You must pay more attention to your health, important your work may be. A. whatever B. whichever C. wherever D. however 查看更多



Have fun with Stamp collecting...Join the Collectors Club today!??

If you enjoy learning all about stamps, then the Royal Mail’s Collectors Club is for you.Join the club and discover the fascinating world of stamps.There are over 70,000 members and it is one of the biggest clubs of its kind in the country.

Become a member today and you will receive lots of wonderful stamp collecting goodies...?

●?A Starter pack...??

And every two months...?

●?Collectors Club magazine??

●?Collectors Corner supplement

And every year...?

●?A new Stamp Calendar??

●?A set of Album Pages??

Join today!?

It won’t cost you much to experience the fun of stamp collecting.

Collectors Club Starter Pack?

1.100 used stamps and hinges.??

2.The Collectors Club Guide to Collecting.?

3.The latest Collectors Club magazine (packed with news and views about stamps, quizzes and competitions, all in colour)?

4.Album pages?

5.Badge and stickers?

6.Membership card?

7.Royal Mail Stamp Calendar.??


Already Registered??

Sign In Here!?

Learn More?

View a Flash presentation

 about our club (3.51MB)

Which of the following is NOT included in a starter pack??

      A.One hundred used stamps and hinges and album pages.?

      B.The Collectors Club Guide to Collecting and badge and stickers.?

      C.The latest Collectors Club magazine and membership card.?

      D.Royal Mail Stamp Calendar and Collectors Corner supplement.

This advertisement is written for people who want to_______.?

    A.make money through collecting stamps? 

      B.develop stamp collection as a hobby

    C.get something free from the club?    

      D.find out where the club is located

From the advertisement we can learn_____.?

      A.Collectors Club is among the biggest clubs in this country? much you must pay to become a member of the club? is the last day for stamp collectors to join the club?

      D.members may receive a set of album pages every month?

Where is this advertisement most probably found??

      A.In a newspaper.           B.On a web page.?

       C.In a magazine.         D.On a TV program.?


Sarah Williams went to a boarding school.  Here is one of the

letters she wrote to her parents from the school.

Wentworth Girls' School


July 20th

Dearest Mom and Dad,

I'm afraid I have some very bad news for you. I have been very naughty and the school principal is very angry with me. She is going to write to you. You must come and take me away from here. She does not want me in the school any longer.

The trouble started last night when I was smoking in bed.  This is against the rules, of course. We are not supposed to smoke at all.

As I was smoking, I heard footsteps coming towards the room. I did not want a teacher to catch me smoking, so I threw the cigarette away.

Unfortunately, the cigarette fell into the waste-paper basket, which caught fire.

There was a curtain near the waste-paper basket which caught fire, too. Soon the whole room was burning.

The principal phoned for the fire department. The school is a long way from the town and by the time the fire department arrived, the whole school was in flames. Many of the girls are in the hospital.

The principal says that the fire was all my fault and you must pay for the damage. She will send you a bill for about a million dollars.

I’m very sorry about this.

Much love,


P. S. None of the above is true, but I have failed my exams. I just want you to know how bad things could have been!

1.Why did Sarah write home?

A.To tell her parents about the fire.

B.To ask for a lot of money.

C.To tell her parents she had failed her exams.

D.To tell her parents she had to leave school.

2.Why did Sarah tell her parents the story about the fire?

A.She wanted to worry them.

B.She wanted to make them laugh.

C.She wanted to make them less angry at the real news.

D.She wanted to warn them about what the principal was going to do.

3.The letter before the. P. S. was        .

A.mostly true

B.partly true

C.completely true

D.completely untrue



Have fun with stamp collecting...Join   Collectors Club Starter Pack
the Collectors Club today!        1.100 used stamps and hinges
If you enjoy learning all about stamps,then    2.The Collectors Club Guide to Collecting
the Royal Mail’s Collectors Club is for you.   3.The latest Collectors Club magazine
Join the club and discover the fascinating        (packed with news and views about
world of stamps.There are over 70,000           stamps,quizzes and competitions,all in
members and it is one of the biggest clubs of          color)
its kind in the country.              4.Album pages
Become a member today and you will receive   5.Badge and stickers
lots of wonderful stamp collecting goodies...      6.Membership card
·A Starter pack…               7.Royal Mail Stamp Calendar
And every two months...                      * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
·Collectors Club magazine        Already Registered?
·Collectors Corner supplement         Sign In Here!
And every year...             Learn More
·A new Stamp Calendar      View a Flash Presentation
·A set of Album Pages        about our club(3.51MB)
Join today!               Crick here:
It won’t cost you much to experience the fun     http://www.Collectors Club/introduction swf
of stamp collecting.
60.This advertisement is written for people who want to        ·
A.find out where the club is                B. get something free from the club
C.develop stamp collection as a hobby        D.make money through collecting stamps
61.  From the advertisement we can learn       .
A.Collectors Club is among the biggest clubs of its kind in the country much you must pay to become a member of the club is the last day for stamp collectors to join the club
D.members may receive a set of album pages every month
62.Where is this advertisement most probably found?
A.In a newspaper.       B.On a web page.
C.In a magazine.           D.On a TV program. 


Dearest Mom and Dad,

 I'm afraid I have some very bad news for you. I have been very naughty and the school principal is very angry with me. She is going to write to you. You must come and take me away from here. She does not want me in the school any longer.

 The trouble started last night when I was smoking a cigarette in bed. This is against the rules, of course. We are not supposed to smoke at all.

 As I was smoking, I heard footsteps coming towards the room. I did not want a teacher to catch me smoking, so I threw the cigarette away.

 Unfortunately, the cigarette fell into the waste-paper basket, which caught fire. There was a curtain near the waste-paper basket which caught fire, too. Soon the whole room was burning.

The principal phoned for the fire department. The school is a long way from the town and by the time the fire department arrived, the whole school was in flames. Many of the girls are in the hospital.

The principal says the fire was my fault and you must pay for the damage. She will send you a bill for about a million dollars.

I am very sorry about this.

 Much love, Sarah


 None of the above is true, but I have failed my exams. I just want you to know how bad things could have been!

Sarah wrote to her parent______

A.    to inform them about an accident

B.    to ask them for money

C.    to them wonderful news

D.    to tell then she had failed her exams

Sarah told her parents the story about the fire because______

 A. she wanted to make them worried

 B. she wanted them to have some fun

 C. she wanted to make them less angry at the real news

 D. she wanted to make them even more angry

The main body of the letter was_____

 A. mostly true          B. partly true

 C. all true             D. completely untrue

Sarah said the principal was angry because____

 A. she had failed her exams

 B. it was her fault that the fire had broken out

 C. she not make the phone call in time

 D. she had caught her smoking in bed




Have fun with Stamp collecting……Join the Collectors. Club today!

If you enjoy learning all about stamps,then the Royal Mail’s Collectors Club is for you. Join the club and discover the fascinating world of stamps. There are over 70,000 members and it is one of the biggest clubs of its kind in the country.

   Become a member today and you will receive lots of wonderful stamp collecting goodies.

   ●A Starter pack....

And every two months…

   ●Collectors Club magazine

   ●Collectors Corner supplement

And every year…

   ●A new Stamp Calendar

   ●A set of Album Pages

John today!

It won’t cost you much to experience the fun of stamp collecting.

Collectors Club Starter Pack

1. 100 used stamps and hinges.

2. The Collectors Club Guide to Collecting.

3. The latest Collectors Club magazine (packed with news and views about stamps, quizzes and competitions, all in colour)

4. Album pages

5. Badge and stickers

6. Membership card

7. Royal Mail Stamp Calendar.


Already Registered?

Sign In Here!

Learn More

View a Flash presentation about our club (3.51MB)


1.Which of the following is NOT included in a starter pack?

       A.One hundred used stamps and hinges and album pages.

       B.The Collectors Club Guide to Collecting and badge and stickers.

       C.The latest Collectors Club magazine and membership card.

       D.Royal Mail Stamp Calendar and Collectors Corner supplement

2.This advertisement is written for people who want to        .

       A.make money through collecting stamps

       B.develop stamp collection as a hobby

       C.get something free from the club

       D.find out where the club is located

3.From the advertisement we can learn           .

       A.Collectors Club is among the biggest clubs in this country much you must pay to become a member of the club is the last day for stamp collectors to join the club

       D.members may receive a set of album pages every month

4.Where is this advertisement most probably found?

         A.In a newspaper.                     B.On a web page.  

         C.In a magazine.                   D.On a TV program.


