.        C. Fifteen.   D. Thirteen.

According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?

A. When you're eating, you don't have to pay attention to how your body feels.

B. You can eat your favorite food as much as you can .

C. You can watch TV whenever you like to get more information.

D. We should try to live in an active way in our life.

Which is the best title of the passage?

A. How to make yourself popular        B. How to be a healthy kid

C. How to be a popular kid           D. How to make your parents healthy


The new machine,if _________ properly,will work at least ten years.

  A. use   B. using

  C. being used   D. used


While I studied at school, I felt great difficulty in learning my Latin translations. I was always very  36 in using a dictionary, and  37 it most difficult, while to other boys it seemed no  38 .

  I formed an alliance(盟友) with a boy in the Sixth Grade. He was very clever and  39 read Latin as easily as English. My friend for his part was almost as  40 troubled by the English essays he had to write for the headmaster as I was  41 these Latin words. We agreed together that he should  42 me my Latin translations and that I should do his essays. The arrangement  43 wonderfully. The headmaster seemed quite  44 with my work, and I had more time to myself in the morning. On the other hand, once a week  45 I had to compose the essays of my friend. For several months no difficulty  46 , but once we were nearly caught out.

  One afternoon, the headmaster  47 my friend to discuss one essay with him in a lively spirit. “I was interested in this  48 you make here. I think you might have gone further. Tell me  49 you had in your mind.” The headmaster continued in this  50 for some time to fear of my friend. However, the headmaster, not wishing to  51 an occasion of praise into  52 of fault-finding, finally  53 him go. He came back to me like a man who had had a very narrow  54 and I made up my mind to make every effort to study my  55 .

1.A. quick     B. slow      C. hard        D. good

2.A. made     B. got        C. found        D. left

3.A. trouble    B. difference     C. labor         D. worry

4.A. might     B. would     C. should        D. could

5.A. very      B. little       C. much       D. few

6.A. for       B. by      C. in         D. to

7.A. change     B. take      C. forgive       D. tell

8.A. worked     B. tried      C. happened      D. developed

9.A. angry      B. satisfied     C. frightened      D. sad

10.A. or so      B. or else      C. as usual       D. as far

11.A. became      B. seemed     C. lay        D. appeared

12.A. called      B. taught     C. arranged      D. sent

13.A. aim       B. goal      C. point        D. opinion

14.A. why       B. how      C. which       D. what

15.A. excitement       B. way      C. meaning      D. disappointment

16.A. turn        B. leave      C. grow       D. become

17.A. none       B. one      C. either       D. some

18.A. ordered      B. asked     C. took       D. let

19.A. surprise        B. escape    C. hope       D. chance

20.A. reading      B. writing     C. translations      D. essays


