difference 2.matches 3.observed 4.curious 5.Obviously 6.branches 7.telescope 8.engaged 9.Theory 10.disabled 11.patient Book2 Unit 2 查看更多




Four Steps to Better Learning

  Sheela and Nisha had almost the same level of intelligence and came from similar family backgrounds.Sheela found it hard to memorise a poem for an oral test while Nisha did it without any difficulty.  1   Why was there a difference?

  The answer is : Nisha just knew how to learn better than Sheela did.  2   Here are four steps to better learning.

  Preview the matter first.Scan or skim over a material quickly.Read the first sentence of each paragraph, glance at the table of contents and the preface.

    3   Speed reading is fine for the easy material.But for more complex works, slower reading is much more effective.Good learners actively think about what they read and assimilate(吸收)it.

  Be focused.To improve concentration and focus, fix a particular time and place for studying.Use a variety of methods, like writing down what you’ve read, taping it and then listening to it, making an outline or even drawing a diagram.  4   It will improve your learning capacity(能力).

    5   Each person has his own way of learning.If given the pieces of an object to assemble(聚集), each of us uses a different method to arrive at the same result.Analyse your approach and follow the method that you feel most comfortable with.

A.Follow your own learnign style.

B.Slow down and read it aloud to yourself.

C.Take a break if you become too tense or tired.

D.Turn to your heroes or tutors for advice and follow their advice.

E.She increased the capacity of her brain by applying some skills.

F.She only scanned a new poem twice before reciting it from memory!

G.Nisha had a better intelligence than Sheela, which was not true in fact.


 Many people believe the glare(炫目的光)from snow causes snowblindness. Yet, with dark glasses or not, they find themselves suffering from headaches and watering eyes, and even snowblindness ,when exposed to several hours of“ snow light”.

  The United States army has now determined that glare from snow does not cause snowblindness in troops in a snow -covered country. Rather ,a man’s eyes frequently find nothing to focus on (聚集) in a broad space of snow- covered without- grass land. So his gaze continually moves and jumps back and forth over the entire landscape in search of something to look at. Finding something, hour after hour, the eyes never stop searching and the eyeballs become tired and the eye muscles ache. Nature makes up for this discomfort by producing more and more fluid (流 体) which covers the eyeball. The fluid covers the eyeball in increasing quantity until it makes eyes difficult to see dearly, and the result is total, even though for a short time, snowblindness.

  Experiments led the Army to a simple method of overcoming this problem. Scouts(侦察兵)ahead of the troops are trained to shake snow from evergreen bushes, creating a dotted line as they cross completely snow - covered landscape. Even the scouts themselves throw lightweight, dark - colored objects ahead on which they can focus too. The men following can then see something. Their gaze is arrested. Their eyes focus on a bush and having found something to see, stop searching the snow -blanketed landscape. By focusing their attention on one object at a time. the men can cross the snow without becoming hopelessly snowblind or lost. In this way the problem of crossing a continuous white land is overcome.

To prevent snowblindness caused by the strong light from snow, wearing glasses or not ________.

  A. depends on whether the snow is white enough

  B. makes no difference

  C. makes much difference

  D. depends on whether the snow is thick

When the eyes are tired, tears flow out ________.

  A. to clear the vision

  B. to make the eyes stop searching

  C. to make the vision unclear

  D. to produce more and more liquid

Snowblindness can be avoided ________.

  A. by moving one’s gaze back and forth

  B. by walking ahead and keeping looking around

  C. by making up for the discomfort of one’s eyes

  D. by providing the eyes with something to focus on


This is my third story. When I was 17,I read a quote that 1 something like,“If you live each day 2 it was your last,someday you'll most certainly be right.”Since then,for the past thirty?three years,I've looked 3 the mirror every morning and asked myself:“If today were the last day of my life,would I want to do what I am about to do today?”And whenever the answer has been“No”for too many days in a 4 ,I know I need to change something.

  About a year ago I was  5 with cancer. The doctors told me this was almost certainly a type of cancer that is incurable,and that I should  6 to live no longer than three to six months. They advised me to go home and get my 7 in order,which is doctors' code for“prepare to 8 ”. Later that evening when the doctors  9 the cells taken from my pancreas(胰腺)under a microscope,they started crying because it turned out to be a very rare form of pancreatic cancer that is  10 with surgery. I had the surgery and,11 ,I'm fine now.

  This was the closest I've been to facing death,and I hope it's the closest I get for a few more decades. Death is the 12 we all share. No one has  13 escaped it. And that is 14 it should be,because death is very likely the single 15 invention of life. It's life's change agent. It clears out the old to make  16 for the new. Your time is  17 ,so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma(信条)—which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of  18 opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most importantly,have the courage to  19 your heart and intuition(直觉). They 20 already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

(1)A. said     B. described  C. went     D. expressed

(2)A. unless    B. as if     C. even if    D. as long as

(3)A. in      B. at     C. through    D. On

(4)A. row     B. minute    C. sense    D. word

(5)A. connected  B. infected   C. affected  D. diagnosed

(6)A. want    B. dream    C. expect   D. imagine

(7)A. duties    B. businesses C. affairs   D. life

(8)A. work    B. start     C. talk    D. die

(9)A. looked   B. viewed   C. realized   D. noticed

(10)A. curable   B. possible    C. acceptable D. suitable

(11)A. carefully  B. thankfully   C. anxiously  D. hopefully

(12)A. possession B. destination  C. expectation D. position

(13)A. ever     B. even     C. never    D. still

(14)A. when    B. while     C. as      D. since

(15)A. better   B. worst     C. worse    D. best

(16)A. use    B. a difference  C. sense     D. way

(17)A. endless  B. repeated   C. countless   D. limited

(18)A. others'   B. others    C. anyone's    D. some others

(19)A. listen   B. follow     C. take      D. accept

(20)A. however B.whatever  C.somehow  D.Somewhat


Good advice is like medicine for the soul. What kind of 1  have you recently received? Who do you go to got advice? Do you have a mentor(顾问)? A mentor is a  2  adviser.
  Parents, teacher and friends are often great   3 .Sports figures, public officials can also be good  4  of mentors, but a person with whim you are a personal relationship will most likely be able to  5 you the best advice.
  Mentors teach things that seem to be  6  sense. Proverbs are wise old sayings that are common in every language and  7  , and can sometimes be  8 for a nonnative to understand. For example, all that  9  is not gold(some things are not as   10 as they appear ).
  Advice 11 in newspapers and magazines are another way to 12  advice.
  Talk shows on radio and television are also very popular. Americans and Canadians love to    13  themselves. Many people are not  14 to ask for help or  15 about a problem in order to receive advice. People generally will 16  their own experience to 17 their friends. Overcoming a difficult situation is 18  respecter in North America. People love to heat motivational (积极的) stories and 19  . One proverb, a friend in need is a friend indeed, shares the concept that a true friend will help you out in times of   20  .

1. A. success             B. measure          C. position         D. advice

2. A. devoted        B. united           C. trusted           D. expected

3. A. interviewers     B. mentors           C. followers          D. competitors

4. A. examples        B. mentors           C. manners          D. services

5. A. consider        B. exchange           C. adapt           D. offer

6. A. present         B. attractive          C. common          D. particular

7. A. experience         B. difference           C. culture           D. behavior

8. A. simple             B. difficult           C. natural              D. brief

9. A. glitters B. packages C. acts D. forces

10. A. different    B. negative           C. primary           D. valuable

11. A. columns         B. materials           C. wonders          D. add

12. A. reduce        B. add              C. keep              D. get

13. A. enjoy         B. teacher          C. express          D. defeat

14. A. brave         B. afraid              C. honest          D. lucky

15. A. talk              B bring.               C. care               D. look

16. A. remind         B. suggest          C. clone            D. share

17. A. lead to         B. set free          C. help out        D. take over    

18. A. originally   B. highly           C. equally           D. closely   

19. A. encouragementB. sadness           C. movement       D. adventure   

20. A. happiness         B. trouble           C. excitement       D. nature




  I am a man who has been egoistic(以自我为中心的) and I have had a lack of respect for myself and others around me.I participated in various transformation workshops, 36 ,it made no differece.I remained 37 in my life.As a result,I became 38 from my family and reached rock 39 in my life.Having reached there,I resisted transforming myself.

  After some time,I thought to myself: start believing in yourself and it will make a 40 in your life.I first started loing 41 and then all those around me.I started respecting myself and then others around me.My 42 increased.

  Sangeeta is my workmate.She's transparent, 43 and respectful.She's very 44 and has a large family to support.In addition,her husband doesn't hold a regular job.In short,she's struggling in life.

  On a cold winter morning,when she came to work,I found her 45 .I asked whether she had a pullover(毛线套衫). She didn't reply.I had my 46 .The next day when she came to work again,I gave her the money to buy a 47 for herself.The expression of 48 in her eyes was something that would remain with me for a long time.

  A few weeks ago,she was 49 and didn't come to work.Instead,she sent her friend to do her work.The moment I 50 Sangeeta was sick,I gave 51 the money to buy medicines for her treatment. I took Sangeeta some time to recover 52 her illness.The first thing I 53 was whether she needed any more help of any kind. And she said,"Sir, you've done enough for me.I'm grateful to you."

  That was the moment 54 I realized that I'm walking my path.Sometimes,I still fall down,but I get up and start walking again 55 I may have hurt myself in the process.

  36.A.fortunately     B.however        C.gradually       D.obviously

  37.A.stuck          B.engaged        C.caught         D.made

  38.A.independent     B.separated       C.prevented      D.locked

  39.A.top            B.turning         C.bottom        D.exit

  40.A.progress        B.deal           C.decision        D.difference

  41.A.others          B.life            C.myself         D.friends

  42.A.self - worth      B.self - control    C.self - service     D.self - defense

  43.A.imaginative      B.fascinating     C.honest          D.good - looking

  44.A.poor            B.healthy        C.patient          D.disappointed

  45.A.exciting         B.singing        C.confusing        D.shaking

  46.A.idea            B.promise        C.performance     D.answer

  47.A.bike            B.pullover        C.ticket          D.drink

  48.A.thankfulness    B.guilty          C.pity            D.shock

  49.A.away           B.ill             C.late            D.missing

  50.A.puzzled         B.considered      C.realized        D.admitted

  51.A.her husband     B.her family       C.Sangeeta       D.her friend

  52.A.from           B.of              C.off           D.for

  53.A.looked into      B.took down       C.cared about    D.called on

  54.A.that            B.which           C.how          D.when

  55.A.as if           B.even though      C.so that        D.if only


