There is a belief among bioengineers that it will one day be possible to create life under laboratory conditions. Unit 17 Book 2 查看更多



1.Great scientific ______ (成就) are the results of years of failure, years of trying to create
something that has never existed before.
2.They built a raft to cross the sea and were ______ (袭击) by ancient sea creatures.
3.How many ______ (德国人) are going to visit their town next month?
4.The students were listening to the teacher ______ (专心).
5.The new monitor apparatus is ______ (自动地) controlled.
6.Since changes is salinity and ______ (温度) affect water's density, the water in the ocean is
always moving.
7.Going on a trip to a far-away ______(目的地) can be expensive and difficult.
8.There is a ______ (广泛流传的) belief among bioengineers that it will one day be possible to
create life under laboratory conditions.
9.The murderer was ______ (判处) to death.
10.The majority of doctors believe smoking is ______ (有害).

