The p of the new play will be put off to next week. 查看更多



(1) Mr. Brown (the motorist)
  At about 9:20 p.m. on October 14th, I was driving along Market Road in the direction of Midwick. I wanted to go to Sturham to collect my wife, who had been visiting some friends. I prepared to turn into Sturham Road, which was on my right. In the distance, I saw the lights of a car moving towards me but it was a long way from me. I put out my hand to show that I was going to turn right. Then I started to turn slowly towards Sturham Road. Suddenly there was a loud noise on the passenger's (near) side of the car. I stopped the car and got out. A motorcycle had hit my car. The motorcyclist had been thrown over the car. He was injured, so I ran to a shop to phone for help.
  (2) Mr. Smith (the injured motorcyclist)
  On the evening of October 14th, I was going home along Market Road towards Newtown. I was riding my motorcycle. I was going slowly because some of the streetlights were out and the road was wet and slippery. Just before Sturham Road, a car suddenly drove right across my path. The driver did not flash his lights to give a warning. I could not turn in time, so I hit the side of the car. When I woke up, I was lying in a hospital in Market Road.
  (3) Mr. Lee (another motorcyclist)
  At about 9:10 p.m. on October 14th, I left my home in Midwick. Ten minutes later I was riding my motorcycle along Market Road. I was going to Newtown. There was a motorcycle about 40 metres in front of me. It was not going very quickly. The man on it was riding near the curb (路边) but I was near the center of the road. The motorcyclist in front of me tried to turn to his right but there was no time. He hit the car and was injured. There was no car going along in front of us or put by the road.
48.Which of these statements about the accident is probably correct?
  A.Mr. Brown wrongly supposed that the lights of the two motorcycles were those of a car.
  B.The lights of the car moving towards Mr. Brown made him unable to see.
  C.Mr. Brown knocked down a motorcyclist on purpose.
  D.The accident was caused by the carelessness of the first motorcyclist.
49.It seems probable from the statements that Mr. Brown__________.
  A.gave no signal to show that he was turning right
  B.did not give any signal until he was actually turning
  C.failed to give a proper signal at that time
  D.flashed his light to show that he was going to turn
50.We would expect to find that Mr. Brown's car was damaged on its________ side.
  A.front    B.left    C.right    D.driver's


  Nearly a thousand people laugh heartily together for jalf an hour every morning in a park in Shenzhen.The Guangzhou Daily took a closer look at those happy people.
  They are members of a group named Laughing Club,and when they get together,all they do is laugh.
  Zheng Lixin,the fouder of the club and regarded as the "laugh leader",told the paper that laughing does him a lot of good.He started after he read some advice in a book and tried giggling afer quarrelling with his wife to relax.
  After laughing for a few days,Zhang found himself more outgoing and relaxed.Soon his wife joined him,bringing the family more laughter and less bickering.
  When he got to know a kind of "laughing yoga(瑜珈)" is good for the health,Zhang went to Bomday to learn from locals and developed what he learned into more than 30 ways of laughing.
  The "lion bellow"is to shout with the fingers outstretched(伸开) near the ears.There is the "open mouth laugh".The "bow-pulling laugh",the "welcoming laugh" and evenn the "quarrelling laugh",with different arm movements of laugh style.
  The "laugh movement" swept over Shenzhen in a matter of months,attracting tens of thousands of people to join,and has been followed in nearby cities such as Guangzhou.
  Every morning at the lakefront and at 8 p.m.on every Monday,Wednesday and Friday at the mountain peak square in Linadhua Mountain Park,club members gather to laugh and shout loudly.
  56.From the first paragraph we know that________.
  A.the Guangzhou Daily is the source of the information
  B.those happy people come from the Guangzhou Daily
  C.there is a Guangzhou Daily office near the Laughing Club
  D.the Guangzhou Daily supported the laughing movement
  57.Which of the underlined words has a meaning similar to "laughing""
  58.What is the "lion bellow"?
  A.It's a kind of "laughing yoga".
  B.It's a bombay style of laughing.
  C.It's one of the 30 ways of laughing.
  D.It's not among the 30 ways of laughing.
  59.What's the idea expressed by the last two paragraphs?
  A.The Laughing Club is getting larger.
  B.The laugh movement is becoming popular.
  C.The laughing is done only in parks.
  D.Lianhua Mountain Park also has a lake in it.



(1) Mr. Brown (the motorist)

  At about 9:20 p.m. on October 14th, I was driving along Market Road in the direction of Midwick. I wanted to go to Sturham to collect my wife, who had been visiting some friends. I prepared to turn into Sturham Road, which was on my right. In the distance, I saw the lights of a car moving towards me but it was a long way from me. I put out my hand to show that I was going to turn right. Then I started to turn slowly towards Sturham Road. Suddenly there was a loud noise on the passenger's (near) side of the car. I stopped the car and got out. A motorcycle had hit my car. The motorcyclist had been thrown over the car. He was injured, so I ran to a shop to phone for help.

  (2) Mr. Smith (the injured motorcyclist)

  On the evening of October 14th, I was going home along Market Road towards Newtown. I was riding my motorcycle. I was going slowly because some of the streetlights were out and the road was wet and slippery. Just before Sturham Road, a car suddenly drove right across my path. The driver did not flash his lights to give a warning. I could not turn in time, so I hit the side of the car. When I woke up, I was lying in a hospital in Market Road.

  (3) Mr. Lee (another motorcyclist)

  At about 9:10 p.m. on October 14th, I left my home in Midwick. Ten minutes later I was riding my motorcycle along Market Road. I was going to Newtown. There was a motorcycle about 40 metres in front of me. It was not going very quickly. The man on it was riding near the curb (路边) but I was near the center of the road. The motorcyclist in front of me tried to turn to his right but there was no time. He hit the car and was injured. There was no car going along in front of us or put by the road.

48.Which of these statements about the accident is probably correct?

  A.Mr. Brown wrongly supposed that the lights of the two motorcycles were those of a car.

  B.The lights of the car moving towards Mr. Brown made him unable to see.

  C.Mr. Brown knocked down a motorcyclist on purpose.

  D.The accident was caused by the carelessness of the first motorcyclist.

49.It seems probable from the statements that Mr. Brown__________.

  A.gave no signal to show that he was turning right

  B.did not give any signal until he was actually turning

  C.failed to give a proper signal at that time

  D.flashed his light to show that he was going to turn

50.We would expect to find that Mr. Brown's car was damaged on its________ side.

  A.front    B.left     C.right     D.driver's



(1) Mr. Brown (the motorist)

  At about 9:20 p.m. on October 14th, I was driving along Market Road in the direction of Midwick. I wanted to go to Sturham to collect my wife, who had been visiting some friends. I prepared to turn into Sturham Road, which was on my right. In the distance, I saw the lights of a car moving towards me but it was a long way from me. I put out my hand to show that I was going to turn right. Then I started to turn slowly towards Sturham Road. Suddenly there was a loud noise on the passenger's (near) side of the car. I stopped the car and got out. A motorcycle had hit my car. The motorcyclist had been thrown over the car. He was injured, so I ran to a shop to phone for help.

  (2) Mr. Smith (the injured motorcyclist)

  On the evening of October 14th, I was going home along Market Road towards Newtown. I was riding my motorcycle. I was going slowly because some of the streetlights were out and the road was wet and slippery. Just before Sturham Road, a car suddenly drove right across my path. The driver did not flash his lights to give a warning. I could not turn in time, so I hit the side of the car. When I woke up, I was lying in a hospital in Market Road.

  (3) Mr. Lee (another motorcyclist)

  At about 9:10 p.m. on October 14th, I left my home in Midwick. Ten minutes later I was riding my motorcycle along Market Road. I was going to Newtown. There was a motorcycle about 40 metres in front of me. It was not going very quickly. The man on it was riding near the curb (路边) but I was near the center of the road. The motorcyclist in front of me tried to turn to his right but there was no time. He hit the car and was injured. There was no car going along in front of us or put by the road.

48.Which of these statements about the accident is probably correct?

  A.Mr. Brown wrongly supposed that the lights of the two motorcycles were those of a car.

  B.The lights of the car moving towards Mr. Brown made him unable to see.

  C.Mr. Brown knocked down a motorcyclist on purpose.

  D.The accident was caused by the carelessness of the first motorcyclist.

49.It seems probable from the statements that Mr. Brown__________.

  A.gave no signal to show that he was turning right

  B.did not give any signal until he was actually turning

  C.failed to give a proper signal at that time

  D.flashed his light to show that he was going to turn

50.We would expect to find that Mr. Brown's car was damaged on its________ side.

  A.front    B.left     C.right     D.driver's



  In the United States, it is not customary to telephone someone very early in the morning.If you telephone him early in the day, while he is shaving or having breakfast, the time of the call shows that the matter is very important and requires immediate attention.The same meaning is attached to telephone calls made after 11∶00 p.m.If someone receives a call during sleeping hours , he assumes it's a matter of life or death.The time chosen for the call communicates its importance.

  In social life, time plays a very important part.In the U.S.A.guests tend to feel they are not highly regarded if the invitation to a dinner party is extended only three or four days before the party date.But it is not true in all countries.In other areas of the world, it may be considered foolish to make an appointment too far in advance because plans which are made for a date more than a week away tend to be forgotten.The meaning of time differs in different parts of the world.Thus, misunderstandings arise between people from cultures that treat time differently.Promptness is valued highly in American life, for example.If people are not prompt, they may be regarded as impolite or not fully responsible.In the one would think of keeping a business associate waiting for an hour , it would be too impolite.A person who is 5 minutes late, he will say a few words of explanation, though perhaps he will not complete the sentence.


Supposing one wants to make a telephone call at dawn, this would mean ________.

[  ]


the matter is of value


the matter is somewhat important


the matter requires immediate attention


it is a matter of life and death


According to this passage , time plays an important role in ________.

[  ]


everyday life


school life




private life


The best title for this passage is ________.

[  ]


the voices of time


the importance of time


the importance of an announcement


time and tide wait for no man


According to the passage, the author of the article may agree with which of the following statements?

[  ]


It is appropriate to send your invitation cards three or four days before a dinner party date in USA.


It may be appropriate to send your invitation to your guests three or four days before a dinner party date in some cultures.


It is best for one to make telephone calls at night because it costs much less.


If one is less than 5 minutes late, he has to make a short apology.

